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January 20, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-20

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j e . of

n. W1ai1p.

VOI,. It.-No. 7(;.



University Extension. sa rotlher, it would be difficult tothnswlbeouedihann-
sa.It may still tie (andI this is pise to kntoss something else than
is nieeitye~ensolla ii- cone of the nmost cherished purposes the pnrchasing power of the dollar
"fad, which is destinedi to in easrly of the proimoters of Uivsersits ex- and siimeth iin more ennoblisng than
obliveionlrswhta truhas its t ini tion in is country), tht lien the the pci f the favorite racing hre
euin, theaiteceofas eifond-lhenehits of this enterprise shall hare AnsIini this tenilency to make iiiire
atoi II heexstnc o arel li' ec oiie iiiire wsiidel y knuown-, the siulely felt the lieiiefits andIdiltighits
itsrganiweetfocs oivesI ' liiieiantIwoeniwihiotoil swithi their ( if the higher ciducatiosn lies, it seems
iit sersgagizethisrm, eiinated aihandsswillIqsite generallye Seek to us, the est result if this iwshole
ansiere ii fasr i th I thrtoiugih this agency for wider bar- inurement. aiiilttie result imost likilyi-
II galius if life and a hitter Iknossledge toi le attainsedl. Bust thiat this resulIt
itlterniatuice lilt there ace certaiii
ofi its probules. may lie attai neil it is e ssentsil that
e-s-nt Iis the sifuttlii~5iiI ili
-is-usl~sl in pus it e-u (,fl ) Ittiiiil celenient if lie situ- all swhosshate toidoliinsithte conduct
tfl ts icot , i in t aitleils lst l iteor h 1 s sl te ei ie 111 lcu p tlc ii
is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-iiiiliit Ioiif ti ilt ~ eiei s h icss ifaIi tis moI emeitlii see itoitat i tibe
ithe pf poibnlgreso h i-m n, an isd nelleituililthatiot tri buseli slas tt i nl i g iiie ii il
Iaie i-dilptr freesli frsoitnlti a isilaihecietaii sple isthriietentieecis ll-i nds
th tw nti o ny-i sst lotealteto his ueiik V s in nsio t\estltkIeptu
is~~~~~~~~~ iwhou i ii h isc i l haveius ndiealnsceIftsunei-ito eilyste ircuImsitsnceI sitaisi t. ui
i Ili'heli iIV flla eeitli iset iolIcuseuisil cit-
v t to t i wok We m a ofM R L.ssilif ite Eg isi _ tis siti ie ssI t u i sissseI --ls te sl \i ii.le I -isl sil i
sh he sislie i Iis Iio se is isiss-s sie elow . I i -ik -iil -isssit ~ iit ls
is awas sppsd o t issillr hs counry th work ii- ls-on ie 555liat altltssl
I lii isis wisll _
tesisieti I ~~lt tllsclas oiustes theris suit s t I iii ei sit ete an M .is cis, 1asci s I t il iv
si e s unlis i aestleairesirts f iiie 11,5 lii i ssisc llei s ietssss i i i ~t les i
slisulth -sdsthe nclai itl s ul ssi iiicl his Iiasr sy teseisn Iiitls pira t
is~~~~~~~~~ numbuti 5S~ il recciIIer fe itlitent iticst t si icgl111 wtisl ) Iieetilsiftec-I isissl
t'he. reslt is thatmenytaibm



Through Your



Is[isiIess-usissl ofsnins iniigi
(liss. Splltrc'& Cii .
lit sc-li lg sit gi-I sly- c-
sdueeilprices,timei r liusice
G lseof Neckswear, Ude-
wea amc iin llIFurniishing

tively, -since a Colliege edhucationsin enuCle se 5ciu- ) . onc (),t--t
iis ciunsisry is inuuestionaisiy i--smeansassid agencties that accomiihsh
- 5 - i sei rrthe sasie endhs. Sucs, ffurrncexasi1s islear:e

Graduate Laws.

isisus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h e.a h isitisius eslei te i r mlitate lit class sehectedh
the C(uauI u a hebles the sill the Issllosswigschiss officers list-nigh:(o n bih~~ od
r2)} iii secindshelesisestinistishietalhs asus- ; (t ul lssilgssl
stu ion in -Esglasisd isthat ifferi i er schiools if ivarli s iisus lins th isPresidesst, iP.I( isosgrose i st rice litiiipritcit.
disses it frisisiur siniis tile iters- trsso hsisa ielse is ti;stsut-t IsI1hg e sishin it 1 o
Iliesrars-clsubs. We maisalss o mepresisdenst,(U. Voshimmtt s ear sC p -' (X J
iii this ismosiemlesit isisthiepantI ofutht il t-assseshthe h IIl
esselsinsgssien.- _A1111 accounts agri s su ui o iiere ii tes is
ssllreboshes of artisnsiandj ISdinsorudgmet thue hisst mss i Iooker;-.ihisef of sillsletics, IB-.
operatives takes allt iiai n ilise focusnsuf ih, the act -i lulls ln 0in outtwetll; tI - - l . - SATE TIME ANDT MONEY
I tisUnieritybywlicl an p r i ss;Islet, \. 1. Ssues; histiaIsui
his iwork, tush are esIpelialli t- hssIsisestaut-hush y uu
rae-ctech binthe cousieis ofs t sushy in I uhsirl ttn iy IaeheoiiiI-. i st ts
Isiliilhesuiiuiso usnussIsi Ipursue say setiIo urse it studyis ior Iisamis Time clss swihl give a hang sliet
Irhaps i iti ateamilusthe lists il 5 iih ieli itesuis sst lte i heys isiu ipiiihh J .-'
li-sleusec the resient gradutaes usin ~ J
o Ohils enstertprise- tou bass ithJudgmenti We e d o, i i i io tuliseI c I iitseu rs it
lii sio far at asuita t h due k1oh ii u uiltiplied -gencis- ( it eduhitin [its thesirerirysi-hue is-ms isiscraislest
tereshtcursthue par t f the sameuuclaI ss ;uhiuss ceutry, be surpristd if C i iclstun iitleite-iiIIes
,prosini susiewncus unistriy has ity extenssiosi as assurgis-n oethht- seft theol Nese forkhiltscheriGv ( " NA LLtcebe.WeheAtGsli-Emet sal oAin hesmNwl i t abidefo we O.o &
cusse the IEnosi susorkigmani hus c omse litre thsat it has fousnsi in I u- -usall(scll dleote Iis timue tosuaisnug111 ri
iuuure leisture tie uses hits leissure to - 1asd.lost tha t somne gosodh resulsh candhiates for the 11- ri-nei bat-
eller purp~ose, or has genieeally a will be reachuedh by it admssh its So tery IxKeefe thinks there is good 114 Moniroe St., Chicago.
smire isslliigeist iterest ini the dubuit. Sonme cesitres of poulti toinumateeial asmosng the muesnho are
questionss iffluhe iiay lhau hiss Xmei-sums ll abssorbhed sculshnmter ialtryisisfusepistchersiplace. 5o S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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