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January 29, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-29

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~C. of 1,Mf. $caitu.
Puliista-it Daily (S ssheys exicepted) ingsi
the coll-e )eab
P. 5. In a t iYot Offiecttltie s andtltit 1'3.
"l'c At'taaloc, cn iheitti ttas t taet ef a
110fiCofTHE U.Aof 151. DILYueMoka
whelta'sat totle s r At rb of h e

of (:carrel1lireceiveifreeptilionllleath
year. 15ler t 20
prolrhitc 7 lte r iverlitipit
ittirrsitiprcdI l-lt -i'llSteveils,Techi
nci ,I' uli-ers, "Tin ily aiiti riot-it.
lie iruslitesofthlte New1 1latti -
shire A rit liral (Cotllege tatvp
vitip toiisell thair ittuilitigsitolart-

College a:;FOR. THE 100111 SEM-ESTEII.
~~ ext + Books. Nell-and111Set tatlitistiat
Jsok - University Booksellers, State Street.


Is teI E DjN CHO I l'I I
I, .E r - -' I'ci tt la t n C n t ti 1 1o 1 1#1ecl

EDITORS. $,!,7,011per tiwek;studts aistt- iti o
r. (it',tertI..'92, tMatngiing 1-itearBUSINESS LOCALS. For cal
t. Ast ;Aar "I IEdior of1Ucenstet in . s-cliirae, orlon>1
1. C 1(11 1 , tt' _, roiness 11511i II 11111 cr. titi tietr a .I.lnf riii ittbyiiapplin tit
the (1.1111" 11111'~
t '. lit' It-itit t 't3tt-iiIt-lr111111 Itlittl(,r.
. 11. 1 viliatl. ; ,)i I S tittfcist-tet il . tt''ttii I
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C c' i {t t i t. } ii ii 1( [ , t Zr i t t i t (i c i ii l i l i i - ii ' s ii i i it i i t s i i 1 1
petrtmi tctinvd, -t\sell' ttt Le Ptt~Ity it
ti rt rt--s 101 i li- sl tt e GI ttttOpsra ttougst. Ltttttt ri Cii-.
ritttiti itts.'2 thear eri'.shtttt't Ilie.tloher of 3 Mi.tes eta t is-trh'
sihti t i ll(-,ts ii ttsp o r g-a e -li s o (rss-i atttttity tttti tltei i tigni sit hl1it a ii-itts 1 ii altt
ilaC C its t petrite iti sil t tp i sti sO t ts t iie}?y th d e ttritf'tti t't-etC ftal I iai'si t ii it ttOR tt. htata
the itiopi ttss'tttiieti C l t heili tyu tt reie f t itfr tt il et htitte-'ttof to
SBot IC h C it s ttintiess. e areda - -

oIIpI),II iI!gcxtenscseNII(I)Iel j('Nv'
Atffla -i7e, addres', P. 11. CLI ARY, l'residetlt.


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J. iAl. Sre-
li-i - ade
i-T 1Y C- i

0)~j 9
19 S. MAIN ST.,

f'trttt. I("alIfor
itte ii 11

ANN ARBOR,' MICH.~ t~tt ~
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.

j)M11L IL 11111;11L I) U NVCII LO U \VU1(1 1

an otl t e r'tstyleastill itt foIttttttt .t
cli-Ils IIt I pl tttit . I_'sittlt 1 ;t ll. X'.ettstill sillth (I eati'onte-htttf
-lio . -'l at he ri'ii Ilat' itti I'ill a
st-'piitl i 11111 w15 ti ctill This11 5si 'lve't t ch wtllti ihttti tttt lit' --ii at-il.
lit' ii latlits ii1886. it'r til CU. teil ii at 51illsIti i l-'11iilit
ietla tr1111ai~il) sit i 't Ill li-ils tt t ly Ii Csut-1e itdtusretltcivela-allIttisrd-i.I C.e
lte-hll, liiat tig s h i aliiii l~y Lad-iers lixt the s'. fCTth P filua tl. lt} li/~ ( Iel fpie
has 11111 i-lSw ycl «hel a . ^ t l i thsill'. i t t to tiic i all IIsi ~illA
wheiin ll tiin - o Cut ll al D t-i'.se( iioodstt De.tro it-.h
iii~ d have1 i lli- i-n t is iim reth d i ',<.titt'Iuttt- (rit s.t-li c Itt lt i' iii li 111 i111 iti
Ior ais laiii e1 lie tr u st t a lil m s1 ; t 11 . p il S I ita sik ll tcis wotill s;.' -Iil IttlC ttl li- -i llt i
t( 1"(l m r ed 4" .5 t f cl l i tt t t- E-iit i ANtiC ; uuiti'. 'Ci
iw itkil lt tbeeair itt riton - .ad\pplud I tt ' Sls. ltttkig a'kE.f k i If s t gtttltota tttttreitesent intlp i i
ill sil thr15 , Soslase- a- l et,1ilts ttttl« ('Illt.hettin ftt I_'tttt i its ills eattseitssUe tlte ittt'tsdttt
I rm d ilbe p e On h at t gt o 'iita'.itI , t~lilI'ttt I e xc e-tlls tt11 ,itsp l siia'.(,'itlIlt il1wdelI tl
dteitptittips irlidrsk nt litese. Maoie ;illousl tilINeikos-eat-, tittt.,tttttl at r{icit
N.ththelfit i ll positiv a , l l sIIboo tst. ainttS-is'ttti tCt e I' l t l ie (t' s le ttclths ilt- i p
Btiltaand cold bths l 4ucnt, t.os-Etha r-fet 1.ia k &isleor ltmht lIe
thesaf ty f he all ( akea slec~rty f Ire s S its;i

GOi, o itil
Sit I. Atttl a o E pr ;... .. .... l I ,
ti--it. tas i lr .1 I t r l th oIti -...* 11 it,
No. It li S s lo ........il's li~t I
Jo6.ID. smiisf~. oeoN c-O).. 0 .I
SotrlSte StrlTie'Gocr
AtilleinDi pt ly exesiteeliunltilirlt
W.1Ii1 . 13 EN STET ..,R EENWO)

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