THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. Nowtrc\ilr Ioous, Corner of1Alai and(1Liberty-Stre-t s. I «oil] 'Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of' Guitars, t)"lijios. etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU-1 25 South Fourth Aee, C.ity. +TEN FOR O1j (Oer-coat. G armoents worth $f12.00l to $0 ., I Pure Fresh Cleat ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. I 1U(101 for 1 Gl EST'lABISH1ED18,51~. (OtCIISE. one yeal-. Three full terms required. Terms kbegin, Sepaterlto'r, Jtamllo1'diet MVarcth. Ci ~ ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. 69 1') Drugs. 7711LT S LJ_ Z.TIT.LT ~ Pnr PTCPPOT rr eqc TA If OPINC 01111 ii III il i11~s 111001)0 9(1good' Dereof1)LL.B. Cuonferred. Nel 101 [1s ewWntrto ( t 1111-1.0.1 1-11.01111 A'T7Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Neww tools, iew al01) s 11)Wntr(od.ll lcsSi silk \estittu-s. (0 10-0111 jgs-. Lo1(1(111Suitilngs. lrnlus(1-i 112s tllpeial! C ALKINS PHARMACY. Address lb BoDaon or Slcretary, 11nd exam1ine1. 'liletokitel-1.a(o10)5 trl.P11t ALBANY, N. Y. Nt). 2 EAST WASHItNGTON 5,1'.. n aii 0. 4 t R, i, JOLLY 0. IT LEADS THE CPjQWD. = - = A l~ashballCrosbylt- Co.'1 Superlativ insta Spr1in g Wheat - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~I1llrwl'lCrinae &or '(ea' ndii..rBoa ta a C1tadt nts I "JpplEss, 1Fou1'rll inte Marlk(et. Sol1d1ilt per5 b' l.hO ATHLETIC + 'GOODS. 44ANSI. lITI -,'71 tYPE ttWR1I10 THE CAMPUS. I1 hr Misscs ()1.1cv ( vc I ))\( )IJ 12 '1'b~r()J 11 is'. lo t1111 A siealo 1rm iisilnIi bi \h li 'o cliii etoli J.1Q.1090. oOlF, at tui 11 .\ i k'. and /j1st \vo > l tlr' NT it class ( is 1 111 l c( ort 1)i 11ir \t o nire I)1 r10111 strect, 11'r ill 11 l tt r,1111 1 111)11,r10.t 11)rllr I"c rllI: l i a ig 115 ,11 Ilitof I t 111 01)- Po t. Sltc111e Stic rect.p p r ( r it fli lito1,l /W 'lealc tnfr tlrrst 10 H° MaN'20~ t~il1tt1l100111 2g~ltlle iI1 inmlllg a rkf tt 1111 tell, is1 visi11111theg; posstiLiokweoo rirr thteriyoe ai totl Ilte ilhi BR Ne D UG ST RE otihre ft he lo t -13xlitert S at. l nilO f Mich011 0stig, .' bef ie t- r nev trtilealeste pse s u nif te faiir- t i l o it t o-i n11 o)rr (lo rteer- Che ical"ehy icaoAp ar tust . tIn nl 10 l eI3 ftl . ~tli ThreebspreSoci1t10 has ctheel) har 0111111so ea etor Iltle' Vt.)E I P .-I a nIdAIT lensr"oe tta he sle yerou a toh eries l ~pesure of te bar Ihewl erten1 ure lo s t sI o~l. o til l : ies°SeeMr. esdayfiu, o t I 99 'asoenaw ~ tl~l 1 R1-on. Fie&lsihl~r ONr. ofec-oIs nt, dand Mres.' 1 rot. lite class li 191 met a t uCr-ollohia 1101 . .. . t re, of .ate _ daylmowin s atonofexaondea theic-eeig ENVIBLE Tejni tordw nclas s ity hdasoet (oI~rT iDD (hodthe o sitiC. o. A enan oroprei e tw ntFridaylaftrnnto e m ke orth Oppcou~i ous. 1e11Conress a illforpr range 1 m e nt o s erationor LILLiALRDP PILORE 1BUTTS & iHAZLEWOOD, I --- T HE A RCGU S-- FI r j 11151)I111111)0 FIRST NATIONAL, BANK 01- .1NN5111111. 0 116 1tO,0)' 'c-surp-)1iusa doi -11)1 0ii-1 , (; t 0111)11 ill- Pre".eltPt.l li tHlpiV . S.'S 011) ('1fiHrll ;g 5(1 SIt oter% s roegovenrfpricepion)111P11ils.o Wager(Nlrcatpair.- Tile are alsffering;)O01110 ptic-ns we ar.tAnrnspfTouseofngosi and prices is invited. 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit, Mich. LEAVE YOUR ORDEfS P. 0. NTSW3STA1N' Newapa I r Magaaisea Periodicals, ia~e CoafetiDoes, igars and Tobace. Cornell tUnivernity, wilt .lecture be- fore the Political Science Associa- ti on, Wednesday evening. 'Tu'ie programme 'of' the Unity Club wilt consist of a Musical Recital to - e'given on Wednesday, Feb. 3, in- .stead of on Monday evening as usual. Washington's birthday. The conm- mittee wvas instrocted to secure sepa- rate seats in University Hall for the law students. An assessment was made of twenty-five cents on each member of the class to defray 'ex- penses.