THE U. -OF M. DAILY. WARE ;.THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. Nest \treror ,,iir.Cort1erroft fia nd1(1Liberty Streets. I still "OGlen the Bail" by placing a fife stock of Guitars, Banjos. etc. PRI'CE;S THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find -== .SM-r~'s vxys=C Swom=, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. ONC - X - TEN 1 UR 51-7- I' .,.- ,--4.. ,.,,, Qy 0 0111 4., Q, C: 11+ PueALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ure il 1tIt),~ruit aaiT (Zt S i 1. i)I) i Fresh COUJISE, one yeatr. Three full termts .l annaretol dMarch. - CenENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. (GO T FulDlq. 1Corps of hIruoors and otuo anthter things equatily good. Degree of LL.B. Confrtrrod. For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Nest (oils, tietiFall Godnst esw Winter Gtoods, Futll Dress Stttitings Silk \estitigs, Overcoatitigs, LoitdtiniSutitings. Troitneritigs tt. specialty- Largest and mttst complete stock itt the city, it the torwest srices. Please call CA KN" P A M C .Addceot the Dean or Secretary, ttnd exaittnte. ALBANY, N. 1". NO.2 EAST WASH~IGTON ST., tteitrMttin, 3,E OLLY & VO.0 ANT) ALL. x tfadantst ecpplilas, heave Orders cuerittl ATHLETIC + GOODS. TYPE W,1?ITINIw. All tintdt..ofCWirk netle pt tdneatreasotnatbletpries. = 9South University Ave. YOU (CAN GET rght, nt B3ROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical I Physical Appar'atus )1 c .coP. and ' a-o i snials.6'icroscopcal Supplies., EBEICBACII & SON. O~~DE10L YOHRAD STUItN rn'HEiAitQUAtRTERiS. 1t0yt',"tif oerektng itor any ofii tor rte, totrta their inttteOceidentret Hotel. otbere ftirtetrmtnntcs. You witt surelty nee heire. Ftve to'clrrrk inner, Sundays. Special 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. Mich. LEAVE. YOUR ORDEf S -AT- F.0.1\INWT ST.LAN IT LEADS THE ORXOWD. -4D-~ ILLIARD PARLOES Elegartlycrefittedurirng tire sumerr taslhbtutntiCroisbyt&, Co.'s Sttperlattive .iitiiesttttSpring Whet Etielunch counter in connecttont. SBUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, l~lttr cii ttkeMiris'Brad~tid lttti ,r~il liti diiSTATE STRIEET, ANN AIZIHOIt. Eitrrit the 1\artke't. SoldI at $6t.25 r bbl.HEARGS 44t MAiN ST.. SOUlTII. F I Nwz Jog I I AT LtOW PRICES. THE CAMPUS. lifts-sixpltousand dollars has FIRSTNA I ALB K beetspldcigcdtowrdnthlbs trotposeildTON L BN ('lent Shafer, 'g t taws, is r siltig tliAdvr ti fhlfami FANN ARBOR. intiil thelri cfiitlyf'al.i l Ctatip i tnl, (),00. Sureplusa nd t ort itis, $t0,i1ir lin.'r ets atrgerreettra rrankig buinless, Im~ trot. Rei-hrd botltled iis claseslion.richatinetold, ltters irf ererit rtred 'tIhe latcst eduirationtal statistics frtrvelters abrod. ini biologyr . da- c I. i tiCiii4IONiT.iPres. P. tiAt'iI.V. 1iii. bestcsla!shorwthast titere are '01t ,2 7r teatchers' s.55. CLRtKrrSO, tastrier. ('..A. Lawsonl, lure'92,is CirrindittiantI i2,,56,),894 cbilrenin itthe put it- #r trr tin coons witlh gritpe. is schools itt Aitericri. S Ecitenhertit Srcil ~sr ritay T[le library oi tire Chicttgot'i cccii t, is Nsvlsr~ lul. Versify tan beeii pirchtased in lier-( STSI 1~m '1k 1btssis rI trs, isleillatidtconstainis 2otooo dissertai-SCLHUUL tFUhR LANC friends its Ietroit yesterday. titstsaia C. A. Lawson, 'yz law, is contfttned tcn nallnugs to Iis roont by severe illness. MrItH.agnstccpiiu NtOlitfteetirofItts !judge JaredrlPatcheis, of the class lcuso \ac 6 h atnti_________________ Of '' died itn Iletroit Saturday. her of tire S. I.. A,, will be ois Mcxi. Prof. .C Aamtewl-no so. insteatd of Alaska as Iprittedltnt astronoimer ott Harvard, is dead, tihe tickets. Columbhia addts i 6,ooo volumnes lt 'Thc Biological norietr sswill .Xitect Wge its library duiritggtht last collegiate Tuiesda, Jatt. 6, at ipitt. itsn aie & (Co., ,Mei'chin Tail- year. roont B. MHiss Mhare Stuirges weillOrs, tire ttfferintg 5(0stilt patter ie. Gbroshi, this foot-buall player, has cc- I react a paper ctii 'Ths Vertebral turnsed to college after a severe ill- Threory- of the Vertebsrate Skill.' tite regultr pie cf whicih is fromii iress. Thre chraimpionshtip of the Irennisyl- $258015 It 35.0(0 foir 1$2 x.00 a T'he class it schoiol suplervisiton is s ansia league of college foot ht 1: constemiplating a visit ho te Detroit teamts hts beein awarded to lbs State ihtts li schtools. college. IDickinsons college htsrbeent I,5O ttttesrins cuTlrotiseriltgs, ftse Itris proposed to unice Coliunbia expelled for refusing tcrIliay oft College and this hiniversiyof tht postponed gamtes. - rglr1rc fwihi rrt City of Newv fork. 'ThisUniversits Banjo tints is l$7.oo ho'$9.00, for x(1.t0tt aePair. 'Fie Princetoir Theological Sensi- progressing finely under the directionr Te r loofrtgslr e nary is now thie richest Presbyterianr of Henry Hang. 'te club consios sentinary in thin country, of twelve persons, and half of last eided bargains hit Heavy LUnder- lProf. Dewey read a paper last year's umenmhers are back. '[he wear. An inspectionu of goods night before thne Unity Cluboni music that is being played this ya IMr. G. S. French, of Lansing, higher class than has ever been forerl wih 92 itisin he .it attempted by the club before. The foreery ith'~i lt, s i te ctyfirst concert will be given on the shaking hands with old friends. u9th of this nuonthn in Ypsilanti.