THE .,U, OF.M. -DAILY. AT THE TWO SAMS11 NO WAR WITH CHILI! j Bt war on the price of Clothing, Blats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Mittets, Hfosiery. Commencing Wednesday Morning, January 27, 189 2. TRUNKS VALISES, Fine Shirts, Collars, Clls, Overalls and Jackets. We are going to let the plic loose atong hirtyeight thosand dollars ($3,00.0) The worth of tmechandise for twenty days, which wll hie till February at ote-qarter () Stock ~off mared prie. We hve not picet ot a few goods and maredi them dwn, bt offer Entire Sok 1EVERY ARTICLE ,IN IlE FDOUBLE SO Of Clo hing.Remember what we are saying: ONE-QUARTER off the pricv of everything ad any- OfC ohig i s thing in asuc Doble Stre. Nt one dollar to go on the bmoos; every dollar mst e cas,. We otght to wve ONE THIOUSAND) DOLARS' maits of gods every day at thes Ulvsrccaals Sats, PaintsIDress Sis, Prince AlliertSis, Smoking Jakets, Bot, Robes, prices. Hlats and Caps, Seal, Fr and Plas., alt Underwear, all Shitt, all Gloves, I The J. T. Jacobs Company, all Neckwear, and every Article istie Start at Headqaters ftr this section of the State of Michigan. , ;evreity-IVive Lerjttoil th e Io11att . N. B.-Coantry dealers nill do ell to onar in, ad assort tp their stars at these pics. 'hwill be the GREATEST SACRIFICE SALE (IF CLOTING, IiAsER- tke agmn'i, Nfiits' luk.P61 DCLTA CbCTA. CASAND) FURNISHIING GOlODS eveeheld. Eery Aticle goes at Sevetty- five Cents Capit tl,Sl,soI. Srplxntllio's,:a17155 W. hvesomecrf pis omae orIsrstet on the Dollar Doesniageneral Banking usns.ays ill-ngoutand nilveror aotoe sacet wits e isll Creal on Saving JDposit. a aety selli o se ea,. D O T~ t ep,4~ oaimxe for Bent. ~ ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. Bank one Satrday evening. __________________ Ann Arbor Savings Bank G AN 1q ~ Ann, Aror Mich. Capital. Stok, 5,WN D A Sttrplon , Sooo$ IVs wish, In state COat tnder contract three articles are not inclded: Mtr. V'oatans Organzed under upthe Ge%neral Banking Lawn___ inat, Mr. Enox'Itat and E. W. Collars. All other aticies at Seetnty ie Criss ott the or thin satoe. Reeiven Depsit, hys and, Dolar RMEBE tis ret vecotells eehasseeon the prioipai cities at he FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Is~r R \BE hsGra lorosatI Sil Sale ul father noice. Dot' United States. Drat cahedpse properMLLNR ADATGO S mote any purchsase until yost ave sent nrs, identiicatin. Oficers 1T~N N R OD CRtTIAv NorM, re., W. D HARRANas. viesel'rn 30 Lst Hurn StJrvet, 7 eHAs. E. Hisoctr Cathier THE TWAO SAMS, J. HALLER, SHORTHAND TRE Tilss Siti h:is Stitss t( oll CAS~.L_- BLITZ_ T ILL PFY lIi. Sh orth nd School, Rsw Repairing a specialty. 45 ts A1NsT on ialitfng,0 ,outh State htreet. AH4 Ardor StemllILRONY1;Y CO .A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (oo *1r) WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Stull ine f alttCollege Tet Bosk, incuding Lwicoldeidl l?,,ol in-Oniy thy asti. r -At, 1 a s Chapst place for NotBnitos oast Fstaltin Pctristhe city. Fresitsssencrost d it. itisn aot SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. aVi-r_~S= T. m litfrird. :Issnowrtis my ettire stic tay tie ott No. 6%3.. MIAIN _ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. 1 No. 11 WaSnT WASHaINGoTONcSTRETts. -DOs2I.. MAO~h' W AHR'S BOOKSTORE, D W N TOW N. G-ILT B CTB.EY EeySuen ilsvemnyb byn nvest et-ok n alsplesa eduatr.WWalwOrer'oSernpris Oren fa. uis a t o. weidtgsetc., special disissat ott JAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BIOOKS. DENTAL, BOOKS, ini short, every Boot usedsinh the;T tate cssnptlr atto~rdi. ltiverasily. 5,000 Blatnk Books at lowest prire.Tehn e __ s. 21 N. alt St.. stp. Ststie. ' T ' H s ISXCEIIOR - IAUNDTRY' 0 " Z' //." A1.X a. nilthe Iitptrored marchiner,andstiin lre. LEADING BOOK STORE IN TILE CITY. paed ts trn~ out fict claswitch on shotisio- tie. ('airniresi 5 wirkthurnei out atesay. L P iie resnaean si iWor iak Visaranrt . Br.o- gichmond Sraight Qut. 'THE WESEEN Vf)TCOL EGE . a a Bit sc. AS.CfOiT dtcu -lpets,, Wa.TERN MICuHIGAiNCOLG -o:MMATNN.1 CIARTTS.ilirleris ass-Incoiirpoirates. EArEUR IN CIGARTTemkErS.saCloth Caskets, Metallic Cigrete sokes wo GRAS1' R~iPS~iS., M CHANti COMON COFFINS. are willng ta say a litteNTDrso aeiAi~iiI itJiR.issaesosd-isfrssycttg s traA OHMS nmore than the ricer1K tlt esool itsitecosisR y. R ''7i ,O' h;.Peaesuet orayrolg.o co rharged foe the rsis, ea CO[is , E Ca - foit'f1 S. trep is fo srte ris e s s r di'sttits at tebds- sistt cliiirsiasi " 1 X T "7 CT - trafescCigrettes, will find temstatral rvs t. -.. _., T 3 'iotaisoAn supaeirir to For is Ni)RIAL AND fEA1If1t5 'TRA~INfr iVG iitiEN.OSeil.asttentosnis-n AiSIJt'S AtE ANt BAGAGE ItNE;, - . allothters. I tot preparatiso frexcamnatioin astiltsltroeothtainStre. 1 The Richmond Straight oc its .idtSICAf ND INP 'F:ASi'I F P I-: F LT. ), , r o e-ot i Is ivo l i t 'itl ts i_ ss u rrt fit No. 1 Cigarettes ae salle fromn the bright Soitii.I IR iI, NIiSdlT tfaD P-i'M lstersls-acssist vt, mssrdelicately tlavoed and highest est SForttetesindrtseexpeRIA AD,sciOLIt sNsI, sisls'ssisEg. Site rleing, schooioa"'suis 'ig RNSY&SAOT Gold Leaf gcro n in irginia. Thin it the Old l sirhee Iier soith as tritat iss-tstier-ttit tttoliitsi sThe expeist-accounitycantb ig- R Nat&S A O T and Origitnl Brand of Straight Ct CigaetsI -ue shtow -rlitI- sthanostl cnt ri' eduaionins titufion ins' he a-cs and denletatit and was tbssught nttby isain the year til. smCriserocerllan omiesbe Ee Feed,'un vhd Bieware osimtitations, andt observe rihat thel A. I;. VREX, President.oiios ,r n Orin name as beloiw inatn every parkage. 0____and_______8_________ loilF asisigtsn St. Ther AtLEN & GINTER BrnsiALINSetT ift the Aterieana 'Sbacen Co AVN ' . iitite piise fois wsiossrk than ws 5seir dbtn ni os hs ees ogt- Mianufacturers. .-.- Iihmond. Viginia.s -Otei- Istingitit ieieai-sl ue ly r . 7s-spp v I How it Saved Him trom the tn-spt- ill Iititi if'1ily badtihusitosr alIIaizedt1at lrcisssi 1. .TIIVEOIT CL SONS, j oun Ire of a Wl-known sutyil les- husiusnisi.leadisg tian, t Teb stll siuadllat IHariat-i State Street Grocers Leading Lady. ti fisially soue retmark f hisisliles er i-s-begu -practce -nsliiia ts say-:'M r. alitl rolii avesuite - c il I L l Studetitatrotiage epecially solisitesd. l -}nvr enaeutotdt h 24 s. STATE STREET.Fe w in-eole ats sotteiiiiu'rte ltosee sctl)-iise lcs til stliss tsli- \ici- c c1 . Sudets Salili n heStge tatthreyes quicklyieliedh Salinli, you forgedtitentut-osuleti this scorse next Urials A. lBoydri, sq., of13s- usnyting witty-aboiut im, si IV, lit 1 a o has.lmoiiter andshsessestr art rqstii t in 0tfornmcue tou a ipoie tfnth -akiiM. Wilkinsiotn, ligenili iisagrhavlite sster.' - aorelict-fecpts-tedtytbittesuchnisiflue ie, o fas sentias tpssile, so tat a aidt- a rporerto-lay bt schis he as, - "I nttiiuser of sbos tiy hrorders) istitutte, the aiis of 510,o 1ble ad otitproe it Itill tell yosta it itle Als alrg st ii-rrsti rtiEscii is ua nur awarded sl a 2premim to 'asny rsi- y: ,Y vi ew sassotnago' sotinued AMr.,at the t nierity ofIl htnsyianiastudsy f int slefI.andi practie lent of N orthiAnmrricaiwto sial) Wilkinsoot,"'Salvitil trusslecd a euid- teohauniof the college aving in Latis writi rn ut'sih Lin cu-tsui setermiur swhther ol rays of light, ing support of a wnel-kniowntilhdy sar,-b te siitnsi 'Fle hours will probably be who is not hblessed withi the seetest pronirel to pay two-thirds ift Cne and othrr phtysical rays, are or arr temper otn earth, and who wa00 ull the changedl tsrITustday ansI Ihuray, not translatred with thtesaame velor- the tiuie fitising fatlt with the great cot if thur college will roise te in : o anth :o ity.'' acttor, who woo reaping atmuichior oter thir. joINis(.RuLt:.