X -X 7CYX Y x.X X X XX'X X X7 "X . THE 11. OF M. DAILY. NOTICE 1 Ou asll Snil ts. t s i n ta sto n O tt all ' 1jlste rs - thi eek . Qiti tt oalttlheEatot ls hi s * four~lE th ofdSTXBITZ lirwrNO WAR WITH CHILI! ry Bu a nthe price of Clothing, Hlats, Caps, Underwear, Glares, Mittens, Hostey TRUNKS, VALISES, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Overalls and Jackets. We are going to let the pttllic loase attottg thirty-eight throosanstldollarso ($3,oooaoo) I worths of mserchandise for twenty days, whicls will tsr till Febsruary 9, at one-qutarter ) Soff narksed price. We hare not piched oat a few goods and mrkred themo downs, but offer SEVERY ARTICLJE IN TIlE DOCUBLE STORE'' Remembser what see are saying: ONE-QUARTER off te price of everytiirgsod any- thinsg ia outr tosrte Store. Not arte dollar to go orntte rooks; every dollar esust be- cash.- We osught to tmove ONE ITHOUSAND) 11)1LARS worilh of gratis every dry st tihese prices. The J. T. Jacobs Company, lleadquatrsast ofrtiis sectiont of tire State ofichiotgan. N. It -Coutntry drasirs rw ido wrell to comtesin, andassotr tteirs tocks at tirese pics. ARAlfllhlStu L ry CO A LT GEORGE L JR , Moore & tssibe-.1 WORK GALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Furll Line of all (ollege Teax ttaink, inclrudinre Lawreandrrt Mrittti Boash.bty 5c thetri CAL N teatpest plnce foe Note BottiostdFtrunair Cranatheeeity. Freshmrnrowd in. C5stttalon SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. iv_ S airt ldfriens. rrnow rh avmy retire stock-hatsnyrstrrecrn NO. 68S.. mAINS. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. I Not. itW1a-WETVASt5NOTON SaTRETii. 2 rOi..xooo= BOSOEDO NTOWN.s G-1L3. Sl'OW 'S hicr Set cr willsvee rasrrey by busyinsgttnisversity Text-Books intl all ostppli;itHteIatdarter s. We nIlsa LIVERY, HACE AND1AGlo Oresfrtanprtistt-cdorsrst.,< re spreial disecounrt sits LANW BOOKS, MEIiII AI, OOKS,1)1 NTI, B OOKS, is st esveryKoklirrsredi intshie Or-r rotiir, ~yter ,ndrtor. Univstly . ;04,0 lanrrk Boobis at losso t price-s. -- /'^ 1 W~~'INE -IXUI IfiIlOR -JIAUI RYZ .. ared tturrnrsout ttfirtrasrwrkccil shtretno- L1.AII IS 10KSTOIIEIN !TIlITIIIY. tire. Comrerctisetwrrrturredout winte day.s tt'rrrrsrean art erand hwork trttratett Nt- ()Eroratst rssrs Aor . 0 5 t Tid. icrttietccc. 9,lQhmond Siroight QCst. r , W STr N I H G N O L.E - M ATN Ntt. I1 IIOt t1 Z t'ttG Q IN a CIGARETTES: t (Chatere-d ttncolrpo-trtedtt-y Cloth aketsMeali K itarerre Smoskerrs Gwho APIDS. ANt) IserNt-trtFNS. "' ; tree sriintorratrtrya 5Cm "alite 1 D' ;) ifor it- t;' t ftti t ttttlto 1 S pr-teerssstdentsfer atrst lsei t-sr-st A OLH EM US N0r rrsrrtanrstierei-te 55 tsst s ic c rttt-t-ttttr-e.J.A PO H M S chaorgedi forrtt-thettttttta ho its tttLL. ts titnt Rt. tre prsto er i s nda tstimseas t t eaodert cultusre-and - - I ~7 x isole teiarettessilind it tthe st ter tcaltrerslts. M1fits Mrsarsstrert c Iiacits V~tfiCL 7015 ANDlXlt(:I5XlS 7ts ttLVL'r dI-titt-R7'Ilfl1. Ssrreilatsrtenion arivn 541 tott3 i IAr KAND BAGAGE LIE,1- - i altoters. tt ret-rttrttrttn aforr iationadttsrttohine. 5 ThetRicthmndnrStrnighti r i s t sade- 5 )15 PINE AIRI'fthf5ItiTMENTNStt-tctnto rsNinetInithesits titt tte;osrthi n ssrStree. tsr Nc. I Cigarttresta afrtn the trighi-- strF o rtt)11It1AtrL- t ND 07 01 Pi1TiAND DEIR I AlliiTMR SL, tire]ingschooleiasinesirs. - errt, rastrdelicately flvneeslansi highest crate F),he-extrrreey motdertr-exp-nse to sturdents attending. 'tire -ee nsrctnt tctnsbeefi- RI N SEY & SEA BOLT, Vosld teaf rorwn in Virginits. Thisis ttire 01st uredstlowrew~it srthan arttny ostr r-ducsationralinistitton in tireercounttry,ttnd at te andfOriginal tBrand of Satraighst Crrs-Cigarete, ,cetmriewl n o fral.Eeyh aerr nrsand dealers itn andewrsrroughintaotbyns, idi-nererttSiteA. I?. VEREX, Presidetnt. 1Groceries, ProvisionsFilour and Feed, teas nawve an helow is antevery package. atrO.WttiignS. 'Pilr ALLEN & GINTEE Branhtr ods Of the Amtericans Toaccro Ca., THE CAMPUS. I Elijahs W. Miorganteodetast- , stianutssrarera, - - ichmond, Virginia. - { , U i.iTIMSOIT SONS,-s Ide(artte s -srsdso tr i t sl -ey of t 5. idhtna- ar, Salndret ' es Dr. Carow i t~onined o t ste dr seof sne-fifth of the land Saetyt rcrs llhosbysicksts. - - - Strssiestspsttrcrssrge eapecially nolielterl. ttupont shtch the C ots-erstly of ,Milch- 24 5ST ATE :STREET. Cpial, -15555. ttrplntsnastlc'rttiiia,,$117(010. Pro ne-sr dorn-itories are ibeisog" De enralSning bupit nses-Pys-ry erct'Ardoecbansis situted, tied yestersday, iof - -H-L E ters esrnt Savng hposina etys reted atlndve.Oldae at thne residentcof h JisiAs LE Deposit Boxes foreta.ie iA 1. lK-MPi-, Preer. F. H. IELSEIS, Cashier. Te tesw hospital is niotre licrisor BtasnisessSatsi-sineavailing. iais-rrectlliess 0 dtthe A- t tihe hbusiness mtectingc s-f lire S. earigaspcaty 6S rOTtHnMANST. Ann Arbor Savings Bank lire registration irs list- lost-depart-C AWenedy veigte ceo Ainn Arhor Mih. CapitalStc,5000C.AWdedyeeigatIrel s ' Orsganized stnder tienre lStarkng Lastiss t rst 1 5 gnaliots c-f X. I11. ichols as genseral Iltrit St1cecskcgseoiis- s-liti stlaste asvs thepsisus ind dialcllgesheomn s oseceetaey, seas acceipted.l 11it. Nicis-tlugstyles icr yellowvantiibilue butttons. elsxattieato the ps-a rinia iiso h ee s-trlisisetl at Miinnteapolis. UieStates. rafMere ahedsupon.ptressidentifiction.eOfis-sf:eecrirteo s resigns ron accotorstf lack s-f Itt - 5.5D. HAssIMAN.vePeVs-e , - time. lHe weishes to givec his entice - CHuAS.P.HISs-se, Cashier. ho-sbee-ies-trablishelteri scleyani. im sClassseser 7o >c.ttit Stixts cndicdates lase presesntecd U.- OF M1 PINS ! aiuthm cis rth e oeHarvardl freshmsacsn s esrosttc tayrstt - -- N re eie sescgstt o csvc Th eewdiormiti or striesC0sigh ARNOLD'S,i :6ManStrseet. tANDAL4 FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! -0s ot arnStrect SHORTHAND TAKE A. IT WILL PAY YOUl. Siurtiapnd Sahoat, New attflldiag, 20 South StateltrertL iir11I-siltstclat SVate cisOo tees loncg atnd I A I yestercla - swill horil iscoclissic tis th sa steeip galsi- roof ithsr-s-ee afternon.sc -switndos. 1tis blt ols-f costgh-facedi i-ie.SatsSt-tal ea ht-t ii SsLongm-sead-osw sandi-stone and its gen-; r11 O IINtrr--iplrSfN i- and slot in r 5 as statedsinisyester- e151)pearnceisIvr& SONik ecdaayacoeisvrysit-- lktDetroit, Miech. day'silot - Dsrfee Hail. Three estracaees opt-n 1r IcHaglerc otnduc ted tilt-ey-5t on ti-e camspssand o26 doueroot-sn At lt-e rseetissg cifthete eo- elinic yesteriday afternoon sn Dr. and 22 single roonts aret-o10be the! logical Society, last nighst, :dir. Rolls Coccowa aabsence. accomm-s-odation-s. It snub cost about presensted a thoucrtghtfunl paper ott Busrner, Packer atndi'\iss Biraist- $125,000. , ee es-iclersee cosicerning thec ridge, '92 medics, ace jost ret-os-er- - - nseparation crftile' Philippines ansd log frost- the grippe. SasmnSamall to-night. (Celel-es."'