'Cc. of 'Mf. Tre Publishetd aly (hSundays ecepted) uring the Catee ea, by THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION sheipiass piet?..511pe earts, i tablhy tnaslsses'.Sigle ra'siens. tOnsal t '. ZC tIsutn"andPo tfiet t'S stand attt12 O'lonon uscreiptiostaytbekl efst at ' the office of the IAaILL, Opera Itusae sittck, at a e ols t tofIt's, oreasthItsay at the edtlotts. ('onrnnictios soul rectuhe fics tte by We 'lsek . .sifthteyare t topeths'e n ay. Adtdress talttatter ittetdedlfttpultea tiontto a the Mtanaain Etittr. All tttinttea coamntsttitatiotts shttuttd tesnett ttetIs tta- THE U. of X. DAILY, Ann Abr Teich. EDITORS. . ty. . us's, '2t, ittasgsss l. t It. f,. l'stsetttAN,519Assist. statssEtr. 55',I. M us t ' , 5,Asst. 'ttsanag ig' tllstts. J.'. T's sas, 'l?, lsinitesMn ag erssps. 1'. 1. J.> n s. ', 51,spsist ttsnis e n ttstast. C', t NV, s'useu, A1,issit. i 4lss stssn I tt'['. F5 ' ~ su~s 1.. E.ItCLAhst, EVEs,.11. The.EitorBs doot., tl. ttss a. es si~e'It I s ininslsss statmuso o's le ersons o5til 55Saturdaysrnigit, nots ontly emasrrassesl te messiers of the sompts jany, lut postivly annoyssses tise greattmaajorityr of thlsess lrsst. It is not ju5st ihsuttiiseui11-mssansnseresi persons sihsssisd Itmar till eveniisg's pleasure iby ssscihass staal lesifor e- Iibition. 'The I) aslvhasscalled at- tentionto sathis species of rwdusyisml ott seseral differet ocsasions, ibst it 1s evident that the offeasders are ot amsotng its readers. We knsowr of otnly otnetay of sspressing tis ihildisht custotm. It lies atiste general pusblic, andulthe sweigit of its 'ensure nay possbly cushsit 0ut. INTER-COLLEGIATE. A esw resisdence busilsisgistsie erestesi at \Vassa. A\ regsltargyms um115slass is binsg sorgassizedI at Harvr.s stnewathiletic' house sss to ihe erestedsil 1theIPrinctetntiilld. ThieiPrinctetn ctaltisgushosss a replresenttationss of tirty-sis sttes. It is stas is tstWoodicssci,irowsn's' famssss p i tcher, 'iwil sotslaisth isi 'ise Ness \fork Wsrd is tso start a scsliee averse 5column5 I iss'its Ssnssar esitissn. Thie \'aie fresistman ise hsatcal- lunged the lrosut freshsmsens to tarn games this year. Prof. F-iske, of Cortel, has pre- sentted to that college a collection of t"oo rolutara of ltltsto-Romsanic literatutre. THE U. OF M. DAILY. 5J~ a2~s~ gofColleg~e FOR TEE SECONP SEMESTER A nearbuildisng is to be erectesd at+GreLtn rncemandMhmtil Brsawns, forth use sa of thse reigioas e + Baks, Neyasdst Sesondanfttlk organizationss stfuse tUniuersity.Tet sarsyias ruceisvsd Sa ,000 ly tse o k ssill of the.'lte uossn '. lie Selissis. JC +Utsiveity Boksellr, - - State tetn, uis. 11e11ry Villardsi spsirestesd tsI (owardullI ssersity, iss lashi , tssssa.usisst osf herfater, Wilisais __Jn' IElabosrate prepatrttionss are big saasl 1t iiassfsorthese ruelbra- t ti tionsssf tisesilsthassnivsersary' sfth y csllege its1 4)," I,; ., YE lo r the t 1111155. st t al Iot , i : rF Thie II arsarsi U. K. G. sensatiossassissi attudng ,1 r hsas lesi tso tihe esablishmuent o a og,]dn a ssCu tl'Pa tsiegisss eui ___Ctetrltsnstitss d'l'ittst' 'eri1 u iurust desaiu ia stss isn tisct l umnsa sat.athelurae AllITits'ss Dail s'nset Suna)ta fF0 1-, h .seila srtloc ssbtsissesla irst slasss its ose 1of ute ttinstss', andssl estuaIst in t' s ess'sts's It spl isg s ' as.Age t. Local'ts I t. lse tastyfsn. Pas?, tens toillslvote ersef to a ilifesndatinota betetr styles w'iits befssuntsifts townat. Ysssasasysistertre sste-hlst K 515e,55.e iselce yu a'is ~yils'thenttselsewhiere. V The ciemisial lboratotries softile M tel l'Schltiist Lasies Of thet. of M. awill fissi itI 1 rtiesity of Pensylsatia are use greatly tsotheir adsvanttage to callsi it s'- largest iss thsewarld. 'Tie laibora- when itt teedl of (Cloaks, Dress Goads tot sdb h eeiay etlor Fancy Dry (Gands. Mk k Seltnid. AA, usrysse b is etrisry sestl Lales' Mstekittshtes ittbeautifsl flJ, atss ttedical stsssenus lhas room for arities, just receed sotMak & 4.32 msets to aork at otne timue, while Slmds tha ofthecolegedeprtmnt as $1.95-80silk ttmbrellas awortht$3.50 that~~ ~ sa iecleedlatsn uuto $4.50, arked $s.s5 att Mack& __________________ roons for absout t40, taking a total Sellrnid's. pTM pN Of5q Ec lc sfte ihis Htanld cold bakhsstO cetts, ak Post J2D, 0t55"'t SNS of52 ahpaei itdwlsisOffice aer Sop. State Street Grocers. owvn sitnk, spigol, gas-jel anti racks Full litetew style collars, 4 ply, l5e Suetptoaeseihyoiiei for sold reagenls. or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmitt. S 54 5. SpTroATeE STeET.lslii