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January 20, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-20

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Oii 'll i~iuitllii l On t1 iL stiio Osal nil Oi
i0'o~utii ol' on tsin' > (Ilt s this 'A '('k
.'1 III _WO S M I,. 1i 't

Of OvercoatS and UJsters.
We iaveimadi tremendousii(iillic(lt in prices aill along;e'tile i'of
('ose tiiiiiinout Soonl.
1\11(241u LA Gu IP(Fhis o'i prevaleint", o 1 .0 Iit ( siitlilgo ()lit1 lt ii"
heii lhis fillOvericouatutn1.
I Last Ye'ar'w close ourin'Overeoats don totheiiiiiai ll iili' o
The J. T. Jacobs. Company,
Jlan. 2, ,)21 IHEAiiQU'ARTEuRS, 2 i21) M. Ai N Si'T'.N,^N\A101

ARllll W~r iLIIIrY 0 A . GEORGE L. MOORE, (MtiGi1( 1) +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.:50FOR HARD AND SOPF COAL, i st1 iiitl''' t iliiiiiiii ilt). 'i i vIle
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. ' o hildids. I nw aiye ntIO ire li iat vy storoii N. . csS.M )l:RIN 't .
Ottice. - 23 South Fourths Ave.Ofie.N :i. It i:i4 ' 1;fti1i'(0 )'t''.liiI":'1ot'ooa.-za.'.
,'e'l i(oi.On LAW lttBOKS, 7A l illALI3ItlOlK'-. lItN'P ALI 11(101(0. ii . ~'viii ook w in t h I pr all- li . i .
i- iU01) il11 liik1 tta ittui'v.iiii l lS " 14 iN Nih 1 1r. I Ci ii- cO ,
t-liile': it5. a.'1111- 1iu XLI~t.k.V a It I AI' IlreaeIt
Si-hZ1 ~d J1roaitl'fI-t U . ' rj tj I" U 1 TA lC f Ci S .0 A d J11 'Oii i'i'i'iiirl1' 11vt.
f 01. V-! 0~h Al.1 tY A ~ kIs1 j . 5M AT .,
D'it i~t s
CIGARETTES.lltiil 'llli 'lliiOCloth CasI'ets., Tet -llic
aei lii' toi~ iilii Q ~si P J S . ItF .A I 'itii l- Ni
"v mliviiill iiiilev'l iifili'vii l iiliir ii'ii't'iiil'iii''J.1.1 A.li liicii av'vivv.'li' iliil i''ivlto v'lv-R NS Y & E BO T
?: -i !vorits 'iv1,iiGv' ivvl."evilrpvreiforvheidereead;iesil.E t, rocelesirrvtu culturernurand
-;1 111 vlv ii O t '0e10 ii lviiid il(, St. Wvihivi r sult .tv- Si_.
'ilv AlIE & i Btif ; u ( c i u ei rt lo t t'~l I , . NI :'.0 ll_1' J 1:N . ; e il t e ter iet,
ii'y Aiiviiviitiiei'vii. I ALSO AthlticSii'vtorvK lt 1 tiivg. ie 2111 'tiS1.ti' tai
For J'it'SC:'11'i'tillg Oil t)i,':7vli tt t ~i ~oE oFo h -l ' ' " ' INAStute Steetr(ee.
1111No.1 i gaets aei'i''il liii ig bioltiv right- 'il ts 11 .1 CA11i tn A M) iao tit t 1 11'1110. X 'ii.'',N , e tedire s.cJoolHoAbsLrLc.E R
("1 iia r~vivi iii' iii E uh.tlt 1110 C alodrstespns o studnsatnig.Teepns con rnIc f;- RN E E B
biSit, i ill ii na I s ith Ol usdlw r iushallatAny o'heriiiii I lilt) iswieii n bill rhe centri a the
an rn arbno StaigsCu Blank c, l l ii t'ilalli ' i et liii iii tbl "Nory i ingfi' h i '111, 50'io'ranIdliiei'e'rs in
111eA IEN& 1 '101 BrIainchli i 1 iv 111t l
ii f i tsheil Aerviiiv Ii pit-ito(,o.. ei Meii eil't i f )AhleicX ire tor.1te liiei . T e 10 . S~t i hi ilvlov111 111 ntns
iili v'ivwaiiieieci'dliiialiiie liii-i-iliiil 011115Vigiia. ' i ti i-- 00110' 11-In',( i 1:1 1 li lilDi 111S'l
!vivi Ml iliiv vQ7
tolii iac if il'01110 0 nil o'it Dr. Angell. Ils ii i' 011 i. 5
Ati neciuiliehe.Atleicisri

'W11I~l Sla i o Is
30 East 1Hiuon Street,
IT WILl. PAY IOU. Shorthand Schvvl, Newv
Billdingp, 20Souith Stote Streel.

soiaiitioni iiithia IUniveirsityt of .7chto-li- oiiuiliidicietcoielt. a ~
gan will hlIits eighittiannuatlrI'>- C(if is. S.715
.. . I Sntlpist;)a idi()It rio 'ipt of u-ri'd.
union and lbanquet ini this ic ntS otbl iitt t' orv't)IttEI l SON(1
Scotturyi27111 1i2.t'['lieflirt o
laur 7h 92 h ito is class ill .esthics yasterdlay D~etroit, Mith.
alumiallin 7Watshin~gl ton ilnubers moire morning anid askedleachul memberictto --
than octeblundred, and1 l inlds many write his impressioii of it, before lihe Ladiies' Mowi'iitost'es in beautiful
menilers of Congress, anti others lecture begani. 'these "impressions'" Vaieies~, lust recieuivedi ii .latk
who have rendered is itinuiiishedi were idily handiled in, aind then lirof.iSluuis
pubicseric. r. ngllhasprm-Scott proceeded Iio discuss [te[(ic- A nelin he of Neckwetar just t"eeeiveul
tLre. Ile 0)01(1 make quite a fun- andulliiiIbetter' styles will tie foiuld in
isedto b preentand ou ae alo rtolwn. °Viiu will say they tire one-hal'
i ldl epeen olYouaeas ny-book' of these inbilased opin- the priceVoiu pay fur Itiet elsewhere.
inviteid to lie one of [he gulests of ions. MVack & Sehunld.

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