Alm tt* AT . Wi'i~Ip. V o.lii.-No . > UNIVTERSITY OF MICiIIGAN, SATURDLAY, JAN [TAlY iU. 18921. PRICEs, TilEE CENTS., Co-Ed'°s Reforms. the wtomen studients. la tas ially thain mentally, and this haI'OF YOUR Al iiiis-Otetligof n epeiiliiarrangedl for boycotting tte irl stbeen the case for several years pasOtE. B1G withI the purpose of diingi"themo We read In all the mietropolitan pa-I11I ills Wednsesday noon, a (elega-I rr t: -it ics eectd o iertsit a onfroniess institutissson.ITle "lor ious hers tils mornsing of the great or- I -10z1 ailed to You -: - t' inof tietegates froini each of Areis r ivitege.s sittiwesago this turi de ntsofatingcontest le, I-:-t-Through Your societies, Fiday nssioiol sic es N otet.wasan t'ipsektaisghedlsthnis of inI arvar siat I aHlAPlTB oh dorm t rt hs thets dsiriliIits of riddings''the 'assi1) risdge. It ssas tpresidedsl sover__________________ Tar oh closing esvisening irties, tci.,-______________ a reaiinslt p-i-ha I i sis cshool uof Isnsatr students. hehre- ly the gored soc of tlassachtssett P8("I PLIAIN lte 'sfa sltsy siasd litit seemsi, li 'cuss isnoted siseitof Newxx Entgland.l as~ iftehosls I u iisc lsledlitsit ito t 'sill remrss'ik. Surely the great t'. sif1M -.isill1 slt s)otn cle p n t c IH t ( 0 ss sftea calisi ist lii all is o eks passed ahdsitlt oy b e htsiid ser easterts sisterstosustrhi Stis ABearesgIssnl tiing cnothinge fromntthei reitshotsswork. Slit sias start anssenthi-ts ,iiteetltseil till rs. t th melinst'l F idey-t4t icssssstre asf xne'sPlai at as ettasctedsta llsciltathelir- sin.The itdetasisinformsiedsthlei sornsiof ttsicathletic teasiwe sicctagizeiDETROIT, - - MICH. i ciss list isilsteco-s haveiii anyi) stnitti'e itha tihe xsoulidinoil psi tilt'eiseesi uf. sass'"orsatoricaii teins to _________________________ control. ect is15 te loisrc great last attensitionstosshlis t t issn I I tipp151lemen5t's thesis. Nos istterI yit- lass celeisrasisons -lte freshiansan Ifirthes riiseisuncedilte sacionftht eis iasinisis fistthe tcainiing isf sosi g I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~on men lelsautrss silusisr ott ses-s a conuspirasys aisidisoratoars tcans1be' providedthani iistome iots, and fil e sei i uorrtcteptions--Ilhe isottldiexpel frco liilegt'eevy such active, esiergetis- anisi itt it 1 shtall tloste lust later tl ii a. i i. Istiiiuden 5 t i twh i n t fss ts shy tIki ntg sorganiziatitons as tlilt 015e 1111roo What if tlissreforiaitvezeasl shldsiI Ii aitIio it s~t ss \ss sseIei iies si. VSi i gt still futhrlis di sit ita t not a h sisess s'tissis h i aptiln it sit ihal slotraittallsevens- - - Itsts51btisixtses o tiltli reusd heHavadI. .clienaton I1 call i e o c .ll. li-li timei o Itsysnd w ree peld 1rshiucs, itw tli t-I a slt ts suit St Acis t C ar leigh t 11)1 1 11111 ilistst; ineShoestit'tiiita-tosfsillaita'ie lessiriiits is-li st-is itslste sfa ilty otil elstsasisep ltsti l it (is s te stnewspaper dics on Political Science Socsety. halif ofltecprtfsisrsidosisite i tsoTIcr. Gacrisons's letter conFern-1R E. . (6 --asctutuuof ltespel ledstudsisents, ands IffortIssite beinig miesspasi e thelistshier prosfessors staningis lbvthe 11 o iilSciesir~e Society (l 'scsi--sit h'le exlselles studsentls save stltslirbsts, 1)y- enlacginthe isiittii Os taiing issnsel tosgethiec, andu a i sis andisiitsceissiglsteitttnd-'hi stitssiii' lteadisaiis'tiyof ts-ig- tslie.ftiecrtarositerets st ini lrgal stps againa is tetolliegteandt te stuckisof ipsliiticsalandss ocst'ilstetitans. (IluestIons, andsito nmakelist socisets - .,.- - 5 thiciin" 0ne, it hissibeenidsietdilcommunication. ts secticestevtralipromsinenrt sipeask- I i trs upothe litqiuestitons o ii iteEits H'i' e inoticed ini a rctctslissut esi h wviisllIt'slk betsfsreltesociety-ofIthe Somi.', thit meire statetii somtie i te earfuure 1r.tisat asmtosemsent Iso organizea Robsiert Posrter, supesrintiendet of liii s;ssck-consgress frtoms thlistudenit~ts stells censsswilsdefendiissworkt -ofthituivsisemi o015fosot. 'this I o dli teciharcessif 'sismanagrmet i thit tossy informsations I isase hatd Iscisigit galssi ins Vi i asi o00ltesubtject, istst hitprjc~st Istems tilt Glatddenia'srsininettminiisteltioimse is-ery' commendtstablcecult, sand Cotilubis, Ohsitsxwiiitalk ssptsss desire wsithsout delaylto rsaise six- soc05 is robles.s Bosthi gtiltliitii svoite iniits startys-utpporst. An is'- nied 150 1etoimendaiti ots. lTe qtirk, bs'ysisosmeasss exteredut itsg lsIith ii' (ick ltbat iHarvard-s,- - - - --4 -- . soscsets- at its Nvord aind551expretss ttu ni- i1'Ii.tjPL SAL stistsinthlis sosluititoss: "VstedI hsatthis Iboardsi si reeis-ed (lois. saeri.-l& (i0 withmuchssatlisfa1511tisonstle comusni- eatsuinpreseintedl ho tie sresisdent sind ti I sliPing g ret'i re- fellosws by tise iersbers of(lhe 1). K. iE. isiuedprices,thiri'choice societyansithait irelies n he I mebessoi1n and ssosi faiith of thse sresent iise sf Neckxw'cnr, [otici- - one fui oh ie I).K. E., aissioisPthi ntsi sand ialisurniishitng ssueeessosrs, ho tihdistisneaisysian± practices wicsits e ibhy sany possiility I( sCitlO 5. teinsitossthe sdiscredit (if HarsvsarsiCo-i .iG oulnd ispec't goosisi Tw wrosther resoulustiosswert passed, stiuldjurices. indsicting lie temps~er tsf the (Over lChap. Spnell er sters on this anth other omatlersc S SAT, TRE . Prrhaps lteimost imoiilrtantiis thse 'one losoking, tostilt estsbishmssesnt o aipermlanent officer usc ioardl to hiave SA VE TIME AND MONEY I onerl smerisin f all lusande5 monitey' to get ttnimIsere mssitshbe Y711 7 1 l( mari aisosa riuil ii suisuluc rf -socie ties. lPresitient Eliot's policyi sstu ut raisedhis subscriis ti o i ifrons the fritinds, Itakessat randromlifroimssesshes ssensiorseul hysitulmst unait-i studhenlts, as tie treasury osfltesii-I of the fousr litecary classes, has scan- issouus vote. rids- is ens i~y vinsedlmnitthat amionsgus secy' tsarge - - War on the Girls. sarI of otur younsg mess such an or- Prosf. D as-is swill be aibsentl fromuusii wieweaellle gasass esiiileuiishsh-ip Iis ulassen for one sweek. ''liene is a mserry sear iss the Amre- olar. A '93 lit. hsas beers prohibitedl theCA L G -IAN & c . icani -edical College of St. Louis, It is a fact lint too evidenst that -.iseoflis' ihrar- y istasisan ands all becausesewonmen are trying pusblc speakiing and parliaml'entary librarian., A hook xwan draswi and to break into thse iiedical profession proceedure are being sasily sieglected left in list reading noon' thsroisgisltPULSE, tlhxuigis- te institution. For some. amnig tie students at Ibis great in- noon hsonr. It wonld bet a good J114 Monroe St., (Cbicago. reason a nurmber of the stuidents in stitrition. We are far better aisle to plaii to save tie library rusles pnb- sll chasses deseloped an arersion for sihow to-the worldl our strengeth phys- lisised in list papers.:-50 S. Sta~t St., Ann Arbor.