THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. N\cI' Ware C 'XXXX or( XXXXXr'of AnI I 11.iicX'i V NiStccits. I Xwil " peIarXiXe 13,111"' by1plicIig .1I'Me stXck fGiXtar1s, IijX ,'etc. PRICES THAT WLL .,_ASTONISH YOU. IIi ' . F'S20i7MCSTX~ 25 0South "Fourth Avecoe, Ciy. HJATS ONLY $1.79 See thec ( X Crkscrew -PanItalooXX'IX W~W indow i)IXV. One-Half PXiXe. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Pr C UI~SEoner.ThrcIIfXX l terI s Fresh cusoeyr T ~ O ~ ' CenENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. (>~ H .XXXXXI XXX iXX iXXX9X. l' XgooXXXd. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. AT Fall Trn of 1892 Begins Sept. 13.1 . lie hsIte LAINXG'X N.ANDXXSIMM IR GOODinXSuitNXXingc,'Irneigz i-s Silk X CXC gsiXXn t c ity. DI XXI ~cc-.SXXuiing, .XSpXciXXXty. YPe,;c a l adcx (01Cc c CALKINS15 rHARMACY. Address tihe Doao or Secretary, A LBANYV, N. Y. No. 2 East Washington St., near Mcin. AND A1IXCI, l1, IX ATH-LETIC + GOODS. E4 Al TYPE Ii'ITI-N . AliXndX of XCWork 0(0 XI di" oXXXt' 01 n blpic J . B. MDXXXC~OrC, (I :;:aXoldX 11 XXXX.XX.i ,(c' tenXd YOU CAN ET Ity 'iyli. Xl BROXV'tN'S JDRUG S'TOI>u,. i Chemical Physical Apparatus tXaIX - --liXIu r I LEADS THE CPtOW D. - ' -. BILLIARD PARLOR: IXXOX'nloIy ref1itI tteddring the patXX nmII XIXC WI~I~XXXI Cce~v (XCs IIX~lli~i IXNIiII~SXtlINlril~ N Lll BUTTS &tFIAZLEWOlD, IIIXXI' will tnakc N4IoXXII'Ilrtldi andXIFlterI Bread t iXanli11lSly STA'It STREET1, AN 1N AIllihiX, FIXoIIuril in 3e IIaIket. SoXXld t $ he ' 1r bbl. -- THE ARCUS,,5-' ATL' WPRIICS. TH-E BCAM PUS. DI-.IWiteof C incin atXi, X ivil XI liXecc puicX lctuXIXre Xin XiXvrsiiy FIRST NA.TIONA.L BANK C),Olfa 9 I,'yt aw Xi a- XOF'ANN ARBORI. iX~fOiXCO' I XXI', Ialli tX-moXXrrowX v Xening, at 7-3,XC. X iX ('X $1X0X, 000XX0IX. surplusX and PofitseXX', $30001XI i ig co ileXe aXIDI PaI XXX' iveXXIX 1ravcerXXX tiXO I bill of RIXCOXIX. ' ! ''rroIsaIIX'X0 generalortI XXi I sOXXiXnXss, for It XXil b i ven XXIX nXXXIr theX auiXX esXIXX'I IXraXlcraruX o o. X~obaXIyinX XXI e rsal of iXhe . I. XiIX'IIXIIINII, PrI'. 1P. 11 CIII, I. PrXy. ofiX thieXX S.I C . A. . SW(1I. XX'. (0411shie1 XIC111005lctlcalgram illXVIIbe as follws:IAtlon01 sci 15 Ose~l ~ Dr.r;Markley: Sketchsof theLcIife of KEIIEUIIIlo Is j.N~ Al~cIle, p.-g. law, q'IX ir l iompsonl, by M\r. I UStoUnue; L.LI.l11 k10g al poslt-gradualte our0seCatI E xposition oifIHorneXr's NIethod011 I Nowenl 0101for recepltionl of 01111s. hard, 11115ye0r1 'r.1 IalCwi5ln.11Alllnerestedil~C I. Gul H.1 WoodI, olItntnleaXI in1v0itCedto be presenXt. 1100 IS I~~ilg 110 'XOI~l I nIlre sponseC to a circulalr sen11otIXt Ale 1Field lit '94. b h tdnso h tt .nvr IC 5vCntilato t -n~ i ver.II s ity 11,111 bItl StcC tsc 11 Sae tIl 'r niht ws a'Islight implrovement 51 XINIIOXXC, clils r'c II tllat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ brnd XlT.C AX. XIMCIoINNICrrino, lose'92, las I.\Wagner & CoX. ,Ilecl'llt TaLil - seOIXI5 0XcrXd the l es of0 XI;6 stXuXenIts oXi tZ U-1 Brn, it 92 Wo ws osOareX offeing :50 uit MIpatternse. lo~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Misu 1a1ndXr~s I'2 IIIXI5N OOXX IC of thle I{. of MN. , 5C10 oi Xi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b 1111r11easlaC X~lX XVoXluXtions h11ave declaredl t11e11 thec regular i1)ce tof swhich'Iis froXII S 11 1' ieIet fIl fIiXc selves 1n favlor of the le Iissluri Slate .~ ~ Il . S ~ XX I return~ to college lextwscek . 1 Ilo o ',<~t0ai ersils' 1101109loXcatedll a 1stX IIO'efl~X 1 ,. 10 p~rogramls for tile CIorIXI prgrmI'dsirale p Iart of thle Staste. Isulit, madeXXu1111irst ctXlas1s. Also M (C ri nr r C toII tnI f, CI 11111 em11C X I I c . CoeP. andi or H lOX 011001A t. E 8t0)1 5100. A I Ceyler &I Son Opp. CowI Houe OeCIIDKPIIL :i OBI~ 11.11 ENT'I". I)(LIOUAIII'R8II -Boy,;,"Xit you 110 looing, f~ooranoy Iour XXew" take a1IC 1(:airXi1110e Occidental Hotel office fo ten mintes.1Y1nwilt surlle 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit, Mich. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS, -AT- Pe 0. NETS S TAN\D Nec-apes, Magzines, Periodcots, 144e Conlectioos, Ulgarosod Tobacco.'. I i is tat, IlarI is, .Nlste la 1 11ve1r Fit11 clle 5w1e1 will Ieb 1d.I2, will lcontainl a1sylla1bus of) 1110 differenlt produXctionsl to be sun1g. Dr. J . T. Sunerland, of tis 0112', wi111 lectore thil ei n VIXlg inthe11 Chlanning IHall course, Bioston, 0n "The SynCoptic Gospels in1 the tight of Mtodern Criticism.'' Next Tuesday evening will be the last rehearsal of the Choral Union before the concert. All nmust be in their-places at 7:30 o'clock. The ladies are requested to come at 7:00 o'clock. Alpha Nu Program. 1.5 pa I~tftrns(If ToIrI.'iIpXs, 1111 -- regu~larrlide of s'whichlis15frllul T1110followinis the 110pr0ogramlXfor I t11i5 Cvening11: I$7. 10to $19. 00, for $6.0f ll all'11. Muosic-------------H. 51. Porter IThley' 111 also offering soe Idti Orotion -----------------1. A. J. ShaleI Sericulture.----- .----(---1. 5E. Molrgan Cided bargan nHayUdr De clamation--.--....0----. W. Dosef an nhayUdr Musco-------------------H. M. 5Porter wear. An inspection of 1100's Debate. Rteolved, That a yoaog moo cost- log his firot ballot should 0111e the Rte- 011(1 prics is in vited. pubXlicanI ticket in 1592. Affirmotive.-V. A. Gerrnoger, J. Bf. Lipson I Negative.-----5. H. Perry', J. A. Adomso Sublscribe Ifor t111'1'. 11f Al. IAILY.