THE TWO SAhl AGENTS FOE- . YOUMANS" AND KNOX THE U. OF M. DAILY /IS !E OOS HATS. c - The~~ NJEW. JcobsCo. Th .Thcob ., aosC. Th .ThecobU., aosC. Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Fu: Call and see us. rnishings. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. [_ I3LslTZ. N. 1.-We stilt have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly :Reduced Prices. ARl Arbor 8tooum Lallllty, CO~ AL. GEORGE L. MOORE9 (Mooe& ae) + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Full Lise af ail College Text Books, iscluding Law sald Mediil Reiok. 5vbyCthe stlcs CAiLL oN Cheapest place fosevott Bootks0an1 Fosntain lPeisnthe ciy. Iveshmten crswd in.Cosise along SPCALRTEOSTDNT. 1\E__ T !' old fiesds. Iteam hove my vntive stocikat my stave aon PO. 6 s. wanLtIN .. Office. - 23 Snuth Fourth Ave. NO. 11WE ST WASHIsNGTON STREET. a7. iz. vMoo~M: ' BLIJSIi\TESS PILECIOL1Y. W""ANR'S BOOK STORE, 0OWN TOW . Every Student will save money hy haying University Text-Bookcs and all saipplie It Ileadqnuaates. We allow Orders Ste traina, parties,;s vddings, etc., special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, an short, every Book aiseil in the' promptly atteaded to. Utniversity. 51100 Blank Books at lowest prices.lveheei.1N leC.atsvstCe. r~ 3 sXwi': N rnaX . tiMISS JUDITH GRAVES, LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. Highest Grades Toaht. Apply at Wlsey' THlE - IEXCELItiomt - I.AUNI55RY RIQhm1OnG{ Straight Quf. First Game of the Season. and Facitlty, The Deveclopmtent of Hiss all the improved maechinevy, antd is ptre. I ____parec ttuota rstclvassswrvkan shtort as- No.l 1 College journalism, and Tile .itcr- tie. Commereiiavorkiturned out same day. C A ET S. The Ann Arhor Higha School elev- b5' rice reasoatble ad work garanteed. Nsa en vil lne TTttiUnierstyary Article. There xii he a hanqact 20 East Hurosat. AI ltAJ 'a:ite Cigarette Smoheswha nwl ln pagatnasthe Uhers0. IM.MARTIN, are swilling ta Day alittle cinvethe.evening. afteAi eEentag stare than the priceee n~, Saturdyaftemoon at 3:30OIAIIN Cared'r the ordinarysap n h aps Ti ilh Inter -Collegiate 'Tennis TOUrna- Cloth Caskets, Metallic aThrs.RN superior to the first game of tesasnadmont. At 013303COFFINS. ___ allters.a hesasnaniJ. A. POLHEMUS, a. = iartesaeThe Rde f he rght-Straight ', 5 Cat No.1 Cigartearmaefothhig- every one should turn out to encoor- aTie ninth annual tournanment osf- I 7' , IE.j - etmotdlctlfaordadhgetcsth Ine-olgaeLw TensGld Leaf rows in Virginia. This is the Old age Cthoys adapp laud the goodteItrcleiaeLw ensALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LtNE,OrgnlBadoStihtCtiaetsAoctonwlbepydinNwothMnSre. and was hrought out hy us ia the year 1015. pasSoevrpromising play- aanti nte RNE SAOT Beware aofSmtatlons, and ohserve that the Haven aanti year o h ISY&SAOT fSrm name as beiow ian everyrpaehage. era have come out tis week and gonso h New Haven lawn Bahers ahddeaiers in The ALLEN & GSNTSBt BranehCo, there are good chances for a strong Cloh. The tournament hegins on Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, Manfseares. . ichond Vigina.eleven. The A. A. H. S. eleven is Monday, Octoher 03, and will proh- en N aligo t e coposd a folows Heninerahly continue for the remainder of J. H AL L E R tk 'ar ll ,C t coposd a fllos: eningrthe week. Each college may enier Csitot~s~iOO Ss~taossi~a~ioS:,; Warner, right guard; Reed, three men in the singles, and Iwoiepiegpeety 00araAOST Dos erea Bashing hasiness. Py in- left guard; Baird, right tackle; Fur- men in the douhles. j T---vrssT 9- rsr teereson Savin Deposits. Hma aety horst, left tackle; Tucker, right end; .-..----- LI . SQIMICSON l SO ~l.NS, hi. KEMPF, Pees. :F- Hi. 1ELE, Cashier. Davis, left end: Norris,quarter hack; Bulletin Board.SteSretrors Bank open Saturday eveniag.Stditpttolgesecaysoite. Little, left half hack, Garwood, right NT E- Zous 2 advancedtudents taTee sTeET.yoictd Ann Arbt,,. ai or SaviCns Bnk half hack; Duffy, full hack. The Psychology) will he given during the- Surplus, i$1.000. Organized under the General Bahking Lawa of this state. Receives Deposits, hays and sells exchange on the priseipal eities oC the United Staten. tDrafts ecished apes proper identifleation. Offieers: CHInSsTIAN MACK, Free., W. D1. HiARRIMAN, Vie Fees., CHAs.S. HSiCOCK, Cashier. You Prohahly have some Broken Arti- cle of JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, W M. A R NO LD. 36 MAIN STREET, Ithe Plaee to go. A FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! 30 Cast Huron Slrest, SHORTHAND TAKE A IT WILL PAT TOG. Shorthand School, New Building, Si South State Street. 1-igh School forwards average 040 poutids and ought to put up a strong game. They xiii play IDetroit and Ypsilanti this season. The N. Y. S-1. P.A. The second semi-annual conven- tion of the Nesw York State Inter- collegiate Press Association will he held in Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. t6. The: papers nosw represented in the asso- ciation are the Cornell Sun, Hohart Herald, Rochester Campus, Syra- enean, University Herald, Concord- iensis, Hamnilton Literary Monthly, Hamilton Review, Madisonensis. The following is a list of the subjects to he discussed: The College News-' papa, The College Journalist, Edi- torials: their Infl'uence oin Students year hy me. Students having credit J in three courses may elect sh. = JOHNiE wey. NOTICE-The social given hy the S. C. A. in their new huilding, New- -ANDi herry Hall, should he forgotten hy no one, especially new students. No etr poruit s ferdfo ne C I 7 R L E to get acqunainted. Rememher the date-Fritday, Oct. 9th. Everyonej cordially invited. -A- SOCIAL COMMITTEE. NOTICE-Students holding keys~ at the Mechanical Lahoratory, please! ~~i~~ ~opoB return same hefore Saturday of this; 1t~5J week and money will he refunded. After Saturday new keys will have to________________ he made and thue old keys will .notj be taken. C. G. TAYLOR. NOTICE.-Memhership tickets for the Athletic Association catsbehe t- cured of any of the directors or at ticket office in Main Hall any morn- tog from 9to 10. 71 FPert RE.. Wiest. - Detroit, Mich,