THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAIN COMPANY, Newi-Wiioiii ( iiirner of1Hiniand ibe rtyStieets. I will " Open the Ball" by placing a fine stok of Guit as, Baijos e. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find SNiz'a s Mv ~soc SwoaoE,y T ' 1 O Pure TT -iA L0s f n fL IOvercoat. Garmenots worth $12on to $; F'resh (i0t-1fSE, one ear.'I'lTree full terms Clean J iuurylrdarch. - CenENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. -oT iliiiiher iiiequll god. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORIN. A' Fal. Term of 1892 Bgins Sept. 13. Nen (GodultwIGos.,-ulxii(euu o.urNviner (GoosFull lies Slii g Sith N estfig. Hieniotiig'-.LononiiiSiitiige. 'lriuu~ienig l suei- Largest endosiiiom iipletestick in the ciy, at thelueoiwist pices. le rie (JALKINS PHIAR'MACY. Adidrstl~o Posti or Seretay, mit exalnnie. ALBANY, 'N. Y. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST.. ner Sait. R, IKI JOLLY & M, IT LEADS THE CR~.OWD. -B- ILLIAKP PARLOFSu SEL1'shu',Crsby eL (i.'SSpratv insoaSrng«let Nilne cec une in onn etiin. Wesitiiri. Sl~u(rltis Muiuisoi SiriigBUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, Flor isill nmale MornlBreadlnd Btter lBreadl than any AND IA,. STATE STREET, ANN At1t3i. 5ttlGImls' capplrs h"our in the Market. Sold t $625iier bbl. TE RGs.' ATHLETIC + GOODS. 4MAIN ST.. Sit- lr. , C fr I ,i-Y. O I4"1 va- 1'12{l 11111(. THE CAMPUS. ai ur 12ar islri ..iii 1 krnrt of Wrk uoneli iii aE. ti ono(, l harislibeen FRSTNATIONAL BANK R )~~~~Ii rolil,'110 fi:, was il. townI ) N ln l P.1. S iii.E rrthe o~n iofsilodlomiio~nieretil l.eri-.iieri, Chas. R ________I l i tlni. Mr. at l lt Iree-etrie vwirlt ui n uie tr Ir'-{laCiiioii G-E,, ulu otli LInsiing tis lliiiiuruiii. fu tlai"l <;i- ;, P iii it1_1' ,.1rr h uPwl e Th. ANl expes to blihsa it i u moiiiired that the muedc at,, 5. .- o tis oi-e i'. r.n et heel. iiin'¢iauenae Nicia jin h- i rliiiciii m ay he iits rofesr ii fi ;~ff ~ -E ~ M- IIRO)\ NS DIJG STORE. uiiicranfuture. lphyssiologyi as there is soniisic ns-d G Chemical Physical Apparatus I r'iui lr1isrturii iusii IIoiri iu0ciiml11f~i ' his s-r fe u reseoicthis iciiir t Iohnieltopkius S1iOOL Ul.P woaarkIfliate atwoikeks I livThebase-bll entertainment ii ipe nacoutofsikes.A teresting article onii I uiiierityv haliiin1-r ci'_sill e ; (lr iirocopca 8pplerontan a bureaiiqie oniifraterniuty Now open for recepto f PupI'ils. 111312R1XCLi & SON. sily Iatesion apiears in the Feh- roars-niniler of the tPoitical Science iniitiatoni ceremonies, ii whtichi the ; .. SinnIV ANEDl As\lunthtx - goat will play an inpirtnt part. ENVIABL 5 Rsiioi iu- e cupeih-NirW. 11. Griffinihlis resigned fromui ui ieon Fi is . the younig popes societies of theteedorhptteTnesI-f 0 "oe .lli- sse locles M-oig N. column, alut C. II.Toivle, '92 E al,(of a fteemilessw. itiwil have charge outhitis udpart Wagner c& ('U., 1eno lint Tali- fiAr D. Se gr ffaoinemil itun.miit for te rcnmaindelr of te year. SF'ierC'tenmical Society lis cangedl srs ar' lifteirig .N sitpatrs Op. cox How'e its rgular mieetinig froisi'lThursdlera IDr.1Whiic.superintenient iif te -'. ptn o/ j siTL*:~TMLto Fridesyinight. 'ihe net meieting Cininnati scoos.ideiverd a ic- fle regulalr price (f uho-luis f rnt 031 LpJ1 L-+ 0 FLwl ake uaentlek ure ysterday moniriing before te SriiinS's iilncUAttrs. 'lc Msss hte.of Iotu -ciass in Siioo Supervisioni. 'Iic 2.0 i e ~ 5 1( i-u2 i Rope,.its-oi clook'iung ifoi-any' ofiYour T e1111croer.f Inon iiSh olS' sit al firsi . 1as.-i lio Iuleulutan. hi nilir l i t iiaeitalii Het'ireturled to their uwork iii te lti_ aper was entitile Schol pesr it 'l ulel. Fit-n oiiorl i iine, Sniiays. .specil versity one Friday, after a tng ab te heentei iire s" in0 urinary ofanatysis - h rates. B~~~~~ence caused y sickness.Teetr ls nuiayaayi R. tirle o th C S.elgileer-and all ut three neemiers of the r'eglar' price of wshIic'l is frount R.Sireo h T.S nine-( class in dissection bolted their sork$71)t$.0,fr$.0a ui - gofce tGaidRpdsi t on Friday afternoon, to see Dr. thc city, assisting Mr. Morley' inMatnlefreaecednlrae Teaeasooeiigsii - completing thec maps of the Grand River survey, operation at the newe hospial. ied bargains in Heavy Under- 71 Fort St., West. - Detrot, Mich. Prof. C. H. 'oy, o fines'.An nsecio o good The Political Science Associaioin succeedsrProf H.sC.eAdannaoa LEAVE YOUR ORDERS will e favored with a paper by Pres- scdeaso heP ooff . Applieas i sie sivtd '--AT-" ---- '- dent C. K. Adams, of CornellCt- detacsoforthe current yplear dprceThevied P. 0. ITLW3 STAND versity, on Wdedy ty; tis o h urn er h Wednsda, at730next session of this body will e '-ro- .o'lock, is the law lecture room. held at Plymouth, Mass., July rtt Newspapers, Mgwaes,Periodicalties;T r nied ort ~ Cofetons. (igrs and Tobaic Aloreivie,.o121,>82