I THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN' COMPANY. Next NN'xrerxxxxtxxs. ( illilIP (f Tlai iid ldLiberty Streets. I xwil''Open thle Blil yqpiacixg ainhe stock iof (Guitars, Banjos tc.t. PRICES THAT WILL 'ASTONISH YOU. [indtl -=Ls Y's tasTsSOE 25 South lFourth Avtne, City. TEN FOR ONE. - ALBANY LAWs SCHOOL. 5bt u )'xext atxxt x i i i'2li o'lxli PureiSAlO txich . T SALZ TITEJ~ Fresh ~ COURSE, onieyexr. 'Thre'ex'full te'rms Clean Januaxxtry xxxiii Mardli. G --- ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. ( - T Dru l s orps f Instructors and Locurors '- .i, ,xxiii(lxothertini.csequally goodi. Degree of LL. B. Conforred. - For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. AT Fatll Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. New Goodtis,ix fal liGuods,xniw Witer Goodus, Flxii Iress Siitiigs. Silk \Vestings, Ocercsxxtiixgs, LondonitixSiitixigs. Triixserixigs xa specialty - Largest anit moxst conmplete stoith ie city, at the lowesst l~ires. Pietistexxx, CA KIN H R AY Addressxthe Desix or Secretary, tatd examineii. ALB3ANY,-N. Y. ti'. 2 LAST WASHIINGTON ST., ixear pxiii. H. E O 3L-LY &C . . ",LL ANtD ALI, Sfadknfs' .5uppliM, ixixce Ordes f"isex ATHLETIC + GOODS. IT LEADS THE CRPOWD - D ILLiARP PALORS Eitgantty refitted dung xthe. pastoxxmxer. Nie uenoch counter in connet. XX slibix~iiCroisbys &k(iCo.'s upelative l'iitesexti Sprinig Wheait BUTTS & IHAZLEWJOOD, M'xir swill tmauke Afoiie'Breaud and e! tter lBreadxthaniixaniij STATE STREET, AN ARBOi 11,miir ill the Mrkexxt. Sexidi tt $()-.25 perIbbl. i TEARU.- 44 MA.IN ST.. SC Lt1'.. THE ARCUSS-- FINZ J013 P IN IN > AT LOW PRICES. , . I'PE14II(. THE CAMPUS. 'Thecentirc famiieii'ofit Profs. I.. r ~ ireasnabe Wrk rasFIRST INATIONIAL BANK (toc it e itt xix. tprices..t eiiiixt xxiii a~ e rre R l )htixi The fac0uiolstoe, lii tyiitiislidii xxiiiixcit iii xrliaxx xs F NNARBlO. J. S. MIii Uxixxx'ii iii iiitc'x~ trsr ted xi i tll rr ))c t'ixitit iil( tttii . Suxrplusx' ndx Proi i x 0i x I x istsual . i (_iH.iii 111n15 Pres. ]'.ilAili, V.ire lii i 'i i udii lt' xi'ii ii.. L'. Ulser, ofi Jacksoni, v xi'tifs-cttt iaclxi i.ii x xxii' xcixi',iilitx/ sirtx.It is saidt haot I 'xxcrcxxski has i' ,r'' IROWVNS DRUG S' ORE., Mliss Iil ln lkxixaxii, titrixiriv ofI ii cx ct xs high as $500 tot a siixgle -- -- - - -lit.'9 .is risitixxg friendis ini lie- enxtertxaiiinme tx t a i va xte. ihotse. Chemical Physical Apparatus 'Tcixdxllaixrs has tbeini raisedi1II~f ur--sir(oliixiexxxixxitetoswards xaiiig Stir the x itre itt i .o . ad i lasses i 'inlCalculus sstcrtxc aitier- lPrinicss Louxise ini ProS. I ixtixias ay I ' cals'vM cxocoepical t'sgpliv.. .n~onruoxix. Now open forrectlttisi of Puxpils. EISE BACIL & SON. 'Ihicmeicis have a holiday to- Ed Saucrs, '92 uitspents Sunday l g mnorroic. 'Tie ne'sxihospital illii be xIixioedo with his rxoni-nmate, harry1 HVEixiEAxN cdi A teN Groshi, whxo is serioxuslillith thue H Rpmtrs.Tt'Oi It is sail out good authority, tixat grippe. 0H vio~ usFot18ifs 4isAalhms' ' hd;TAE Hfcfllcfiuxgcr will leaxve Xaie for gooxd MisAra'hu9na 2r, is hd ttxicnsxE ini thec sprinig. 't'xoier 'ii4, and Miss Lyxdia D~itmnxax Wa ugner & ('x., Merchanot Tail- EA, Dr Slyler& ''lcThoardis xor the hilNyx ee- '9,5,, are aixsenitfrotmxicrasses ticaxiuse xxis, hreoffehrig ;50 sut pattextns, - Opgi. PCouu. toCre swil be op~enutrsdaymxoriigx"oftilness. ________________________________ at_ theCuetsuaulIpaces. 1Franxcis 1;. lriuuuixecouux, tresidenit She regulau' r rif of-Iielx is fr'omu oee i w 10WfL Ileeeter, trot. Adamus xwiilintofitthe sopihornuore class, disapipeareil $2s.00 ti 1,,-,5.00sfx'$51 Sr'Ix71ENrS' lWAI)ARH e xx las i Sicx xt i ixiieaixtNo.us uxthxstthcxsuit, umaxde iplfirstxlaiss. Alsox -- ~ ~ o Fhr. y u oigcrayx t rietxy afternxooni. teen sincte. iriensi tuau'ai chair us the itccideatah Hotel D~r. Browni's classes iun pedagogy !. '.Sxfe,'4 it, slie151 lxteusifTxusrxgstu' teefo tuenxxxiuts'. Yoiuuwihlosurehy nesters~n~i i oxxwsacteil thm ive 'ieicest dinner, Sundays. Spialin are gaining ttractical instriuctionx by wetigit i ro a ccdnl eguta price of whlichi is fronti visitiing the city schools. I thurownu agaixnst ax tablihdietuhllau five MN1A L LIJO RY hr. hicks gate a talk oix .Bever- Ilot his ribus brokenx. $'7.00 to $9.00. fox'$. 0to ai pair. exce,' Suniday morning to a smnalil L. cAllister, '92, lres. S. C'. They are also ofterlig somie de- Caterer, audience, in Newberry Hall. A., will repiresentClue association at 7t Fort St.,.VWest, - Detroit. Mich. XX.r C. M~alley, captaixi of the foot-thdirctoneiox . 1C..edtlbgaslxHavUid- _____________________ball teamx for 'go is studying lawe in at Port Huroxi this week. wecar. An inspection of gosods LEAVE YOUR ORDERS tHigh's law office in Chicago. ea con ithee dlegtcSchnand pr;ices is hinvited. -AT- eacuttsoff theiachurchhasyoong peopleis Mrs.itng fPera tl a societies has been appointed to meet P.e 0.. herHdaughterTANis beenvisiingEerSaugher, issWednesday evening, in :Newberry. --- rof --- uth' Butts, of the literary depart- Hall, sod draft resolutions relative. News>?ja~ers. Magazines, Yerotc~s.i . in Confetiins,. Cigars and Tohaeeti. ncut. to the five-mile law.