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October 09, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-09

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nobly to our solicitations, and now
' ~ ~ it remains with the tndents to say
whether our college publications
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during shall steadily advance in merit, or
the College 3 ear, by
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION gradually decline and finally cease
'to exist. If a more active interest
Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in a pecuniary way is not taken, the
in advance ingle copies 3 cents. On sale at latter will be the natural result, and
Oseenan s and Post Office news stand at 12
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at will be an everlasting disgrace to the
the office of the DAILY, Opera House block, at patriotism of the students of the U.
Sheehan's, at Stoffiet's, or with any of the of M. Subscribe now, and bear in
Communications should reach the office by mind that you are not only getting
7 o'clock P. M. it they are to appear the next the worth of your money, but are at
day. Address all matter intended for publica- the same time time advancing the
tion to the Managing Editor. All busness
communications should be sent to the Busi- interests of your college.
nesx Manager. T"f
THEr. sf DAILYAdelphi Program.
THE U. of X. DAILY, _
An brhr Minh.

eS 4AJ'f &Co., 8tade sA.,
have received for tne opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
for 1891-2.

Four departments-Commercial, No text-book
or manuscrptwork-&nglish. Shorthand and
--- Penmanship. Elegant building, large at-
tendane efficient instructo s, worb thor-
ough, living expenses extremely low, $2.25 to
;te to positions ,
For scatalogue, nddress P. C. CLEARY, President.

Ann Ar or, ffie.
RALPH SToNE, '92, Managing Editor.
S. w. CLxTIss, '92, Assist. Managing Editor.
G. L. CoAPMssA, '92, Assist. Mansaging Editor.
J. C. TaVS, '2, Business Maager.
w. P. PARKE, '93, Assist.Business Manager.
C. w. RIcKETTs,'94, Assist. Business Man'gr.
F. D. GREEt, '2. F. E. .coLes, '2.
F. E. JANETTE, '93. J. R. ARNESLL, 93.
G. B. Dygert, '93. I C. F. WELLER, '94.
We will print in to-morrow s issue
a complete list of the new students
who have entered the literary de-
partment up to Oct. in.
WE would suggest that something
be done to keep back the crowd on
the campus during a rugby practice
game. The foot ball team is handi-
capped seriously enough without this
good natured, outside interference.
However, no extraordinary meas-
ures need be taken, if the students
will only keep at a respectable dis
If there is anything we dislike it
is to continually urge the students
to take active interest in college af-
fairs, as we naturally suppose that
they would do so without any solici-
tation. But it is becoming more ap-
parent every day that the majority
of our students do not do so. Prob-
ably every student of the U. of M.
is proud of its daily, weekly, and
monthly publications, which com-
pare favorably with those of Harvard,
Yale, and Cornell, yet when it comes
to subscribing and paying out a dol-
lar or two for their maintenance,
most of the students are very back-
ward in responding. It is a fact
very well known that our college
publications are sold at a much
cheaper rate than those of the east-
ern colleges, in fact are disposed of
at a rate which leaves very little in
the treasury after the expenses have
been met. Any one who has had
any experience in newspaper work
will appreciate the fact when we say
that printing, type-setting, etc., are
done for neither love nor glory, but
require a surplus in the treasury.
The businessM ien hkve responded

The following is the program for
October to, in room 24:
Violin solo......---.......Miss Hendrickson
Quartette---.s-s.-I-rMises volland and Goble,
Miessrs. OoraeandODoghty.
Vocal solo- --.Miss Lillie Voland
Addess by the Presidett- bi---1. D. lHaskins
All are welcome.
I Notices inserted in this column at the rate
of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer
time, and extra lines furnishedi by applying
the DAILY ofaice.3
"The pearl of minstrelsy" this week
is the Gormans'inagnificent company
who are booked for an early appear-
ance in this city. There are three of
the original Gormans, John, James
and George, every one of whom has
built up for himself independently a
reputation as an artist of distinction.
They have gathered together the finest
company of comedians, vocalists, dan-
cers, musicians and specialists that has
ever been reen on the American stage,
and placed them under the manage-
ment of Mr. William Eversole, a gen-
tleman whose fame is as wide as the
nation. This excellent company will
present an exposition of minstrelsy
that has never been equalled, and
which all should see.
Suite of rooms with furnace heat
and bath, room to one gentleman, or
one or two ladies. N. W. cor. 12th and
Hill streets.
- Student wanted as agent for our
house; junior preferred. Address L.
Dreka, Stationary Engraving House,
1121 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Hutzel & Co. on Main st. have a text
book in their possession that was found
on the street.
WANTED.-Single room, moderate
size, including bath, within five blocks
of the University. Address. stating
price, X. Y. Z., U. of M. DAILY.
One large suite of rooms, nicely fur-
inished, steam hieated,.at 26 Maynard
street, one block west of law building.
Students' clocks-every one war-
ranted. Watts' Jewelry Store, 10 S.
A look through our line will convince
you that we are the house to purchase
your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and
Hats o^. Call and see them. The
Two Sams.
Ask last year's students where they
trade. All will say, at the Two Sams.
We have the novelties for you. The
Two Sams.
Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post
Office B3arber Shop.
Rooms-2 suites with furnace heat
and use of bath rtoom-itNo.5 Monroe.
Mr. Marshall Pease, who-has been
conducting , large and decidedly. uc-
cesfut c1Sisis nvoice culture s§ne
April 1st, will continse his vork
through the coming ear. A natural
and correct methoth o prducin a id
pli ng tha svoil, t til *ith the
lue r sgelar g o 1 1ion,
w ere pai i lags y. tipobtiid.
Voie fire of eiagrh.


I 0

"The Niagara Falls Route.
F XNE The Leader t EASTWABD.
..STATIONS Mail Day Shre N Y1 Ni't! AtI. Kai
in Fasliions Ill Exp1Lim Exp Ex. Exp Ace.
(UTTUUsi fMerchamitTall- Ih A.M'A.M.uPs.M. a.M. P.M.;P.M.e.
erTAnt T ChicagoL.. 1205' 000122 310 9215110! 455
1. U G ~ 1JLII.f-- Jackssn :..... 05'4 23 1:30 8757 4 diiG6 10 cia5
o r i n g. Fine Chelsca. 3F . ..I5371(1942
Dexter......... 414.... 5 45 7 25 955
Delhi Milis... 430 ..... ... . 74 1
line of Piece AIN A0S.. 4 42 5 25 6 1 0 9 4.5 6 0!74510 i9
Ypsilanti.... 01(3, 5^ 0 95 62,;1 804;15;1
GoodS to select Wane.ne501. . .4a1 s351105
\T . .P.M16P V. A.M . 'AL.
from. Call for tsa _I A N 640710 41i 7 30
a fine fitIting
suit. Chi. N'th
sTATIONs. Detr Chi. Lin Eve. ishre Pae. Mail
19 S. MAIN ST., No. 19 Exp asp Exp Exp. Lim Ex. Ace.
ANN ARBOR, MiCH. S. Main Street. Buffio,........ Kii O 945 3401250 665
A. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. PM. P.M.
l DetroitLv...oa2C71512i 7245 9125915445
waaleuac 90SM . .. sas25 .. 9554 5 19
..silanti . 21 8 10 2 0 8 47....5is 40
95 39 219 91 1 01910 30 552
Dexter..... 9 55. . 9 25 .._ .. 6o
Chelsea ...1 0. . . .. 151 4 8
Jacksonxa....11r00 115a 410 asnia11495
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Chicago, Ar. 755 355 9n 650 450 8051115
-AT- -Daily. *sunday excepted.
G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Fine Toltdo, Ann Arbor and North
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco.
Michigan Railway.
Time Table going ints effect september13, 1891.
Arrival of trains at Ann Arbor.
Es.2. Through Mail and Express... 240 a. an.
PH O 0 NaEm 4.Ass Arbor &TsledoAeeon. .l0 aOa. an.
PHTGRAP ( N1o-te~c 1mn
No 6. Clare Passenger............ 5 05 p. m.

Monday Evening, October 12.
Seats on sale at P. O. News Stand.

No 1. Clare and Toledo Acom......1130 a. m.
No.3. Through Mail................ 920 p.m.
No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 20 a. m.
Trains 4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and
Central Standard Time.
All Trains Daily except Sunday.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent.
I! 1-

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