l . of in/in VOL. II.-NO. . VOL. 1f.-No. ~4. NVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, FRIRDA Y, JANUTA RY1- 291192. IRCTRECNS PRICE, THREE, CENTS. Washington Alumni Banquet. I .About seventy of the altmi o iicf the t- of M . attended the banquet tiell it the hotel Arno on Wednes- diy etven ig. President Angell swas piesent nid respiondledl to the toast tirat kina .Mater.' Among the wIllknotsni graduates were: lHon- orlble dw II ill etts iandl tite, lii f', Ion. Walter I ares of Iowia, class of i'6 Prof. C'. TI. tlen- dchall, superinitend(ent of the roast acid geodetic sitrvey;lProf.itleciry I it the criticisnis of the edu- SpeciarLeoture on Pedagogy. r ated, the (ctnic althe throog ical \Whlt promises to bIn ricuila-i and the inaterialistic Its nitrk foti interestiing series tof spiu itt letori thosewelo itacelespisedl Itsall otheitr aiintellile'sn ifi organizations places its soildieris and Iussiite i iicad r their gifted " geterall" bttis lthe lte l (ni Irnit of the wor ldi'stieroes ad nb inn etMnaFb }lierointes Notnc if the stiartcs } "m ro ; htIL . enter ditntto hiiioration ttitt sili totn in iOhuioin 1820.it is (,ducat'sypty ndpeuains, id in I' iisbtis-laem adtet Mr.tlCe urier iiCliii~t comeii iiI etcititl itittit iii Spetey ut f imslf Thugt ad atriusuipotan ii tpositiones in I ( OF YOUR OR SOCIETY BADGE rl y res; ctc itt j I ti 'I I('i Mailed to Yocu Through Your C-zHAPTR Upon - - nAPPLICATION. siate commeitric e icommissionIlaut.tiuiititssioeofic omm tiiiont i Scios Itro Gil .I Stout, len.iBI NI. Ittih-l i sit micltwti vsitege . icmluat cittt iniS16,; frotit ,uSfi t it5; isas (.on, J. 1 I INici ottait Nich~trile Ittii p i li epesutltii itt resicdenit ohPetde lnIiiiet sity ititd s~~~~~~~t~~~ thcietlt Ihnteartsiait I otf ithe6li I'atustdieence.tleito It ititti an ifes MarrIinoiltt osuts e fiit ~tit i s I tie tit-scltotols of isinnti. Ilie iItef if thcse attic BurarcuttNIatrk ha~sss heetipresidleitif Itie Nationalti ItrinIgtoniti dit iftte, E.IC I oster T heC o tesi t hias citte autu ''itte Counitlthe tietmotr1il presentecdI to andt tifteNI iltoniC. Barntrti SutstephenistitndI Oberlits oriitrlaii's herselfIContgress ott the stibjicet 1f'a Nationial W.N i i Matttil stWelean ilt, otil ei recrecsetitatioilt hItt i hti itill liureaui of tEdt ui tion ltd le acctin- its ii s itiiiis ai I listecat Nori twestern nxti ai- .i It tin iaf ifa itIiscc iitili it 1. \. I. I stirtisewellet i et ags DETROIT, - - MICH. .3 . hutn -ti tintt(te Latest i etopi litti Stetles x.1H. FYFKE& @. SPEI~L bSAbE!I 4ll Its iMlil t I .li. ai i I I itii i al~ is Ifaecil Shout lII tilin hthy ltiatiII) r oxhnR.F ln's lnt standad of tetoleel h I~a(n eli et. edo a teric Ict bensciutin im ouits ill ri-tnt look forar li t expMc y \\i Itascd. The Runk May B~eClised. sit. Gf-ticldl ndtti s lclictl}-tic- cameks it icit''Air i kei its a - has hee Ade i iltl is it tiok iiiitiissic testnalityiatthe HiaiIss- i i i I. ',I it C rant tetster, tilthinIW. datmtis lI:.--±es ini teachIinsg are assiureilcilofa rarej t. ee, IGecorge if. Sitiplson, Arthurit Sotrtie dlamtage tins alreadly'beeti treat ini his lectuares. {.Aias. Speller & Cii. It. II'litlarl andticttfeh:.P. Smithli done in therinuk lby the baise-ll I- ~are Sellin g al great Is rc- II. I. Runeut Wliser SIftc andlidates, in spite if the cation Alpna Nu. lieipies uli lie "nt C.n.iovel Msi~ othoseditaereatrtIf rule ref 'The Alpha ia Ntprogramtilfor this "- line sif Neckwetar, Ginclot'- Ilarrigues Aln, Allen L. Coltton, H oswardi noeovseieng ieseaserohelots.r o It. Cannnct'itl'sitiatnIt3.i i bbb s thte ritnkswill feel comnpelledetoIt deny eein s sfhhisg ear nd tll "urntishinti 'theriflmen leceit ot te ~ the rise oif it 1o the Athletic Assotci- iolisi solo-S. H. f eery. Readihng The Iftiseti" - Ale rear are: Pesilentlion. {.H.I;allots. te base-hall manager says: C. NI cit otan, f' icepesidlents, ' It - irestons, the' ownler 1sf the Ctiii.( unietgsit IHut. Cuishsmant K.iDavis 5) it rink, its pointedi out Ill ue the A 'Talk ott Seri-ctuire. itand price". I r teis atol ~ lssV stautagYe ionte by-the uen tranintg ill Recitationi-J . II. 1laset f1 heny trngi4 Hn.1laler1-1 Ia iatnolsolo-MHiss Jenny LEddy-. tChap. Speller x & 3 IHaye's 'Ii' andh Rufhus '.Thayet '70;i1the rink, atnd I cannuot Iblamte 1h1im ieut,'ieeletta n lous lt TI~T I attne E. Iox l't secrtary sI twin .horcomiiplainiing.'Rutles swene toilte dcae giih hl.''Ah 1: mth'6 its the rink, buit they hate liens sitt-I letcltch li c- n-alive, S. \I. Stearnt. I. it. on SAVYE TIME ANDT MONEY oratortoat Contest. neapivaBti. Bserss.rPttey --Iabsence. The trainling" hutthe ritn ugktc, t . se, i .' cre Thuefolloinitg sconcerninug Ir. is nserely- for theuerspiose it1 hardnuei- 'st-ielylgtii I The Mathematical Club. Currier, Oblerlin's representative to inhg the hantds anti getting [hue arituit the Northern Oratoirical Contest, is anti nuscles of the legs iutosshapte '['l ie athenatial Club mteets }j10 10 1T' clipedl frotislteObserlin Revietw: sefore the beginnitng of wiork oun[lie this tiening ini rooim 17 at 7:30. tin. burnier's speech was a poenm. camupts. It not necessary, there- P~aper by 'iNr. Fisher, Beginnings of us wthilesee are sere. It was pitcheti on a high plane of fore, to thurosw the hail on a lite the of Calculus. imuagery ansi ield there throughtout. fail length of the building, for it is Paper by NIr. Stoine, Life of Sir CALLAG H AN & CO.. Notwithstanding a lack of variety in by doing [Isis [tha[lie damage has Wsm. Thonupsos. this respect there iwas a final burst been caused. 'rie rules ivere nsade Problems, Homer's MNethod, by oif spirited eloquenuce which went be' necessary by- the" conditions -uponi 'Mr.BLaidwiS, yond a11 thsat preceded and gave [lhe which the rink is rented, and if --.r.«--- 114 Monroe Si., Chicago. address a strong culmination. 'rhe they are violated, the rink willl be F .Mtn,'3lt scnie Salvation Army was ably defended closed." t i omb lns.5 .Saew. xnAbr