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January 21, 1892 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-21

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N~ess- \\sirsrooii ("o nle ri of .laid aidLibecrits Streets.

I ii"Openthlei'Ball'' by placinig a line stock of Guitars, li"sijo etc.
2 south F(Airth Avenue,.City. ~1Z
1 ~~ WSCOl$10.0for 1 Overcoat.

(Garmients worsth $1 2.00 1 6( i S .00.

Pure : G 'sA.Li Z T T 's
ItSTI 1I,1 +H1;ii 0t51.
Fresh (BOURlSE, one ('ar. These ftill terms
( requireud. Terins begio, Septeioiisr,
L e 1Janoaryaiid March. -
rind oilier tlhings equally good. Degreeofo LL. B. Conferred. =For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING,
AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Ness Goods, niew,.Fall Goods, newv Winter (oeds, Fall D~ress Suitings
Silk Vestings, Osiercoatiiigs, London Siiitings. Trouseringsas specialty.
Largest siuul 1most cornpllete stock ius the city, at the lowest prices. Please cal
CA KIS HARMLACY. Address the Dean or Secretary, and exinoine.
.1 O7O T. ABA.' NYV, N.V. "-NO. 2 EAST WASy' 4INGTON ST . or Msaini.

TAIM> N~y Vi'sslihiiris Croisby &- CossSupserlativse I
Flour «will imake Moseretaldsaid 1,
A5.NOD ALLl'Sstr in ltse !Marrketl. Sold ait .2
lticnta' tspp11Ea,

pe b

Elegantly refittedsdusmngte spiast semmer.
otaSp n N~lat NiceSsseleunc nee insconinectioni.
otadSpring Viallt BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD,
liessilausii~-STATE STRdEET, ANN ARtlORt
Ad . °~~~~.-STHE A RG U S,'- t F e . 0 R I ; N G

'L}I'I JITI w, j THE CAMPUS. Il bi ii 1 t rsllo
~rn4 'e(](I]ll5. .C..bidn lilal([i-; f orksi it' 1, 11 llI,7 IRTNATIONAL BANK1
I doe Ztrs nbli riiie fudo sil ralise([ toe I isoil l s iiIi ANAet~
J. . mooECOF, lososilo.c l51is ~elt lill. N 1iiss t-~oilS,011
r ni_______ii ii 55tiil.ii frosm dlli. i ie i i- isssi-s-is a s-ii . Sur- alnd Prio is , ie-i
Y- (V 1 A N ClionGF :T P.- i sier aisi (S ill I. illi u-,iiiisl-tssr.it- 'Osts-isic.ii ise f sii iii
ii su e cisc iss-sill-' c. - 5. i'S alC i. iiiiit -e:u l d.lttesi ofi ei t procure
Ilu is i iii J E Ti ii u s e i lis s ia s Imii i i - i ci i g tt il i n poii iiii i t 1 v l 5 0 s s s s i . 'a 5 i - i i
1I ii i~i t-t. to s- 5
(MIIsle r!1"r!s iiiritt alie.il heko csI-si L e lsilil 1(1'i5 tw ( tsso a ir
11R() \V N'S 1) 1tU willObe (J lIrterau 100 asif oo I lli cs i is-Iii cah i rl lt
ire ti ngi se,01
Chemnical = Physic at Apparatus ls- si lsshlavetrla ingsplaciied 501)shuhdent is tsr t
Sesiator lsiix 5,5siys list posliticl- H O
. , k~i icers sire esllege graduates.-- x I- et..1.. O A C N
4 C. .and a 1Pril.A hilotwill sellse ta . leture
C1. j - .A rmcl, cii the 1 s~staff.i
alsV icrso aup ;es, I tcs e.hesiii IrSI illin Fail thiss evetinsg, los Nowiiiopietn lot rei'eptsions ohPuspils.
EidIERIIACII& SON. j t hie titnifitiof thse Lasdis'I Lisrasry________________gri___.___s_________
II._S iA u ,-, i~Nsos ? Yale Isols ihsee'Bsue andilhsousnd --
C 55it~itl I~s os scct I a's a s ..si l~stsdtsign soh Priuncetons colisleo-e
IMPUTATION liiis its u tton s u edh. It is sow a tigeu
H ttsis e. IR I'mus. 1e isis. ctSssalrSsiiie, iutus1es
YORT AttedetfeaorSafod sessdl witl5h rti uselisu ' eunsravedil
upotns- 0- hile cosllaur. i [Wasgner & Co., MerchtlstTail-
so~c 5 Stanforidh I -isi-esihi- sissto eeie'ss
Ain.lele o 0.IOoo hirty students ihi%.e beten r
S ~-C .1i . '~t'e Juier hrossiiisash se liellet frtetsH-lidelbeg 'i-ri trsy cisi atrs
fos ebinitetnifiedhwith sGre-c V ett tiihetregtilareptic'0of s it ch i- si tst
-taktts p1)1 tt ede s dayitsi esi ens-t
t trfraternites. j 2S. 00 his() :i3 .00 ) fuse',2 (1 Kt
O~~J~ii p~flL ~ I~OTI~h tusk l~st ~otli. hechtwill ofl t h at' Nles.kI iR.jet iL.A.s
orIticx c ItI c1)esu tTERS'n . JothnusA. -fass Aesthale, '02 las, s-, a .shil, m d 1)frs ls. l
"lBo yis si aelooisig-sforhe sts, of a- u rcseess tets s Stuart, l te ltrincetons 'hlst'ologscal tiil'
frie ids .t s-cShirus inte iieiieuitui Isiutet slowl~y rc veig fo t al atc
ti! fsoi tsens-i suiusssus. Yeu isi aelSsurely ewe'ctleis tsc.Seminsaryreceis-es $300,000, andsl te10 paitfermuscit Teomserittgs. lilt
tisernis 'loselsdintneer, Sunayus . Specil ofbai ete'
I lc Ssheileshtusss use clel c o sllege $ "oooo.
:rat's Thookae resime ofvtheirlaeAdotio an ess,14m !ereIa egutlat- Ipriceefcit ch-illiis frosnt
b .Hoe rsdn fterbse Aoz nrw,'4mdc a all oganizthionu. heft nchsool and has accepted a po-1 $7.ii0 ho $9.00, fose '6.00i a pair-
The'9~ nei osae ehst siion iii thor office of I_)e. Beightam. They at-c also cfferig svom ede
e ; to hand in their nanmes at Good- of St. Cloumd, :Minn.
speedas for class canes. Me., Muiehead, qhuiz-master itt ins- tde argainis itt heavy Undfer-
Ti Mort 5t., West, - uetroit, f 411;h. Vassar is so croswded that thse trus- leria niedica, is favoring thee sopiho- weair. Aiminspectioti of goodii~
LEAVE YOU~R' ORDERS" teesahave had to decide to build a more nmedical class with an extra aid prices is invited.-
SW residence building at once. quiz earls week. It occurrs on
EWU S L~~U L..&NJ A 'law has been passed in Rusia 'T'uesday es-ening from5 to 6 in the
-eFuopss-aa foa5eredeui~ rhidding the gathering of more clinical amphitheatre of the old hos-
Confeci~tionscigars ansiToaceo. than seventy students in one theatre. pitl

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