THE U. OF M. DAILY. C ~ g "~~jI~~ atmospthere of University Hall for "I O M 'a ; t'L fully a half hsour longer. An andi- ence shouldl show its alprieciation-of ibibdDily (tinda ecepte)'duingan especially ine effort by one or THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION twvo encores; after that the encores' siinlyl seers to protong the program and tire those who are giving it. If subsription prine$. e vtriyeai'n', orsl thisprioriscuous alpplaurse continnes no~nsadPositfiteewsvistarndiat 12 it will n rot lie long lbefore tectuirers 'clocki, rno. Subscriptians tsar be left at tire ofiice(onethe tinhrs, OperaHonase binek, atO o ciet t('omrpanilies cumr ig here , eana's, at stofifiet's, ore withi any of tirewil iicimnsidler tire encore tirrrt)ly a Comm nicriationsshioilr leaich thfire rirrbe agyatdn ttsain fmrt o'clock P. ui. it they sreeis appear the rent Tire oinioni of a tUniversily audi- ray. Addtesns alt maiter intended for publics-er tions en the Managing Editor. Ail briiness etcc shldir carry soare iieight twith cormuniatiinssshould be test to irehBnt'- it, but thris miethodl of entcoring still arsManarri'.sirpypoueteopst fet THE U. of X. DAILY, rl rrlr' teottst fet Ann Arbor,Minis. We Ihesitate cti relieve iliac this np- *Beautiful Ghri~tmap it A 1) F1IN. ART IllES T UNIVERSITY BOO0iSELLELIS -- - _ i _ - ' b ., : i~ Is theiLEADING SCHOLofifsiit'-IIiE -Fur depaimrrtis-icmn sir al. tetsIrcol: crnarinsrtNrioi- &t guih.iririiatdianI btudents athistdisopsiiosi. Fo rcitalogue, nddress P.tR.I Li lit Piresideni. EDITORS. S.W.'RTiss, 'i2, Mianaging Eiiitre. G. iLi.irtiAN, 'it, Assist. Managing Eitorr. WI'.i tic-PIrtia, '93, Asst. Manrraing Edrtoe. liiiib'ixr ir,'93.As~tt.Biirritressi.'rir'rr. Ct W. tciwi, '94,sist.Auinsa gr E. J Mck'I H~;,'2. c' ii nn.'lt. '.E tirers, 'st. ie r is ripinionstiriaiestatemtias ofitre irrrdrirts, raperigill" the ILrYti. 'lire nlass of 'o; lit, being comi- posed almrost entirely oif tInepeni- hints, uhis dccidhed that thece is 110 rise for a tiresideterlainrl vic-presi- lent of thre claiss. We 'egret very tuuh thisnt;rioniiiithit'pari of the class, for though threosices in dies- tion are not useful, still they migirt Ire at least conisideretd honorable, and Ire given as a reswardl of merit to students worthy oif theis. '9,3 lit, has especially distinguished itself in other things, and tre heartily hiopedI that i wol stl moe dsigihitself by stopping tire grossing lets- dencty in /1histUniversity of treating class officers as niece figurre-tieads. Sitch action is riot calciulatedl to raise irs very ciuch in tire estinsationi of tither 'cslleges, especially thiose of the east. We piretenrd that ire are seeke- ig somre tray to deceloip a c lass pride so as to spur its otn to greater achileveents in all tines of tivier- sits' w'irk, but twhat helter stirsis there to d~o it than to elect class officers of atbility andimierit lto repre- senst antI cellecclcredlit ipors their respective classes at C'ommenicei' ntl timie? latse 'amei fromr lhe students, for so far as routl.t le obtserv'edlthe applause carre fronsitithise trihoiare list frequientiers if tire camputrs. We trust that irs the future thre studrent auidience ray be perimittedl toiexpress its appriobationi or rdisapptroblationsoc thatthc erirt trill liii go abiroand thit U t'.f\T. studrentis carttell a gorod errtertar imentifriiimra pirrrionie. BUSINESS LOCALS. Notiices inrs'etrtdinis columrirniat threrate' oifil0'c'rtipertline. Special eates lirelsager timeand extra litres furieiidiby'apiplyiaggnt tire DAILYihetic.1 ILaieiis' 1laekiiitristes ini beauitifuit varieties, just. receivedi nt Msackn & .Sr'tiir's. 'tir' sale orf ticetls for iAles' dne Satliinistiroiippieaiiiatt thre(irandt Ohperar lourse, ion 'lirsdaray eering rext, ini the'Thire(Gurdirsmi'n, swill oteri on 'Iuesdiay mrinrg at liar stiltlib' $2100,11. 1Siand $1.00.i.All re- serverd seasadown stairs still be $210 and seasamiay also be reservedriniitire gallery at $t.50. A newr tine of Neekwear just received aind io better styles will he forunid ins town. Your wilt say they are aore-hsalf tire price you pay for thrns elsewhere. Macek & Sehids. LorSTi.-A leathrer brig containinrg a silver -vtcns with etigrasviig, AW. N., 1886.intrder stilt pleaise leave. at Stewnard's ofiier and receiv'e rewardi. Rloorn-niate twantedl. Calt att1 Thonaponast. Frill litre new style collar's, 4 lily, lac or 2 for 25. Mack & Sehmidt. Ladhies of tire U. of M. still fnit it grenatly toi their aidvanitage to call snurs wshen iii teed of Cloaks, D~ress Goods or aincey Dry Goods. Mhack & Sechnid. $1.95S-8010 silk uimbtrellars worth $3.50 to $450ni, markedt $1.95 at Masec& Sr hidn'a. ItorirniS: Serrare omakiniglire folltow- tig styli'siayillows' iaind ie buttons. $:t:it per reek; J1AS. M. STAFF'OIR, 1I P J. 1At. ScriorarDnrceiOtttre 7 i Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton F INWF Thre Leader IR. Rt ira isl ahinnrns li Li'. 'iTo liio .... . i"+' i45 J10.5 :330 n1.ii A S u ]Lechantt Tail- iDesthler .... S. 1iii Slit 4.S 6 1i.5i I "'o orIrag. FI tiic '-,Siney.... list47 ni.95 ,.V0 3.1 Piua .... .. II l I 'ut es 5rut li120ne ut' I IeC i narnnrn ... 1'iii rut s to-50T a ilo Goods inn select C nnnir.s.. 2.:35 it c lo.i froarn. ('tll fur Indiaunanpl ._ . 4. 5 t 7.45;it 3 92 a fine fitting It iiSrnnnt- 'hny .a.'rIhe' unrlyltru e ating 'rolsuurirathi'eciln . Stilt. b ic h yoini-uncan seceurr Sieeinro''on~i- rr'achinrg('isinnai rley foiiown g n10a nin1u,. i-taruneCars on Daist' runSurar ians. hDirect i9 S. MAIN ST., (2, 11itt cnnetriotnstwthball t ern La ines. See thin i-ouriets nread ita-inCi. . &D., biii n - ANNRBO. MCH A7 .1'V. sr ( . tr..n sum, CitncnnatrinIininapouisi. A~~~~~~~n~D B.O.' n.0 eht rrhi RTRACY, N. P.A. !) 15 5 ERtEsoN Aca. DETROIT GLAITD OF7LLA TJ PHOTO12 .1HUANPUR A\N ARBOm. ruNE NIHuT tiLr. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Plithni, -nm'. a Claiss, t5c. 'T'Ev.It In'feels imptiedectoiiagahinh enter its pirotest againstl the psromnis- c-uouns app~lautse so ciomimtonr intt'nii- , sersity hail. Last Saturdlay evening . at the len-lure ori Nyc atn (I lhnrltanjc a hinditred or so nu tlhe audience nit Serint ltiie tna receipt of trice. 2500 simnphy imptosed uponathte otlicr HO1 IM m&. SON, -. 2400. Sorte of thur encores wrere Detroit, liehi. wrholly unscalledh for, and, simsply,. J.- i- i..L.... R secured to keels the asudiensce sittintg - - on the. hardI-esats 'i41t=they.:.ojp4ttessive Riepairinig a specialty. 46 SOUT-tI stt. T'imt-Card in effectaDecemaber 0,189it Thursday Eve., January 28th'. Arrntivaofrionsat AinArbonr snar. Specain t'S-emin-t io f GOIur Ra THaru. No. 1. M ail ad Expres - 7..., ." . in' . iin. N.3 asrAnn rAeror Aunun -12i 00urnom; SALV NI :~o..> ailPasengee- --........i4.5p. In. Nun. 4. trait x r s .......... 4 .il TheHeo o te RmaticDrma llDums'Nun.nti.-rnorrros'r, 'iTolendo ttirit -' trill a, . C'elebrattted-;Mtepi'etrce', Trsk andturd unti btweetAitrm Aubr anui Cenitral tanndard T'imre. "The hree uardonen~n AlltTrnins Daily'exnept urnay,. "TheThre (xard tr~n ni .i.ENNE'T, t.SGREtENWnOO, Gn. Pass. Agnti. ucut Ageunt. "Oiefo a u ntilalt aor n e.,i , _______________________________ Mr. batsvini isi tit'yongi-et 'itgreat:atnts a~ndthege'ate'sttraitsyuni cons, untillnti suportedtin this rengage'nttt byKh l MISS S-ELENA. FETTER /Ul Andttnls CompanryufiPlayestturier rite dures £ iII to Wrltissun. i'ihe P1;iCEhabse barn fixed at $2t0 r1 5il and $1.00rndseats maybe bad at ntePontopn e'= Nevs 'Stat aTuesndayrnmornin0g.