THE U. OF M. DAILY.__ WEE THE PEOPLE - -ANN ARBOT( ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. > 'w lVccreor, - - - - - - - - - Coer 0 of sn and Libe, 1ot Streets I set]ll "Open the IBall"' by pla ciog a fin stock of (Guitars, Iiioa etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU., 25) South eirlS Acene , City. +TENFOR ONE. - Overicoat. (T'ai' ta vrt cl $"li 12.()to sl 1 i31 6 ti uh 4'' Pure Fresh Clear ando thliithintgs ecai11,l ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. COUR' SE, one year. Three fl em reqiireii elriielutlt e2 iwll - IENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. (TGO TO Dru s. 1 gatiol. Di e o of LL. B. Conferred. -For HIGHEST -CLASS TAILORING. '')1 1 AT Fail Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Nesi (/0001, neow Fal]l(Goots, niesw Winiter Gloouts, Full Dress Suitingp, Silk Vestigs. Overcoat logs, LoeidoiiiSoittings. Trosseritigs a specialt . - --- Largest aid iiost cornplete Stock ini thii city, at the lowest ptrices. Plasc,'alt CAL7IN HARMACY. Address the Dean or Secretary, and examine. AL.BANY, N. Y.I NO. " EAST WASHIINGTON ST., near Main. R ~ IlhlV a. I 2isoi li SELL tti tes to __ , 7 J T a C' + C C C)7 2 4 Mai aSre t, Sofo th.r~ PJLLARPPARLORS tifioniia R'aisin]s, Ti'- 4 lt).5fo 5t.. Elegiintyrefitedui ngn the toast. summer. 14(' . i Jt Nice lunci coutiter in connction. verRisi 511'5 tBUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, Iiuei070 1 tiaces, - t2 >a STATE STIREET, ANN ARBiOtR. Atricots. - - 12 15 ,*T HE ARGUS - DEN& COMPANY.jZ I~~J\@ :'?1.1 .5/ cc satru ch i t Wi t itx l, YOU (IAN GET t1hai c i' o1urt), (1111 11/-o P)ien rill he z (R.,W iyS DRUG1( STORE. Chemical' Physical Apparatus ti C. P. sand v "rtr jria. h/ivius copi aSpplies, EIS3UAMACII & SON. H F oltIs A lt1 1t'. S OLCa 5I> OMD1API7L 4. 10ThLi S.tTIAEN~ctS Eic. ART Ecits. "la},,iyaricC oskinet or ccnyi o onr frinds tki' a chateirinthe tOcciacntal hoe ofice for li]iminiutes. You itl nurely coe them. Five 'cocok tinner, Siinaays. iSpocia MALLORY Gate rer, 71 Fort St.,'West, - Detroit, Mioch. LEAVE YOURORDERS P. 0. NITS STANDIJ" Newtpainto Magazines, Periodicals. Fine Conetions, Cigars ant Tobaoco. THE CAM PUS. Worothte trt bauiloting at lbiv-FIS NA O ALB N irs scton sntias awill iveaor caii, ileu I OStFsir it'ANN ARtiOR. stuot gosvati iii rogliiiiit the'tear. 'Iiihe iaudidoates lort'alte \ate nine ' (ii/it . 000. / surplus5 a n Proiioo t iis,t$30,0W. N'tile aotoo l tiitiono are' to lot/s iill bug/t or egtlat'workiii tle cgeo igc iii ianW4 od ee rs toficeioi it pocueoo ito 'tI otrtas ootrtaoveters abrioa two (o]less )-alites s/ ittaiiooist ory I . x I i CttMtOND, Pres. P. it SI H. res oCst orntellIis the'first Attierirsoit wat- s w.ii RSNosioshieci aleunt iiitoto'csc oslltetti uition to ie'stabtlishs a chasir oil thielis-la Y alre Isoilay a series it gamtes scxt toirv'oudtpilso hofi iircligiiono. and G ANtER Api Choristiainoethiocs. NN.V. C astier, '9; lit, has toot Thle faicttlty- iss voted that htcre- Q~~lffVl ~~ ~~ rctiricr ii ctlgc 00 acoooot oit after, it case of abscnce ott the liarst 00 UU r u r illnesas. ofa students, swork sltall bc toate 5tp 'Fliry-o cinco ar rotoirottoat thse optiotn of sloe profcssior. Nosy openo for recepition oif Pupils. senv cmneals it Memconrial 1Hlll att A universitsy settlement has tbeent~(MI~MM M M~MlM Harvard.established itnChirago by alumni '1'vci-cglt Iirtiaitt olar ~atnd sturdents of the Northtwesternt schiolarships arcatnnually distributedl t ntversttv. 'I'his is the first it at Harvard. Chirago. 'T'loe factulty oil Iiicltel College At JoaltstHopokitts the students Waginer & (a. , Meretlnt Thal- setd odmiate the chuorict rerords oflhave a House of Commonais mordeledt1atrs, are offerig 50)sut pattertnc, their stidents. after the English bordy, witho a Fliec rcles ttiigs ii ategcatSpeaker atod secretary of tame antI the regla~r price ofiwvltiteli is f'riooo tresenttcal) and gaon, utnivercitv foreign affairs. The tmitiistry tbrings 00N OHtio :535.00 fur ifai.iiiito extenstiotn and foatball.--ha. 'suittemsdibjupsffarstsctlcsiii.Asli I-laro aro is nt at sea far cvant of Prof. 'Thomtas htas just secured a tll110istlti. Aci gatmes. Sixtecin stittets arc en- Ifinc portrait of Pritncess Louise of 1,i0)paitern/is tif Tniiiistriig s, tie tered fcr a 1)001 tournament. - Germany, which itow hang,,its ronfom eglart plrdc of whichI is friotw Animptlortant meeting of Sloe Pro-1li. 'To Iply'for it lite hac asked that 1 llibitiaii Club cwill be held this ev en- all studens recitiog intohIis roatit$7.00(Ito $1100, far $6].00 a pair'. itog at 7:30 airlock in thoe law lecture pay ten cents each if thoey wisht. Theaie alsa offering some de- .room~. The faculty of. Colombia College At Cornell a coonmittee 010thoe have taken the very interesting step csided bargains in HIeavy LUnder- ,Colombian Expositioni is taking ac- of making the subject of moarriage weair. An inspection of gooids tisve steps to have Cornell wcell rep- and divorce a distinct departnoent of atod lotices is invited . resented at thoe World's Fair. Cam- political ecoonoy, and are editing a -plete estimates are being obtained of series of studies upon this subject, the kind and cost of the exhibits to chiefly on thoe basis of natioital anod 'be made. state statistics-