THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, A NVcs r e o tiiiiti.. ociic.o i lain ld Liherty Streets. I trill "Openi the tAll' by placin a ide stock of Guitars, it nos etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find =amr~zs- M S-c S-ro-F, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. #TE4N FOR ONE."- 5 10.00( for 1 Overcoat. Guirmcents. worth $12.00t to S t.0 Pure ='SINILJ t ~~lJ~~t Fres(; O:IltSE, onie year. Three full terms, ehrequired. 3Terms ibegin. Selitelu;Er,I C lean Januaitry aindtA arch. CleanENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. IGO 'TO - , Silk: Vestiiigs,' Overcoatiiigs, Loindon Siiitiiigs. Troiuseriiigs I. specialty. - r ILurgest uitditost complete stock in the city, at the lowvest prices. Please rall UALK1NS PHARMACY. Address the Dean nr Secretary, undeit neiiii. ALBANY, N. 1.( NO. 2 EAST WASHING'TON ST., near Main. R ErAOLLY LL ", AND) ALL Leave Ordei or iall ATHLETIC + GOODS.,144 M I rlil-untliv ecltied during tile pust nuumer, LEADS THE CR)W D.-V BILLIARD PARLORS ishhiii i CiroslyOt, Co.*si:ipci lati%, N incstia Spring Wieteic Nicel ucihcouinter in onecion. F'loolr trill make More Blreadi auuid Ietter' Breauitl thiaitny BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, j --^T HE A R GU S, --. Fliuiir ini lie Market. Soldl at $ pe2 ir hhl.I Al'1.)% 1o r u u 'N lf'E 1R1'J 0'. THE CAM PUS. X11trio barer nrvr accthetitid ( 13 are slli,-ie. i-of atyp ia liioitiil, t e- cgoal lto tn _ J . uWnOcnCOFF, , I t!t i n is ab'deto rca ne i si i irvacicl ii a/ n ___________the_________exieptiii1 5i1'1, oct a to .m...___E' ___th ____iol _t__ 01' lx iiintili i lltlltllt i Setscl, altitl 0a ai iYC .r.:' ,F thmcsetoi at O mcci r1 l ves o- (0the opportunity ai~d - - I lol)lta ru ed (oIt itt. oto i JliialliixijalIit itiniii Ch 1ia Pica paa tus c2tuioi iI fr ticd to a.2 , >,a.73 Mru. lihcis classiin laliin c iiRtn , bticlIao uiirning1.I Cl t ia hc appatusp .on thuIstaIiccr. 2, S(ic reiio LBLLUIACI[ i iicPgcftiolr s lst-iL tii' it tctti tsSO. i inendurddtat"sucztliciuiistr ptost graduate lairs at ;o'corckthit ttscn oioiis FNVuIunLi IDr. _21 artiniiperformtedt onie of t s'the . \. . Iicoisoi's lccturc on EU rise c 18n dificuilt of laparotoiiiies a t ohie hfrl iiM~uiliihl ___ nie. clinic yestercday afternioon. Mouucieiigtassllaltttt SLCTD I'Fur dedciattorsy crciiouis t-nigtig T1his tiiirse oii "SomeuR eligiotus ES S~e1I &nf at 7:30 in tuirersity Hall is of studch tcatfItciccilccsiii S 0 ci itt a chiaracter as to i iterest evtiecritiruclyocne.utusuu ct titltoti has nl~learang is thesecotndt. Iluc icyt stillitt-urtir 0C l 5lfJ.PiTAJ L~ -+, r2 O1TEL 1- nitstt umettetheirotte-)yar tieni itatiars thtatndtrill bt ivguu li iti1F,'s cc iil1tliitAitYltil. icicnc atic eelk, in Atnsont,- Oc(t I xci 'i I , ). Sextont, ittn1Datvidl Iciii- hzrstaetchi nt e itt l i de titt t4d-I ili tot Iicar ci t , -i t iitittel V lilt tir Ciuiici t ~ isa ICCl Oise cilfcc sra e Otoe It Irt ltitiC-c afteo- Wit t i ctrt .:. _____________the__________ ftil tlugca orct ysec ocatito - iua -itc ta ttg uct v/tc~' -r)- inttcrcstiutg tpaper tton 'lic litiiseid1fortttcledays tiit grippei 1. fxt~~x Evlt-utittt ofiSenteOc rgauts i incctc--;ionly- tt findstthat ani entcrrisinig C" o'~ > rates.' 1sttidetchautdatedt the ttldlntotice uttt When P Vluuilrtuf. gifin en teredtihtttchilt door, so tihat it stodt, '"I liall lectuirc romi vestcrdlayvtorniing, lienot Or' able ttotect lik-classes! -iPe t et-DtotEi reccived siucli atioration as tonly '91)to-clay. J-.\A. C. HII uttixi-ut. LEAVE. YOU R- ORDERIS lawsscati gise. Ile respiondied in a Jant. 1 z9.'' Of coursc it hiatd Al-'.r-- neat little slich. nocdestly referrinig beett seentaudtitetntwctr spread1 ThTFITTTC' t o the avercict in the tierrien abrlti- tbefore the notice twas rciioect, anud -niition case, whlicth hadt rauted the iteni- hardly anyonie shiowtecd 01 for 14r. Neistipcis, ? tneneines, nerondicnls, i tu1 Cclon itticiicuigar d bcti. cntation.-ilctncrs classes cluing the day. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ttO ANN AirfOil. fCa i sitl i ut p0. uttit pitustitand- risi$30- 001). iu c'ttistutieslettertittsitt cueit pocre C s. sr.ixuui.cPrs. tu1ie. TA ,V rs SCHOOL FOR DMANCLING Nosw oieli for reception uf Pupils. Wtagnteir& Coi. , Mercltt'ull- iiis, aut' ofintu-ug :)1)stliltpattoltIs. ltii rcegultii'priced'ofiiwicOh is fritot I52 .00 toi5$35.00 f hr $2.. (i itt I sl uit tciuuc 11)firs tttuc'-iut.. tiit regulaii- icc' ofwic-itis from $f.1( iitsoI$:).00,uftutu ( .litltir Tic-cmite aisco culterliumpsontc tic- u-idiril bargainms iti-in t-t- Iudir- jiW1u T. Au iiispc-ctI(II o f goods anuc lulicesis inv iteid.