THE LI. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY, New Waicera i s rnroni.(i 11(f NI iuii ld (1Libertla'Slieets. I sri Ht 'Open the Ball'' by placing a ina stack of Giiitais, I ail a. etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. IFiti n d MvSaeo Aa::c STORE~, 25 South 1Fourth Avenue, C'ity. HATES ONLY $1.79 Soc the C (orkscrew Panitaloonso, Wind(owr Iiaplir.One-Half IPie. Pure ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. SEST'AttISRt 1851~il. res COUItSE, cie year'. Three full tenrms -eqliised. Termsa begin, Septemnber, ClenTanuiairtint March. CenENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. U< 1O - D ullsCorps of Istutosani Loourors, _ _ Z Z riiiadti trthiiig equally got. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. -For HIGH CLASS TAILORING, AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 1.I l sthe AINGUt ~o~e ~lIGAND ScIU\IIGOOD) Saicigc, T Ie11; S.ik5 cstaa' the city. loll D1c5cc itiagsa a tly. Ilcase call ancc ai n CALKIS p HAR ACY.Address tha Des or Secretary, ALBANY, -N. Y. No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. RE, JO LLY 0. S~lat"I ANi)A L -tcz Inta' czpp I a, Leanvecistersr Ciii ATHLETIC + GOODS. { I I I IT LEADS THE CRP9WD. - }c}-~ BILLIARD PARLOROS tEleganit~ lyftedduricng the pastsutmf? WaIlibni ii. Cioslo &c ,(a. 'sa ueltveMneoaSpi W et Nice lunccouncesic on eaction. Floii wlltialc or Stslair Mnnsoa prti Nhitl BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, flor illsnke or BradandFeterBrad hal alySTATE STREET, ANN A'RCO] . Emoiin the Markcet. Scld att $6. 2) per' bb]. ~-THE ARGUS,- 44 AINST.. S)tTIt.I ~ ~ >. FiNe JO0 I3sm NGN, TIPJt'WRITrING. Alilinds of Mork ensnafie doat easonabsle prices. Yt (;AN GET I/cift *a/ciaaat. 11th I/ar icei illit ba aitil, (4t BROWVN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus t C. P. and t Par e eials.Mierascopical Sauples. EBFAZBACH & SONT. S IIAVEEAR tNEDiANl E pA. . yca iSo O90IDBipTjL { OThtL fraiens, lakeaitonhairin te cidenit H~es alie for tea inutes.15cYou will surely tee hm.i Fivec lock dililici Scndays. Specitl 71 Fort St, West. - Detroit4 Miotis LEAVE YOUR ORDERki -AT- IL 0. IE ST Newsipa~er;, Magaahtes, :Perdkift I0al etceettoe, igars and Taobot. i AT Itiw 5PRtICES. THE CAMPUS. IIH. It. Wefel, lace '9, ccitt ti miarried to Miss Nieiiaii onie of FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. . I. Ss Iemn, adent , is OF ANN ARBOtR. at ril cei-iotalr ll. tCincnnati 'a fair idauighters to-naior-,Captaal, tieii,tilaii. Surpilus anal Profits,$titia0 row. 't'iii a cst sicnril iaiiigl u saineiii or - a Ainub irof ieniare ticc ngei eciaslid, loiters ofcediatc teen'i A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, tateZi l~ii . 7.Cauin , latw '91, , aiaac-fi avlers roadnii regalarly at Vc\lrillana Hail. . . xl. RICHMONDi. Pries. 1P. itACItV. ia:3 Seinator Inagatlis nas a guestlat tiec ectlcathe positionaif receclvinga; S. W. CeLRSONiiaisier. Sigisa t'lii house Friday cvcning. Itellerinthc Fouirthi NationatlBank . . t. latipater, law '92, is GraisetRatibta apenlcig a cm lar as iraart At the meclinig cit the Athletic IRapidsa. Boardl, Saturday eveninig, Mr. Far-Ohi N~iss.1khda ''annr, lt 'c rand read a letter fromis 1r.C.. l H O F R DA IN agals llaisl ba eci no ofcot Griggs, of the I). A. C. Bsajo Club, lege fcir a week. sayngthat lie wouldt be on lianel to Nows opeti for tecepttcio of Ppils. t. . C(aulk, la ' '91, seas receintly hl teboys olit at the base-ball _________________ corncitar Msc ',..-..., ~ - ectertainmntot n Marchs will'reside in Hiltlt'ity, Tenni. aThe 'Elite 'Terpsichore" ' will meet at Grainger's halt, on Saturday eening, February 13, at S o'clock psrompltly. Prof. ?leact will examine his Iclass isi Ancient andt MedicevalPls- otphy.Febli g , at the regcular lec- ltre Itour. D~r. F~. C. Hicks aspoke biefore the Epworthi League of the MI. E. chuch, Sunday civening, ons 'Chris- lion Liberty.'' Eloier Evoas, lass'g'9, who hiss Been practicittg at Dernver, Col., ocrtng' the summer, is in the city. e 4 it ott the'stay home to Petiticyl. nvatia: 'A' cotntttAe Of 194. lit lens been 'ppotnteel tb'otthfbt with a' like cor- 'ttesfrom '9 tn'regard to making atrariti lents fitFa' Soothbtliir ' thiti fiFth diy. Yate-Prinaceton Base-Bati Come. Chic imanageentas of the V ate ande Prinaceton base-ball leamns hare cir- ranged the followng cdates: :flayv a t, at Newn Haven; aidrL 1use I t P~rincetoni. If a third gamei is ciec- essory it witt be played its New' Vork at a (le to be agreed upon toter. Thie schtedule of goises to be played on the Roster tip)will probobly hose to be concelted, as thic regulor bose- boll gomes becgin ots April t tti. Already the itoltisiores hiose con- celled the dote orronged for a goame with thieni, and' as yet'tio dole hios been arranged to fill its place. 'The students, of" Rochiester Ui- vetshty Iove" adopted' thie'Wnn otar= board cap, Clre'" dif~eent classes: h,6elng distinguiished by colored' Watgner & (Xi. , N le-llat T'ail- irts, tar ifeirinig Sf0stilt pattcrn. tho~ regutlart'pricof which is fiarri $2S.00 lto $35.00 tfit' $ stilt, mtadec'uptidrst class. A let, 150 patternts cof Trouiscrintgs, thur regutlar pricccif which is froii $7.00 to $9. 001 for $6.0(01 a pair. Theoy ore also oufferintg some de- cided bargains int Heavy Unoder- wear. An inispection of good*a and prices is invited'.