VOL. Il.-No. 7h. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUTARY 22, 192. PRICE, THRElE CENTS. Autobiography of Bil Nye . or ot. By and by heebal won es-eryc present thenselves, te representa- OF YOUR - I "Agarwar by ls gentle, patient 1poverty tives are to lbe selected by competent1SOIT 3A G lilgar iilson nNye sas ,horn tl isdeihtulpasmony wisutli judges at preliminary rehearsals. IilRl j Jl8oAgut OC a IETY BADGE regardl to facts. ititha hectic inag- The exeutise committee lield a ty(1 sears oif age took his parents by iiaion, audt aii order on a restas- eetingc last Saturday morning aiiiul Meried to You - the thaiiiasui telling thuemn that Pis- ratn which adsertisedl in the paper, decidedes that altisho enter shalt snduslNF,-: - Through Your asans conty wsanoiipla5c for hi i odysrc itfr~ te scarcely- cared thro ugh the lie- il their nanesndii the subjects f J.J p rjBp flg) e odysrukotfo t oessdtaciwhettier scholskIeptisor their oratiuns not sater thian MoliiiiA1.[\ (roi county, Wscoiin , whlere the lnt.'Ths isie rse toiJstinieif the say, Feli.,Ii. 'Ie uratiuins mst te ' itsy yous iosisneer sonisim aste a Paeadfnlyt nicn:wic addi y1ody e.1Upon s- Peac aiil Iinatt liian iiesieelelsidsanssiouectis sy 5iiuutas- let. 15 iIRlIl ('Ii - -i APLI CATION. (si hs iaeu t. thie Staris repotedl very- large lto ci ccxtisiy- irer that te judiiges ms isix isi 's~'s th I siiass sit f te but the assessis. e. cis liie filler aiipIle timselto piIsison le tioiightIIi''i tiussa~r 1111 sigctelcithof sesersal vryieautifist shiilitenii ty and1co1s issitionisbefoe the ieliutis Mi I ldluI I &to. hi fihsetrirseattsi iisil~ irst sie, sin is stilllivin, naces' of Febs2. a1iLIST a goos1 iseato Ibuilt (isSt. lPaiilSeisa Iiisgs ilaaslisse ls ri Si-n ineiist 1aiii licsa hcg grad oe e 'IThe fial Iubliciscosstest si the and ,!.is ei, cfl Ci s Bldges i si s tin w(l coispansy ciilst get a hsadfrmr hnh e erve. class replresentatisveniccirs .M1arch DETROIT - - ICH. ti fitat oilid tiay' thii(e niso r lie intpleasnt to the ousidse wo-rlst, 18 iniv iiersity- IHall, fosiflst aisnd _________________________ th ec tiimisnthe costof iconstitic li llsta perfest elte i is hiomssie. lHe seconidlhmusis aiislthe testimousis its h oloigya i dptd erylandthti re own f$5adj epetvl' o- er s usdi Isise 75 frsonithe sale s f thelose (f his sile te shoulsd le tetntus sou~ld sendisn is te5iriies t ill! sca lp s. lH e a ls i c le a re dl 2 7 e r a is- a ki ciik th e st isse osse r tn a is lnd s b sq u n t l - t he i r o ra ti s ,S. ces uf landl anid raisesd sonic water- (ie childtrenswhenheiatle hiom lssse. typewrittens, tos the ice-cptiesidenit of is humn. l In r l e established aind IlIe thic efi r se (iserts him self ini tis (e fO atorical Assoe ati ns 511 5J It ss's a is t t s h o is l e s a te w a y , a isn d it e f a i ly - l s s e - a in s rc - IL a sd d , N o. 6 S os s t hs I n g a lls s t e s t , ale.ItiwseatIsis atilsti (s(lemec liii Isn w's s si ra- Baehter.atriss esoli aln leheusitse5ee asst imlhgirsIcaedshis greats Ball--_- osseil silossu~ss~i~teS~i s and gnutseifbarhallsm.Isesi s, in I Bassssse Bi' teri s. a)it \ fsla.'v ery itilie il tl(lieiniShoe lilftitasfllahipais letsthan AnneArsuei c..~d te ea of186, r a Ison sus. It Iiscsisldrtensidoisut le- say, sf liie ssaptainsso tei aradI It1 iie oenens l e tarou (ito isae, le kicks thesisfro enii5leathiystssasnd lPrinctonsin iies nuncpotntlilETROfIT, M1I'l. if.Ii85h_1 lie grasntiucdlfiinsstheit-a(le iietilthetthess ill sts. (sitrtii tcsil isrsuitdtbegsans(le slushysit sun. le chssastisssil . (tue ~. i'stgsu isee'i ou I s~ffJJXIE I id otisasitsutssice ieerysitapily ini, eght ansit cie-Moigstreamxii sisfSiss fronss the statmentumaIeciinsl th Ue IIJILJ Ith iciroesinss, fsilinsg sersaltimei s is si/s/ whicihsplease sa sil delght pubtlic' trd-s, (-t ituscomm ite'e,wshsish I ('u .~ sler & (i I isecasisiaistiosns andsgicinig frnsntuieshs ii sus e l-tieeesnicharge the maters (f ssre-lis Sple & C. IssIhlesaiesi hesct(el hat they- amsot forget hiat they uesal(f. alsleic cutetnsithssnsihi stgeal-r 5t cousrt. IlI ewas, hosee, a PraeIahhasl n-hlis t u i incetonl, wishto isstae that liar- ± iuue-ericdes teiric Choice lse stusteut of tpulitical ecouomy, vshsnos t. y nu e syI ardshasm uaenIproositionito IlucsifNekweaurUuetr nsuiedtiu rsotil tccfonssish tst he sheiaoest y isch aratete. I le fearedtPriuceton uschuasunthe lpublic pres ~ sci sltl 'uuil u carn lim, til hefoun tha hethainj15ustie muight be clshisu ,snshaestatetd,unaumey that IHauvadwelan llFunshn cosudeasily' livneu essentsa say- hoseer, us thisIbisgraphl lsketIshIsshouldtplay' Priucetousnifiot alI Go(osit . sand Iis retives. Mr. Nyc nowisos nshe hasuwritteus it himussef. every year onuu'Ihssuuksgiiug Day-;(ths 111(1 luspstet gosuils Iegsasn tuook abutsulhum for a new-at taaInssuddrthsietbaehal (hillrid-s. csunsutry' to bsuili ill)auidlfostersianhT he! migOatrcldotst eates iitbout atI due regardtto 's \\'isrouisis ash gron-soisbe s______Yale's usualutrelatiosswsiths Priuce- ehap.Speller & @ tiiskly settledin usthe unostwsestcmeAs iel Inees s engaakndtou. No such hprpossitins as these JA' 5.(1F sut i ff. ( hefuedSsate that a ua siesrattiee amnug the stuseunts of te seversal ae een usae on Hlarvard'sipat.__________________________ icsI Setefsut u ea shesshsIclasses that are (is partiiate us he .-"" SAME TIME AND MONEY tapart, lie brokeclooss frouts all re- Icomnig batte of (he oratuors."'5It e nsiuin straut ad tok eiigrnt rtesfor ill eArmNewreInstitution.tst Cheyenne, Wiyoming. Ilere he en- is to select ans traor ansI alternate 'lhe \\estrn NorumalhCllege, of .agedh bossrd at the Inuter-O ceaus to represent the tUnisversity' of 1I ir- Shenanstoah, Ioswa, hasisbheeu on - '--'-- rshk rc Iochuel d egaui to looklsabsout hlis igane in the contest of the Northern soieatetl with the Norumal I ns er' J.f%.'' J'~7~5X.' usc a poitionin u a bank. Not su- iraterical L~eague tel le held this sity, st Lincolun, Nebraska I le ccedlig us this, lie triedl the lasw'anet year at Northuwesterntiv-uiersity. main Ibuileing of the newist ituton 0 of its hle were lese, journaluisuu. lHe de idnt succeetd in 'The home contest is tbetweeni the is to be 125 by 180 feet, five stories geting a jobs for sonie time, ht Literary and Law departments. Thle high, comprising fifty rooms, with CALLAGEHIAIN & CO. inally hiredt as associate editor antI senior class of each department is an auditoriunm 50 by 8o feet, which anittr of the Larani Sentinel. entitled to two representatives, the will extend though three stories. PULISHER, 'he salary was snmall but his latitude. junior one, and the sophomore class Presideri Croan has been elected great, and lie was permitted to write of thle literary ;department, one. resident. There are twelve courses. " nre t.,CcaG anlything that he thought would When more candidates than the ... slaepeople, wheher it was news required nluber from eachl class Sam n anail f-night. 5* S. State St. Annu Arr.