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January 30, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-30

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GLEADBNOCLUBS. IConcerning Printed Lectures. Mockridge Concert. ( rOF YOUR
A First-Class Concert Given at 1Tile practice of taking sienogra- [ise followineg is the prograss for OUR; SCE 7I G
Ypsilanti Last Evening. phic notes of the lectures of the lasw the Mllock idlge Concert to-sight: I
hki audtience of about 350 muic- prfssr ac eln cesrte . fislrfosoi Mailed to You
as cii venturedi out last evensing to opes Icp reci son lec oe itse. 5iitii 1(1crn Ml ll5'iedi l Thr ough Your
hea te isnitsisi concert givein by the is abnsost it time i nnsioi it one. sit1t-~ ~ ll ii NE TI . P 17
Gle -ait Banj is Clbs is the \pi I hi the Opeiniig of the piresent itear, Fiml -ss --- -l Is si1 _ P ___
,i li ls s i s isee ~ o ll~slil s ;>u llrrtr In Naiss rt -.-_- ci Iii
lan Opii iiisea Thep cratic Ii _ii /s!souei i ' siItlhu i s isX iiii iuiirise ~Go PL IO
~u this traitiy in m s t sals i ssi sn ii ii sslsss s h lhs-irrir -P LCA IN
einir. ileilss ae iis Ii is csiusc. ic resors icre si tsi I. islimiss 1- isie ssith it Cliii-
Issmisliii t oil~ll ri 1 siiissi livtss -I II 1i I)
encnrg s.iTie rears, gte swiat iss in ciiiposrs ofte dscse the ciefs 'itdn ssh. hsllisscii-L
tisserd ytos hoh t he sr1 sos- bcn i si els t e p rcties 5 te I sa i iii ueH :i iis iiIsisilii
.s iirite-s u u ((!rIr aimSurl ass suil isseirsy Ilsisig sy
hems in oe r yta rs , tse -rsr es t to si c ou t aig:esr s iets sto i b lt yii 'i s-l cliiu itistii-. DERITST- MIC
tieiS.. esi sflsir ii esiic s i the tis stn st suts 'itnsi st is eiiis liii t is /,i E' wit lls Instill____________________________
ans sl -coicerti uvit iives' 'hes-trGlee
tcreateliatseliiilllasisitilwiori:risiscts celIrsBsesfore.etasdre-wtl-siesociesyinutgesi
iau l) an asse cis c lst-issare ssii r sp ci ticOIT - slmMICtHc.ii i lis -sils
ort itt sea wh oi e t stibris i t h hrel s t udsems nt theY- lars t rs i o i the Ts o\isi liu In i
Iws is i tir- Glcc Clb i tislri Isosmsie- itihstaningss this, ths- work of s int - 9. ' - ililir (a)i liesis hises (11)1 hi the
stlsa t fic it h stil a'i-se fig t at s Idsisg tir IC rs ssc s rust on.1 tpinin - Whee -------t--
tr siisi ssis Ico cict st tcs in theslectus-ris Ie co tnud XX-- lh i ii ~t b lk isis w~ cuv t7 ~~tet t~ryoitt
r ii dir~ m1i se i s isi sit C stuty t1i l(ss '!7 is ti itctcl tic ils -s li si ssi --- i- iii 41r_ i:cto in siutAln< g
iStir isthe r leeC ilti was l Itiusi tt listth en isiescirtec i n I?. i srli Triii fromii -tii issilsidi Ii
do il th itcs laii mot foIt o rsb a 1) 5-I' 'ilsI
istcda morirg 'itter Asin r. (senotL w . iit l 1
is e- i I k i tosdre s t he st 5iiiit ii i ath icr s nd s lie aledi i'th Ie tir toiiii s u se lreak e i sit the~lr ii~ 1 ic-l pics le icis
urs pic la ed s byis s the I sjo ibs I.t rufus seas ti edl . Pr e i ssors int u s cliirnidasm Nc-ctsvetr thatictr-
suit iihilitthei ipl as, tofu sg i ii t he lss cliii 55 athe sits s s nst lie cisser 1sf C vln aI15Ilcss theismss itI lirissi
s ti n is-si t a ot I eife'it. Is e abouss al os i ere wehee n ie ws ds-a se. asse ae or wasie scep tedi Ch s p llrtuo
songusuwebe easrlyt tom stes rn lash t- scsedfo inty s lsm the ro . R tr ime aims te si-isist eem c lasse ithi isct slingce gealy re
rsun ei mum tme s hetf ,e e tie o tce tait a ews mm nshes atse d rmi-iMr. theadditon lie t rliite sin ftherisii du- rcs tercoc
Inas sie gr a re traiesse an t alu sGifn af epreseni.m Th t ulsin on as tim o ci Srv eatnh.aais J c~ S e l r .
linein mintemii
miil ciuils saheir repttion fos tesin ofte as manand sic and i sse matter____of__a__class___picture____was
mci hst art tht sseU. f rsh s time sials stone Si th of rft i m mroli an ussn acommi i te u i ite aimr GLAd al EQUrn s E.
Ilals eritxtpilateyiteenis nmsed toa tiei eer s d0idr inso et by tiearagmen'ticgs. TlaGeois.
Iis of 'ity stel s toie conyer Slimsnt Ai n cois tummitte s sae inteditmiomsu tdnso helnvria p G n npc od
s~wtd be cnsure for heir ack o ProfssorCofeeywo s C oit in s tirs le ft rwt h uircasa hi
litrst to e welfpre o tim e melubes lestiuiel rum ti tee re akmeetltringli to be tu e l r ice ns time caftirnoo.I
sflme cle e aid anjo Clibsti an abof teydptidethg Susel o15 ie specialt seieda tht atistet Monay. EelFeury &1, '9
fri ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mte tha tim stcnsaelachr lcss e r toiukat iorible ile- afCiae hisilstmrcah itcurhi
fthir l prores stilstm epet intoer- 1S.r- areT.1 aSoreofgetbeeiRoEnEaTb.rsltt rette
r-hat etusti retha ro the y I tiers winoune( othrs th aty atI listeri tof brie ddrsse fro irwiS A
eierhs in widcfrh the rpet o ncar ladedtrive r On the repectite ntedb we t-hoel lMichiean metist 1) A DTT1(TL Sl
em isred thry ther frnd doe1 ers ofhie ca t ime Drim a isn atessay AC Wtermaon, in th di t r of thep lAd seeL 3seemsro laesi lae
limeosulcessaofethei trip donereti 10 nos. Til ane Po eo fuCoe ohnft tim sicignd ental rtaeina;stittionsC c~ el
hal here supr i o caste will. he atcedl i ll ea geaong h ilbreste ESunda of enn, an . ANN5T TIDII
f heGle ad ano Cub e s hythemot e nl diinerSest it. seilydsrd htalsuet M na Ev., LIKEar 1,'9
Sills te lt e at ede r, wathin s eats see t tin tha prne . foxate with, ofe Baetri, ahreh ex----
e.lle tras thake thu boy rof. Thmwien Bthros rofe to lhets peelie to ebreentdhesdes lroca
lime duceth of her rn dted loiied s hyasee e ttc m of tgrpe Membgnersoftel comittee; Sale ersel open' Fri dy S n rhs
trae w1.ll behal~ree$ wathe forey SihOagr

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