THE U. OF M. DAILY. .-Jr -; eloqient temperance leaders in the U Initedl States.2 , Be u iu Mr. Small svas born in lIbSi5, in Pahbiiohe niiy (Siundays exepl ted) (turing -Ierseanhshdamotw - the Collsee year, bynnsee ndsha1 ms wn NI) THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION derful career tip to the present time -a rareer fitll of adsventutres, t hil- Subscr-iptions price $V1.15t er rear, invreiabty rtge episodles antI seriouis lessons in it))d tnteSitigcies3t cets.Onintaleat 1life. The iiioSt Ihrilliiigaiiil n an ot fienwssadtt1e'lock,nsist. Substeriptins tsar ie left a t rrcti se soi assinii slife Isistiary the sfitcs-etfthe D L ieiieHo usen hlocktit cast tesverlie store graphirallr tosil--. iheehan's, at ittittet, or stitth any of ;li ti ie r ts s m l it editos. ta hyar yM.Sml isl o mu icains soldahisitt-i-ithe iofitf ic e is is5 h inrlr dClst tt it - t t le untsh . it i is--i 5 tttiparhi mss-Iroiit lar Roosmito Pu lpit. day. Asttens alsi t m te isiendes o u lc-lo otebaai ' it-it Citbue s itei iitiiii ti S ttisitg -iitise A tssisstt In 888S, as the Natiuinal ]troliils>t - comntioss hoe. uldb n of theIBusiiii- trnimii latpls L esMae.THE U oIM DIL, lr. Sriait srwasoislligedIttst take otI - -_ Ans Arboe.bMicsh. tst i- Ghristma~s Qiest. FINE :SR'I'IBOOKS AT UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERts p' 1 I'III i m... Ifillli EDITORS. S. . *Cst-i-ri ss '9;, itsui g ditoi tr. G. . IC.1 ti-toe,'itAssiiist.tnaingS Editr. W. tI; . ii-r-cjoE 55935Astst. ManinEds itorit. J. P. I itit - 55'9, t i tAssa stser.. 'ti.t he St!iii is 94 s s tis lt sis s . sit.r FitinK MAti-tit -ii1iG s i-s--.5Di' M ic F.t-E.5t s-sits-tt-- ti ites--- sit~le for the opi i sirstaiemitts o r 1is i is r;:7 ';I)ll~i swissdelaysedi liescauseiof the-fret-siz itilis-hsi-iter tist erss sit itt silisci les-s caslt-si pittrr ststt attstittt)inirese te i noitInattionstfor the toffice if (ice -a = Ptresidtisuspsosni te Natioati iroii -50ptertweeh- stude-tnitisteti1oiton!~ bito ut iiiket. Alreadly the itrohlibi- tionstis of the un iioni tre sri it ingaitnd N D insissitig tupton iihis tking thestntsfi itnastin int1892, andstin iih ttisome JAS,'11.STAFFORD, Is teiiLADINCHOO ofICLSIh F tttsaisct. (ti-issiint Fst isI, sitti list- ataiosgue, ostitet-. P. Ii.t.tiLAiY, Pe-idest. state, I etteg ia, sns sof alli parties tutu classes tire ttigtsitintsoliea The (ii tit 5ineis says: lie itf Geotrgiai.Il~e is a listislscholsr and Itt- senithiastc ratr. Ile ,T/ Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton, Thmecadeirt ini ltisi is i n N i oedi.i f>4) 1. 5 i:U klU l A-f-~ ~ yet-r-littuIt Tisi itsDestlei .... -.its 11 1 ii -t 'ta J( -IJ u str1ittfg. IF itne Siiit~)... o4,) l 5 (.U ::l l 1S\ Gtos l tUs euiec t i . e frouts. C(. iii ,1 last esvetniig tutd eitl ili e if-o tthir 5from us e