THE U. OF M.I DA ILYs. _ WE .ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Nexx l'xx ' arx'vxxx xix, I(xxnixelr ai ax I txclv cic I \.ii Open thxe Ball'" by placing a blex stock of Guxitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT Findo WILL ASTONISH YOU-1 OTENF1 ONE>- wih Foxirth Avenue, Caty. 'I forLA GILOL i 101 irIOvercoa t. (iarients xvorthx *-t2.00 ito $I16.00x. I l . AT fl i r F resb COQ ISF, oneyear. rbIree flltermis, Jxxixxixxxv xxnxxMarxch.- CleanENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. axxdx xxthexritxhigs qxxxli goxxxx, Degree of LL. B. Conxferreci.=.For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Newc xoxds, newxflii(Gxods, xexv 'Wiiter (Gooxs,. Fxll D~resxs Sxiling. I ~Silk Vestixxgs. Overcxxatiixgs Ldn. xxlxxSxitixgs'. Troxxserixxgs a specixalty ri I ~~Largest anxxl xxxxt cxxmxlxete stock in tlxe city, at thxe lowxest prixes. Plexise caxi CLIS P AMC.Addresx thxe Desix ox Secetary, xxanxlexxxxxinxe. ALBANY, NV. .NO. "A EAST WASHINGTON ST.,ixexaraixx. R Z ll b { TcT-- - BILARD PARLORS11 LI, L X-(U' "Ccxxx xCxxlxlxxx xxx llxx Rasins,, c -. 4 lxx. f - 25. xxeaoex.- refxttedxx Sex " the fast xxmmexx. SELLi. cxxix 10(c,:'''.0 xi( Nice ounch couinter inxoxnneonx. xxxl noix Lxxy erllxxxsiixx. 1.xc ixer ix 1BUTS&)AZEWOD aliforxxia tPruxnesx, 6esr.7(x.1''c ' S -aixcxtexl Peaxchxes, - 12c STAT S TREET,' ANN At1tlOl ANiD 51LI } '. Apricots. .-________________________ ATHKL ET IC + G OOaDS. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. " .( xxxxxindoxrk xcxix'lJJJ fItI.TECAPS xxvxxii xixFIRST NATIONAL BANK don xxxxxxxxxxxixxiicx.'. Ix I xixxi xCk x iivx 'xlxb vi lvl xxe xxxeld i v he lxxx lcturixxvv xA R.51 0 o.l' f~ut 'niesL''AJ' Ii'e xcxx x cdxiiesdxa . x xxxi i xx lvIxxxx'xi x'ixiix~. xxx xxxi xxxx$10 c g'.ixihi ix'x xx xxxixxx ivxxxxxxi Y011 CAN G 1 elies cxxi el sustlat Po. Scott hasxx oxxxxxxcxcxi iiis i foxxve vxxx cxx -i-c--- xh xlxapt xst xxxxrch ixn rxhivv .xxx. x. xI. xxxiCIE NO P. 1x" '. BxxxixV.5 'x°_ (1ii c xx / x ,ixl x ivl' w lx x bii '' \l x 'hlac'xx l d h issecoxxxxwxrit tex i xx ctr xxxxn thxi lxaii xxx iixiersx xifx. x xxxxxoxCsher f21)(1 ('T '..' fTsO)T( (.i'i 1 Ii' iw.illxuxtvxxtedltlxv x'xixxgs ireccntly re- Chemicalz Physical Apparatus Q CP. and ;aeG~mcals.Mcr copicaI Sipplixix, j PIS ~IAxisixxx ~nAN E . yle r & ton op) Oxxx.c xxcxc. OCCI1DE TT{L-* YrOTh Sri'IxENTS'" ixgAtRSvi. ilvixs,"ix ouarelookmg l'or axxiof you rinstae hair ithe xcciientax Hxotel ixxice xxvoritexnxominue. Yxoxu wireiv oee xxhex. Fire oxcock diinexr, CSxndays. Spixvx MALLORY Gate rerv, 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit. Mich. LEAVE YOURORDERS -AT- P.. 0. NEW$S "STAITB Newrspxapers, Magainues, PeriodWI ,- ie Cxxix 'ions. Cigars aid Tobacca. exditov of the Chrvoxicle, lxxix xcvi attexnding thxe 11. 1'. A. Re .t. A. Bironsoxxof Ilctroit will lectuxre xn'McM illxxxxhall ixcxt Monxxda~ycvexniixg. .1.11arc ixxited. 'Txe xxbjcct at thec Episcopal chxxxchxto-imorroxw nighxtis 'Amxbi- tion xsxx gxidelx'on liepxxrsxitxof xx calliixg." Pirofessoxr Kelsey lxas exposexdthxe ccivexl fvoxixItaly. xxirg icue fthxc Gerxmaxn Pfll i~lI pvixcess Louise has Ixeexn securxxv orx SCOlxxvom 11UbyIU UU 1'Uioms Lh cost xvxs 2.' vliClxwill lxe 1aid lxxv N oxx opeix lxxxreceptioix cf Pupils. $2,by the stxuxectslxof Germxaxx in ltheI SMS Unciversity. 'The Mxathemxxatical Club xwiiil xxet to-night in Prof. (Grecin's rooim. A '.lTuttlexWill reaxx a ppr cnitled, i ilia~c lxiliix '~albxxxaics. 'xlv iel.& Co. Mxxrclxxaxt Tli xvrxxSkcS ii ii xsrxx x "E i.~arxvrIxxxixn :a th eimaics. "'.'xi, ii' xir ix xx xx' i I sxuppsedvltix havc beenxfoxnixiii i 'the xrxloxxf xbcs (x. egxxlxxrpiceI cix ichxis frvxxxx 'xl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Bexgx. v llser axndlDv. Gibxbes per- 'lxxx hxxxdredxlaxxx seventxxthrelvvvformxedlxxx axxxopsy i thxciiuper$2.0(0(1txx S35.(00 fxori $2'3.00IIa xjxior laxxs Iassex lahlxckstoxne xxi !lctxuverooxx, yestcrdxxy, ixefove thd sic mae p.x rt ca'.,.s thxxir x'cordx. 'T'hx list xx'xs xostexd seinior imxedical class. 'This is the y estcvxdxxy. first xxf a series of sixaxtopxsies lto lxv1If01xxatterixs f Ti'xxsxriixgs. thx C.. C'. Star xwas last year in thxe held duxrinxg thxe next seixxstcr. i'egxilaxr'price of viliclx is fronx Literary Depxxrtxxeixt, and expxects i 'l'he Alpha Nxx Literary Society to cister agaiin al the bxeginxnixng of ixxeets to-nighxt, at b o'clock shxarp. $7.00l))to $t(.OCtx, forxi' (1.0(0 a ixair. thxe nxext senxster. Iimportant buxsiness xill be lpresented Thex' are also offeriing soiesiexl- Thec glee vllbofRxtgers ar xt ;and all xdesiring omembership ar.i-cidedl bargains ii Heavy Under- sing in tlhe future inx cap aind gxxwn, citetd. The society expects to give coffing thse dress of thxe society manxi a public progranm in the ixear future. wxear'. Aninsixpectionx cf goodse and thxe hotel waiter. The meeting to-morrow mxorinxg and prices is- invitedx.l hanIis message to Itie Nexw York in Nexwberry Hall xill be addressed legislature, Governor Flower de- by Dr. F. C'. Hicks. This is prob- votes a long sectioin to the subject ably the last chance to hear Dr. Hicks as he leaves at the end of of University Extension. this semester for hi: new position.