do AMAR Vor.. II.-No. (m). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIID)AY, FEBIRUARY >, 1892. THE MICHIGAN LAW JOURNAL.. adopted in \Michigman1) tiit \lieer discsi Sionlof tielega~iilpoints in Ielectorl lawovof selecting ~preslient-lollved in tiie recet prinlted leiturte Will Make Its First Appearance i( ?j Next Wednesday. il eltctotils by distris. NIir( Cutch-i' conitir0otier s illittiract un11 ivesal () eo0n iias given tis quetitonll ciiisid-in terest aniong thlil aiistudent~ts. i'lie first niumiber of theMi chigan i able stuldyand is Iperha ps betttr Prof.XAibott ic(1111iiiities avluiblt l~air Ijournalwliilibe oiiisale nettqualified1 than any Irepublitcan in thte11outlite of his ltectrs npon 'oiiii ~N- 1 W 1tiltsliaY. It presents avetiycnet statt of \l icliigiiito preset i teirr- strtill T 11111ai1d1rof tihe appearacie,wrih dcaii-gcey (1\ 01, ei 111.1t aiainist tile con stituntionli t)y 11Jo iualitaiinecen tit deitio51111oii tile t111C1 printed upon whit antique laidlof the1lawaThe arttcl11do1sirioiie rt b1k PalICE, THREE CENTS. iOF YOUR SOIEIY LADGE Maild dtnYou Through Your CHAPTERC Upon A PPHLI CATION. ITS paper.lItis a5a tseimnoft iablislii 1 5art.i'I'lit ist live ii 11- bes .ethie criiainidec of this lilted fr 1on 1dolar. liiic pe lilinleis 3 cens, ndfor the H. 1). I Je til aiiii lI i R. Sutiton, liitli ; tiditors; (. I.Roberts IW. the conistitultionial ioiiiis ivlicdin i the iqilestiili blut it isas cleacr1a111 ,argumntisigainst tilt coiistitution- alit ioflteliii 15s iiilid leicoilileli- sed sc-itiiiithii liiiits 1)1 a bricf ar- ticle. ration is the ttit of a discussiiii officers Ill th ie ircii sosie itics adii The Monk Congress. liii folloinlg rtill) as itcn it- ceived by the i ni i responselililtotl anl iucry aidiresseid to tilt tiitorini chief of the Coriiell Siinias ltlihir PENCE i wI i 116iil IV ki (0,,ii S DETROIT, - - MICH. M. i -ircec ViiArthu VtWbster I nd1tii by Prof.i1. C.Isiioiwltiiii lteill llf imethioii1of cotnducrtingi a iiock 1 111 ii ~ ~ ~ ~ h De ii i ~ paiitmetnt of I air of thiiviri- 'ress: I lie ciii,'-iiiatioii is liquitt 11"111)"r f cery fin e -rticles. ilhe lwsch lols iiitlto thit liar. Thitheft ulli-a ystiiden tis cligilt c i i sl i liol s r aia l l c welllaticle i1a1veraiiniete ting on ,1and to eleltrtpii th e reg ular planirr ands i u p e e ili 1~tri; sgg estbions t la\ S 1u ent >.1 red ine i llililwit i rge ft- in.i Hs if-)e "o'Y' piF"lesthn g Abo 1111o01h c nit t i oali tyid of sti 11111 ci ll Vuasi iiti ild S i. V i5 i I IlI10. IUI llor bI l i. 11111edRutseli f :li etritte ndanof ofillor iiicsaiiii inIthe1fl Irices, snd Tfo TI o t ii,~ut psiu e entia i ars It is nts U t il)1 ntr l 't his )I t. o rds ictlyi t lr iftheil>1e ngr le's lithei is ii Fusss coiirbounsetor the 01111asl of he seiis ltuess:aestoAcongresent iilgmtgrai n Oeail( potibuetheq perionipaiil isr - I ' -sor slrsd tlle po