THE U. OF M. DAILY. of'M a' short tinte ago, however, the prohlt)- of'"J' itory lawe was repsealeci hy the faculty at the requnest of the athletic Asso- Patlist't tniy isetay exr~tet) aritgciation. .5toutriament is fnoss being the Collegeeyear, Sby THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONarrangedsto be hetetldFeb. i g, anct THEU. F M INEPEDEN ASOCITIO te only Sling that tentds to mnar its success is the great lack of interest Sbetiptiost price It2-i0 per year, invatiabty anavac inieiropiesat3rcents. Ott saleat "teeuste and PYos t ttice'news stand as St! o'co itoo. Suscripitionstmaytbe lefttat Sh ce of athtSPDtILsY, Opera House sMirt, at "'tieitni',at Stotlet's, srwitaiat oftte edits, s. o'lok .'. t they ate to appar the teat lay. Adtitess all omatter initendteit tnt'publica- ttio to lie Matnagitng Editor. All buinsest comuicatniis shsouslit te sent toteBui THE U. of MI. DAILY, Ann Arbor.,SMieh. EDITORS. S. IW. Ccicri cc, '92, M atnging FSittti. (i. t.. CITA PIrTtA,1-, 5Assist.SINoTiginag Editor. it. E- i Esi'stsit, '55, Asst. Sitgiinptg Edtitor. J.1 1'. 'Sii s'2, Bu tsitirs iatitigir. 1'?. . c1> sc., '9at, Asist.ttositess 55 titer. C'. N'. tticss-fs, 'Sit, Assist. Butsiness Stttt'gar. W.1. itt Eso.'at. I .1.sI. AtNELt. 'at. Sit.Ni isa tats. '2. CHSit .sstxv, tW'. cr.itt .a1,t oj A~xtiS GS i'i t titt a. '94. F. E. itt~txtitr5, 'li. LIA ctn 1 c, 't. mtantifestedi livthe stidiettbody its getteral.'fThis is a lettetntable state ofi affairstatd shtotildlte retmedlied. (li'amonitg te lis is there ainy in terest mantifestedt, anttieven Stare it is not us great as titiget he expsectedl. iLase-baillandtifoott-blliiexcepted, there is to sort ini which see find outr studietits indullging to a fair tde- grey. .A11 aiit iontanti desire Sit it so imoire itser steeis tisa extinti'. 'There is ino reasnsit whety 'sicligait's studentitosisouitli e sit teglegetit atad act soitnditifferentlyins iithis tmatter. 'titnioibenefit is thretderived fromtieniterintg stithtspotrts isan ideia ws'hich shtoutldntbe lhelsI lyvany studtiti.for such swould ie 'otr Sary' tit te idea lieldi by munts tfSte abtlast insitructtors ii i orSitletit ti Gollege , FOR THlE SEOOND SEMEOTEI 7Y + ilotos. Ness'antd iSecondhadittt~ TIok University Booksellera.B - - State Street. -.ta Foper Bereek; stctdrCits asstcielS it ttsp-t c()e Fu lettir, adittv ]f g t t St A us) Ftp c t- .1. SI TAFFOBI), l PHOT GRA"HEJ. A"]. fs't't-stsii NO. 12 W. HURON ST. Telne leitii & Sati are' uttkitg Ste'fllow-it as ion i ing StylSis ii i 'liellow ani blute buttsit. r 'Te Editrs Sitoino toldthemsciialsson- colleges. Phiysicat exercise dtiv etd silile tfor thec'iopiiions sir stateietititiofit uts's- frottietiterintg athletic gameis is iof pitoets, app~eairinithe iiDSAIY. ____________________________________ immtenset value t a student for it Emtostelietiefit of athiletit's at te asis liin tobothitiiilnd tiand ibody. '. itf Ni. ini te futuore, it is So lie Sltdents, swhy isit cast tiff this iii liopteiitit te votmmuittee if t'e iiflerenttfeeling?' litter swithi as sill 1,.,# +.ile to- ititig,,i; ciittuer4-111 1 t i t9 S. MASN ST., lite of Iti.ce 1(Gods So set'' froisi. (C'til1fur us fitie fli ii suit. fatSy So twho~seijuigmtet Sias teeni referredIte miatter tif grantintgte base italiltenamlaistea lays' leance of aliseince, for anteastern lvii, i.leil reisortfas'orabslysitnte ptiitioni ire- settesi Noltinsgiserhapis aitis morie potently intshie crentiots attdco0nser- vatiotn of a college athlietic spirit thlanth ie rem~iniscentces of tile iprom- itteist victories of te base-bali club. ('ontfinse tisese victories, or defeats, to tShe sutrrounditng mittor townis, ansd the enthlusiasnm createdisy te bil- liant recortI of last year's cliuit sill gradial ie u itandttibist tall at the ).' of A. wsill soonH le little muore Stiati a nmemlory. 'l'he theory that sticisa triip wottiditendl only' So yrenta a lasity if college wcork amiontg the players is scarcely a tent- aisle sue, oandlte class stanintg cif the tmettbers softe various athlletic organlizaltiontsswililSlot sear tile critic St i th icnttobserv'ationis that such spsorts swork So te ietrimtenit of Sue stutient. 'The timae sisenlttinsati eastern tripi sili be iby 510 Steans tist, atndSteclass woirk, temp~orarily tiegiectesi,sililiby ani extra effort soonS be niade up. A1 year or mtore ago an order seas issued by the facauty itnterdicting tse sttudents frot itntdulgitsg in wrestling, sparring atnd kindrerintih- ietic sports. Since tihat timie but uitile interest ihas been taken in suich mtsaters by the studenathotly. A it ise chiaracterizeid li a sipirit tit weil b le a (,reiiit Si)oteAssoition stud to te partiipants. Webster Soceaty Program. Stn tIf5S 5 stidtiittreceittof price'. f OIIIS si& t SON, ANsNARORe,' MIeH. S.Alatt Sires'. 'Site followeig proigramtictill lie reinderedi iy te Webster 'o01ety O. K. B.ARBE:R SHOP) tis eventing: nt lsn t 'tteta, Si~~at i M....S essrs. Shtiippatnd arr Essay .......................------.. 5.Hall J. R. VROJANOWSKI, Ssatiatt..........._.. .amstieBordeaux t30iP.. Wctasingtont., Annt Artsor. SMichigani. Reb'ate. "Resolvedat,'it a tittrerSal Lan--_________________________ gniage is P'racticale.'' Affirtmativte..-----------.-R Sth lippi 'ilie fsacultyof te Uiveicrsitv if Negtiv ---------------Drak Mrti' iscontsintthuste sasolishued examnta-' Mining Companies Contribute. tiouns escept wuhere te class standuittg fals utlows''5 itper sent. 'Sue filloinst'ig ('5tlhShhtti~lc tso te - -" M\iiciigiti Utie'tsit~y gvtltltsiilmll (S.C BnSINESS LOCALS. reportsdtsy Ironit. Peter Whute: INaturro iiuserted int this columnititat ltre rate T'S' Ci'velandsSCSif sCo ----------- - o o fsitSOcenls per litue. iSpueilrattes ti'r Stinger 'The (5iuinry Minin o ------------- 1 0 it te D IY 'fitie.t iTe Rtepubiltic rontt o---------------------- 100 'aeThe kSuuiserusr Irontt ('us -------- )0o Lot-ml- gmt l Spiii Episilonti FOSS Te Chamion traon Co-s. . . . -- a inht. INthiSe tilm W 0. It. Wilsoni She Pttsurgan akt le Angeline C-----. oerugltsles oSS huatk. sinide'r pies' _- teos' it Stewatrad's office. Tosttl ---- ___------------ 5 'AnSetrhuenf Nsekssettr jttsti'ec'eis'ed -Ishtpeinitg DiJsly itress. aindi no tietter styles still be found ini OIfte abose amiosunt $450 stas ts-t tt tl a hyis teiui the urice visit isad-fort hiemi elsewhere. constributecd hueIsihpemtintg Sruiig Mutek & Schitds. complianies alotte. Lasdies of thue '. of M. wilt findi it greastly tst their advanttageu to vcsit sn tus - 4" - when int teedt of Cloaks, D)ress (Goods .Amhuierst sill erect a uset e itrti or Fsancey Dry Gosods. Macek & Sehitds. cal laboratory,nat a cost of $fo Lo. adies' Mackin~toshies in beautifttl varieties, jutst reeeived Sat Mack& Ioni.' J. J. Inugalls in a etter toSO eimis's. te corresponding secretary of S. L. $1 .9.5-800S silk umtbrellaswothi $3.50 A. ays -.t wuldto i$4.50, ntarkesd $1.95 at Maek & A.sys: "'tsod give tme great Seitoid's. pleasure to mteet the students of te Hot stud cold hathis 10. cenuts, at Post F'. of sit. of wehose itntelligetnce ansd Office Barber Shop. Fnll tine ntew style collars, 4 ply, 15c zeal I save iheard so muchi." or 2 for 25. Maek & Schmitt. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. 'Fin.' Catd in oflet tDeeetru, ISil Arttval at tratins at AntueArbtor etty. Nut1. tailtandtExprecss........ 7.m Ns. 3. PassgerAnnt Arbuor Acrine.),*t00iom Nutt. StttitttPtssentger. ...... . 2 .m Ntu. 2Sflil S'atcenger. Sttctu..-118.uu Nut. 4. Stall Esprest .... ...... s 40p. No. 6i. Passenger. SToledot Ar'rtt. ... t 00 a. m Tiseeocanetd 0 ssutn betwieenAmatAruborsitu Toledo nltuy. C'entral StandaredTime. All TranstcDaily exeptt lSny. We. Ht. fENNEtr, 1V. S. otstitwosttt Gteni.Fass. Aent. Agetu. fKA J. D. STIMSONUc SONS,1 State Street Grocers. Ststdeests patronage especially solicited. :4 S. STATS STREET'.