THE U. OF M. DAILY. _ _ WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. i t!%v \\'xxx''oojll'..("11(wirer01 of Maid alLibxertv Strecets. I wii 'Open t he Ball"' by placing 4 line stack of Gulitars, Banxojos, etc. PRICES THAT 25 S( WILL ASTONISH YOU._ .r'.r MN FROI> nth Fourth Avenne, Cty." l F R O 4 7 LA' (711 foi I Overcoat. ( arnients worth $1 2.0)01 to {.{ {). LLB3AN\IY ASCHOOL. SAL ATI Q~S Pure Fresh Clear ES5TABLIS,17HE18051. C'OtRSiE, one year. Three full cr71717 requxired7. Terinsxbegin, Seelxler, ,1117117r.yv 1nd 1March. -- ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. 610 '1T< Drugs. 'it e~ue O F__7 T'T l AC TATTA)V') .17701(i te llir s cqu jxally gxox,. I Degree of LL. B.Conferred. =For HIGHB CLA~S TAILOF AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Ile. hasxthe IlIAIJI NG SPRlIlNG 7AND SU jiIMl~l 070GO 1D7Sxitinagx. lnxsx'.il~ m "171517 '..ingx in the city. Pl Dregsc 'xuitings x Specialty. Plei secallxan exaii C ALIXINS PHARMIACY. Address the Doss xor Secretary, A1LBANV, -N. Y. No. 2 Eaxst Wa'singtonl St., rxear Main. RINi BE, JO1J1JY 0.(jIT LEADS THE CPOjWD. 17'ilsx l)7v17. Crxslv 3& ('os 17xSuprlatixve 51 " - -Il~u" wllv xxii 1171717k 2lxxO re xI~al an1'>11 .N) 17.1'x ftttil nt' F cappliaS,, oix l th171e11177Marktet. Soldxi1at7 $6.2,5) I71x1'e 01e v'. 17ers 7171711 ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 AIN ST;., SIt llI. 171717117 Spr7117517in7g 'Whleaxt' otter Biread th 11a1771 1I7l17y per Ubi. ~V~y. I _ __ -i C "t d m tresnal i cs THE CAMPUS. B1.0 701. i L E'.5e0, ir. 11771177 .'rxxxixxv 7171, x 7i iitiiii The I' U~~ '.S. 17. 'A. ileared aibout '. 5)1 - Lx bylteix--soia 711l T.'' 111771 7!e 7 1' l ' ottatol. wl lrr Pix' xx iii b(, Professoril lbxxxt closexd'xisx sx.riex 1( 1 \VN1Sof'le' x ix17irx 11717 the jujorxvliii'.. xx'xi'.'- Chernioal =Physical Apparatus (ciieia xnumberxxof xiteraryv.xvsxtu- dlents t e liv. Iloel l's icou7irse 111 x\C . ti "P. and liioov C-..,+hm, sM:{t e a { C oop ox. \lIE , elli'i, lastxrearvav 1t tile 17. ofA tx i,',B '.XCtlI&SONV. is lnowxvattendoinxg theix effersoiixi ill edcval Coxllege at Philadelphlilia. RAC1'E1EANEx7 AN Il The i 17117117anxd Register, oxne oxf H REPUT17ATIO171N thxe xedival journv~als 1117thxe libxrary, 1717171717 17771177 I177 7117.d(evoltes xaxn en~tire Iinumb~er ltx Ixfll u- 0 YOUR TRAD E A.MO1S&Sn Po.dPotsileswhcha S . ~keptx himxx lv 171lasses foxy several 171177', is 17171ix' 177 v r cs e c 771' i f 17 Ot~~tADL~T~m "~O~h I 'roof llHudsonx'xclass i117thixa771177 STUDE7 OINT' H177 7ADQU-11AII'I'171S. 1701117 tur hit ory is el17v 5 xamind111 f7 r711771717 171take' 171a'01117a117 7117 the eidentnl Hotl ~17Saturlday mo171171717111711le 1711771771. 017170e 7171o,17 inn71117711711, Sun771da1ys. Sp1ecia17lter's xort. P 1residenit C7. K. ,\xalls, of Cor- sell 17nIiversity, wax tendfered an1in1171 If . lormxxl recepltionx 111 the Psi 17. 11ouse17 0 '. ~ last exceing. Coll '...Thec Chanlcel Society of St. .Xn- 11717'."1Girosh 17asililvtvilxx ye- 1111'.'., 7 ii lxxxas 1717111717 ri'iiivxie>Il ls' 117717717'.i711T1oledoi, ick. x1li i xeix iii the' eli l iiv- 17 00171171717 \xlxxaxs' lecturec. Prf vx RIolfc's lloraccxxveclaxxslhaxx a fnlxx forii all exic'.170thxoxe xx'lxix lxx failexlon1prvixous qizzees. tomllary -Frdlay' q1ui1z1117 phlysiolo7gy, BILLIARP PALOPI) BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREE T, ANN AR111OR. j --THE ARGUS,4- FIS NATIONAL BAIN xOF ANN ARBIORI. lxx 01717117xcangc1sod, ltter1 of71717171.are 177 11. 7111117711 1 17CH 7'17. 17s. . 111717717 5 i a ITXY'TI YY." YYZZZYYYIT..-~'.Yy.Y'. S XYZZ7E S G'HOO NFGR U 'I N 7711 71171.1 li Dlc ANl177 177 IxG a111dx wiill.cvote all (if lis timie 1toBl w .Mtw117fnS - lectulres, 1n order tht lxxxe11may7co00111- let the csubtject thIis semster. 'Mr. Ilxozfsli, a1 membst1er (if txe sopooreli medc07ine c7lassx, 1177111a nativxecof Buxlgavixa, gxave x.axvery 1]n- I \Vagner C( o. , Mechant11x11'xii ter exting milssionxavy 1t1110k71170117 lis 171711, 117117 (11t1717'117 0 () su7it Ia t ]]s 171a1717e lanxxl Sundiay evrexiig, at ltxe, .1 17 lltcvi'. x17eelx117'ofii t~e young11171 people's7 soxci- lix'e 1regularll 1710r icof 1whichlis xfr17071 cix ofi txhe Conlgregxhtionalxiclxxlrx'lx. $2S-01707toxx151.0(17fi i w25i.(117