THE U. OF M. DAILY. r"11. Dar school from which it is issued. The , JJ ~journal is the only one of the many aslalished tDnily (Sundays excepted) during the Collenve yeat, ab' THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Suscription price X2.50 per year, in satubly ;advalwe dinecopia--a3 cents. On sale at nfeenan's'anadPsatOficessnes stand at l12 o'clock, aoon.Subscriptions may bes lefts at heofcecof the DAit,tOpera us clek, at Shrettass, its Stttlet's, oracw ittany ofithelt e'ditors. Comunistcations- shouldtresachathe office by o'clock r. At. it they are to aptpeusare nt stay. Adtdress ail mutter intensded forputblica- tion tot the Managing Etditor. All businasss comtaunica~tiosshtoutld tbt senttthusi- nlstsaager. THE U. at M. DAILY, Anna Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. SW.C 'tans s, '9t2, Maagingc Editr G.1.i'ttsAtss,'9a.,Assist .itaatnia- ia Eitore. W. . MCttttss, 'lit.Assti MasatgunEitorn. JC.Tuaats, 'li!, Ittsisness itnagttee. a. . .AssTTE, 9tlA ssast.tflasinesn Staser. C.'. RtKTscuna, '9d, Assist. tBusinaesMaane. W. P. IAtu, '93. J.SR. A11EIt 55 F.1 Mata tvtta.. '92. I Itt AI '5 ti t .tc s aa'92 isaeesatat: s3[t' . i 1. Z;.R asia, 'ta9. tCat tEr. Thse tEaitores doatoldtthem lsia elverecs tat cattle late os'spinitttons stsatmet ofI- tat U'niversity ptiblic-ations whticht is of abtsoluttly lpractical valueitoitheis lay stttdetits. It is wvorths ttisaev to thtena. for it is anittinstrutotar itttile princpe ol~11ctf the lastachicha are the c aital stitck oflthe lawtyer. ITe lawa stuttettws shsouald taste ala espaecial College FOR THlE SECOITD SEMESTER 'F- IlsiBuoks, Ness-attdalSecoatnstdat +s 130 + University Booksellern, - Sttateatet atinaerest inthetltJouitrnal, asnadthtey cans assist ia n aatt tati tg stehigh stand ________ ana seltloytint first imembaetr, by rton- lrilatiaI;tgoatits stqt~tort. 3 ittigc Cooly's tconatribtatitat is laoittis to attract statitasaal atteintionslot otat laecatase of theautathors celi estab- D-ur eSn 51s t :-PCus c nostia.ot t x tcns lispsead reittaatin, latit accatuse of ' - -_- It a hi }lgn uldn" 21e thst timeliclahara cter of the tquestiona ittgh, lI itgtcaasses ata tasas 'ty ia, It .5 t lie tilsetasses. -50 p ter aweek; stuidetassneisted tat tacitissas. he iscsse. Fr rataststuue, adress P. R. tEA tti, President. INTER-COLLEGIATE. F U L ~ odoT il at n'v-a hi IN E cear, bttthelair anineand1111athiletic 01O -i ttI team cwilhat tery strong.1 JI xfA Bly thataill taf Miscs\laaria ietac NO. 12 W. HURON ST1. Spring slit, brw trtvt aiaersily vetciavcc l a o,ooo to sendowt a priafessorsip to Rilt-wontaitas- ainisgliar fotlow.- Suiti nqS,4 be knowntvatas that l- Ite-lictsrofes i stsOli-s isa celi~and atai itisbutttions.a sairsil. 'a r is vera- seladomtahlat a a glass thacitselvaec to sendiala crewtoa Neac enters the U'siv-ersity switha catchka tanndloniandviare ntairy-inagtatraise ttter tatck ofat)ysac Wih he itt- atthg mney tat scndsi 16 tisto a 1,11D 500in~l~.14 la Iantioons, .u, n i , .) V . 1 exceationlaotata fewtspiasniodic effarts ion theiartu of indsividu aalsa-.there ihas I, -eta so manifestatioans ioilifteit 95 tin tine foot-basl ield ansalill the class taeeting, tlis atte aartless lack oaf isterest is shiowns., S'lt is tisis so ? We cananot expila it. We diepiore tine fact as see have dieploared it on several differesat taccasiotas, atas ccc wili continue tan deplort it as hang as hope reomains. (Ota of tint ipurposes of the DI).cYv is to foster a halatiny athnletic sptirit, asadits.cxlli- insg attentiota to this slutggishnaess it hopes to furthner this inaierest. 'lhcre as otaly onethtintg for list freshnta tat do, andat htia is tat brace upaitasd Itt somsethiing. 'l'hcre will be a meseting of the class 011 Satiraday aftersnootalatrotasmiA, at p. 111 At the last mieetitag only- 5lX tsrneda oti. FTetresidetlwtas also ab- Else trainiaag table. ilTe laestionlafair tiletalVale-C iHarvard debate will be: iResolveda, - The immsaigratioto10tine F' S. sisatald be restricted,.iHarvardi vilm- Sentpataisisoitsreceipt tof pie taita the affirnmative. iROEIIM SC;SONT, Tine legisiatare of MA~aine has esn- D~etroiat, Msih actesi a law swiicha waiicis reqhuires ali pubaiic schnool teacisers to deitle 0. IK. B.A.RBEBSR SHOP some line achciwaeek in teachaing BstthsRootms insaornetioasn.Porcelaian Ts kindiness tatoaimalas.Ssuertnscaetdashcssla 'Fiatfacatlty otatinscetons iave vie- J. R. TRUOJANOWSKJ, cided to niake every Wedsnesday 30 E. Wasitgn St., Ants Arbosr. Michsigans. afiernooatassisaif-hotlidiay ian order toaa-- give~Si freer scope to the atisletic Si Edwina Arnoldai has lbeseta'n IFancy -Vestin Js . lisa-a I ci IANtIAND5SOTLAt ND,5 JAE, M, STAFFORP.J Nat. 19 Soutsh AltsnStreet. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North S Michigan Railway. 'vanme Card in affect IDecemberi, 18it { riat ot traisaat Ann Arbore only. gasmes that are uisusally flayedth ien.- Se-aeral naemibers (if itaefaciallytat IHarvard iaave protestedi against stat raf iteDucdleiana lectasres, 'The Dle- tectioatanssciCotaviction of liteIdosla- try,* ec., iftiteRaomsissh('lsari. a, C'-. L.-lark,.0ont (f tse victimsa sent. This is asni opaportunsity foar ii ieso italassgttsi shiowvisngclass shiisasndalsisotalsi sot ( grands-standsladuriing thne Sale- insc- lie steglectsed. iota fsau-bail gaue ntssNsa-a. 27, - sS.i $u, has susedtithenters oal'the 55VF' take pleasure isa, welcosiisg slit latest arrivalso-is tefield aot jour- nlist at ltet sassercity of AlI ciii- gao. The Nlclisnan .lacy Journal saccaspies noi entirely necv' place isa college x©srnais naansi cots sot tread up n-lse -4erritory'". which be- ikongs to' a otiner cotlege. pusblica- tion 71it Il anexPerieuctta hanids and judging lrynnI i cobiehts' of ' the iirst nuiniberccwill reflect great credit upmon tine 1niversity and sine law grousid anthesltVale asnd Prinictont teanasfiat $15,ooo damages. Prof. Adas has annsouiscedi a one-hnour examnation for Isis class' isa tine History of the lieaelopmnt of, Industrial. Society. Section I cviii be examiined at the regular lee- tssre hour next Tusday asnd Section II wviiilie exaominecd at She regular lectutre hour on Thnursday.- In1galls to-night. gaged to c-rise a poemn for stthienaINGNOTH inag ,of the wovlsriifair. no. I. staill an Expres .... .. n). BUSINESS LOCALS. No.:;. Matil Psnsetnger- --...... .3 .m INotices itnsetted in thia coumns at else rate Nsa. 2. fxil Passeniger .......sits118a.n-at uS it centts elie. 5Secialrutes tsr lunger tNo. .lail Express- - -sat....... 84 p. ina. time, anad extra linsaturanihd say applyittgat No. n. iasscenger, ruioedo Annum ...70 t thse DAMsfice.1 Tratn-:tandt0erun betweens AnasArbarasnd Toledoaonly. Iaiss"-Tsc'ivlie adollar blhs laetwceetn Cena tllandard 'iime. thin most shfiresanltieleivecrsity. lRe- All Trains Daily excepst Suntaiy. turto In.' of ?N. listLNs' office ald it" w. H. IBENNETdT, 15. S. 0 IEENcvittsO cehye-erdS. Gen. Pass. Agett, Local As's-t. A newv lite of Neckwceasr jiust received _____________________ ansd nitter styles u-ill be fotalad in low-IsYoss cilli say they are none-half the price c-aoa pay fair thesis aIewchere.I " I Mack ., Sechoid. A r I~ ? "~ Lasies of the I'. of M. cillindis it 1 1 ( greatly to their tadvanstage to ctlnus0~I~c alE when i15 need of Cloaks, Dress Goods or Valleyliry Goods, Mack & Sehide. ELadies' Mackinatoshes ini beaustiful ~f~~P varieties, jsct received at Mack& Stilmid's.-IL~ $1.95i-800O silk ubrellas cworth $3.11) to $4.50, maarkedi $i.t5 at Mack & ________________ Seilmid-s, Host lnd coild baths 1I0 cents, at Post J. D. STIM-SOIT & .INS, Office Barber Shop. State .Street .Groceys. Fulil lilne necw style collars, 4 ply, l5t Students patronaage especially aolicitedl. or 2 for 2-5. Mack & SclimidI. td S. STATE STREET.