THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE 'ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New \arcrojoins, (Corner(1of Ali\ a nd 11(1Lilbery Strtcs: I Sill "Open the Ball" by placinig a fine stock of (Guitais, Bl jos etc. PRICES THAT WIL1(_L ASTONISH YOU.' Find ?i7r~s °s Mv~ STORE, 25 South 'nourth Avenue, City. I I SNf OR ONEL - $10.0 l)Jfor I Overcoat. Garments Nvorth $12.00 ho $100). G~2~T~s.Z= AT r ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. I ; P... rueES'iAiiIiStIh) 1851. F1resh;(COURSE, one year. Three filltri requaired. Terms begin, Septeloher, (( ++ January aiid March. Cle'anl ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. -:- Drugs. -- --~ ntut~ n e~~~ 1111 oli'i li~115> 55.11 gol. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. C ALKINS' PHARMACY. Address the Dean or. Secretary, ALBANY, N. Y. GO T - For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New (floodsh, new' Fall (localslienwwinter (roods, Fall11Dress Suitings, Silk Vestings, Overcoatings, London Suitigs. Troiiserings a, specialty. Largest atnt miost comtplete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. :Please call1 alnd exami11n1. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Main. R E, J6LLY' C13., A"NtiAtLL leavd'Ordtersforeail ATHLETIC + GOODS. IT LEADS THE CR,.OWD. ->" BILLIARD PARLORS Elegantly refilled duornl;tihe Cost stlamer,. Ai'i asull rsb &IC's uprltivNie. 'eso pigWhet Nc ae ncroeoueio 0. 5 pe ole S r.1111S~li~I~i0 ,i~i BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, Flotir killI mako More Bread anid Better Bread than alii TT SET'NNAIOl I'll or in thle Market. -Sold at 5G.25 )01'e1)1)1. 3 --THE ARGUS-- APX ST.. SOL ll q j w.; s()l i Iicm s (lli ex esdiic- ii li >ela 'inn excehange.soild, letters of* cedit prorned YO)U ('/AN G(lET1 I itie iiiaiiagcrs cif lihi'cotlege pa efo travelers a I iiii d. noieS ii _ k~tG1c. I H iiMiOND re. hrc 11.tACti, S. ire.. Ij-(( E] t ol, cii i. clf1 i/o 1ri wi/I Icfr It'licBhta I Tletais lieu1 a Gecmats to rlii 11 all5 ( v e i sc'iiiciis ioflii itor 5s" . w . 0150.St'asier". ci (t, riser s Blulacst nighil. dealeresi'rcafter. ___ ___ BIu \VN'S 1) ItU( 1; ' TOe ItisE. I tat ratin ndherecariefillsyccndidates for the iGsRANGER'Sicl iatl/s, i - -- - --- - U siversit i n i ple oup ate li.Tarraid ie l lh tate sartiniiithe spar-1 lothi Sophiomiores aiiihjuncirs ritag.FO Cheica Phsicl Apartushiel class rnectings this miorniiig tests ot 1ebriicie 1q. , CQ P. and X I-'Otto asinaiof etei iihir ~lOUUL1iR D~ 6f1 The ''elite terpsichcsre''rnct last biiti caii fcle 10iii VauC tria's l vcrascgiaS Suppl s' igir ntc rioe t 'lc. church againi, after aii abseceof Non open folr reception iif Pupils1. EBERB~ACHt & SON. ,i ~ ie~brcf thtree necks, thc conigregationt of the W___________________ 0 110. I ii.a staff, bas gotne ionic for tweo First Blaptist Churchwsill listen to a' IS ENVIABotEr weeks. sermnifroiiathe Ilistor titi 'The HrIUTAreiTi IO. Mrs. Bigisell gave a card piarty tel Uses of a (ChiurciIIoiaie."Wpir&(oMilatTi Q il u FIS as .Crir f briwl ' 1 a lest-of her stuiieist frietiselsast A. I .hrir i leliwl E crezE eenng. blratihae it~ieplresent that coillege in the EIvans- Wge oNe(hn al to 'otet oris aksllae l~, Sar' offerinig 5)0stilt patterns. S owp. Cour5ose. .ff0111c) tittil iz2 o'clock oti Satiiril i Xlat. lHe in said to lie a tmichi sitsnsstronger main than I?. It. Gurier, the' 'egular price of Which is frets O0 IDI2PT17L {+1 OWE.L dlr. Week's class iafretnchlhaieewhio rep~resenitcd Olserliti here lash S2 .00 t{> sut.oo ffoil' 5.00i a S'FTtIf.NI '' itIie.Att-ATEitS. takein up '" Ie IMonde coiiLIOnu year.sutoa "tint's," ifusar'elokuing ftraront ilie.SIaiiiie.'At the exatmiunatiotn beforeth 'til1stlts.Aa 1'si5tke n obartiirine O.ciiidllletao'il ( uclyIieltgSupretmecCotirt at L.ansing last wseek, 150i Ipattettns ofTrottse'rtigs, thue thaieivetinockgwnerSubyystspeialthree canidcates soughat admtissioni to rates _ etn ilbe conaductede3l h eua rceo hc sfor M%1issioti Band. thec:Michigan bear. One of the three fglt iieo rieti tut M iirs. Leland Stanford lhas lacedlion stctdiedt lose itoeaoffice live $7.00 to $9.00, foit'$6.00 a pair. aBible in the room of every student yearn, but thetexcanainatiotan-was too They ate also offering some de- in Palo Alto Uttiversity. much fur hint. Thte other two, ByttLilo h aeAm ah Mennrs. Rollo Cleland and Jean La cidedl bargains ini Heavy Unider- 71 Fort auc., WOOL. - wetrult, Mich.'. arine Garcelon, of Californsia, Bow- Ru unt, nenibers of the 19=2 ea. Anspeto of -lod LEVJORORE~ oin will receive $400,000. lawe clans, pasned a satisfactory ex- -AT-Dya, 'n~ it, ho as eenamnmation and were admitted to and prices is invited. F. 0. NEW'S STAND suffering from the grip for several practice. There is no place like the -xurc-- weeks, i again able to attend reci- U. of M. to study law. (ouot1rs ea cago roeiodkss a Iiu~t~is .tusa~ oa.. 5,ttations. Wyeand Burbanki ongt