l e tt* of Itt. Vor.. II.- 72. Vie. ILNo. 72. UNIVERSITY OF MICHTIGAIN, FRIDAY, JAN UARYI 15, 1892. Pis RtRCNS PRICE, TffuI E CENTS. SCHOQOL OF MUSIC. hear so liany witty and i ins xcigran NWerse (contaixs three short Thxe iioney Subscribed and Its or- talks in onie evenixng, aidxio x nexo x x)ixoemxsxofhhlxxiterary' merit. ganizatien Effected. had(1tie pleasure of hxearing xttxose Of ! Nxcolnspicuioxus feature of the Jan-( 01'1)i latexeing left wvithxoxt lbroaderx naxry lInlandertis its dxexse andi op- 'The courses of xnxircin thexx'. i iixens andu happier prospects fox tien. pressivesilence oniithe.subtj ert of xxrity havxe formxerty bentoe whaxxi xLt ftuxxe. We xwistx xittx tresidtexxt co-exucxixonxuxxTle 'xrrte, ''A ori- NE imiitedt axxxittxe l'. xxf Nt1 NI xxsical ixixetltthat ttxe Axxxix txii m ighit xxiqxenxce xof Ixx Ixlxxx xtxxxx lxxxtttx x it x stixxxtxd te cxxxndenxtitfor crxxxixv xxxiome meaxnxty xxtxich tixey IDecembxx ner rxxxxxt asti w rxkedt txe lix intereset itIxas taxkexxxixattnd xxtxold xxxt in nnxx rbxxx ever t ixtar ixoleexxxrtl xxxuixpxtx xc axxtxctx xx I it stridrexsxxxxxe inxisexcxringx the axxxxl d-txx hai t thtxixxritlalatyx'xs be exxitexxxent. tixat xanxxim xtxei ttryP11111 xtxirthe ilaxvanceenxt if thisx:rt. xxx ti xxxiibtilltyt e xprsesi. i eeet tox the f oxrmiaxlii.attacxk le erixeigetix' menmters iof thexlii imadte xxxiOnexif the esi'tabisxtdicus- et}- wholi haxe attempitted flxxithr ie The Janunary Intan der. toxnxix of tliiivxxi xxxxity.Wl iiil car xtox exiend lthese iicouirsxes, ili txle psihouxldi. I 1IS1 hi espeii.ally tihankedt, nowxx'thxat thii lxxiexiellientlpoxrtrixfthexila'te - . xxx xx xxxisxassreil. {{ui^tge lIsaNI xstniixis thlei fxontis- Christian Assneiation Buildings. :aicxationsx xere maexx otheI Jpiece oxfithe xxixx ry Inslanderi.ITle I'xxiiity andithterxsouxrexsxwitlixtliiaxccompxanixnxxiioIxgraphxx icalxiketch Thxe stxatemenit hasxxbieiiimadeut.n xliiitatiii iOf ixirryinxg thei.scheIeis xbiy Hon.xcThomasxxxlI.(Coolexy, ximany ixf ouxr exrchangex tha'tther nto effecit , andilafter xianxyxxxiiiit whasexixioxxxuixianxiiieaxrnest xiii has 'ire at prexexit ivehi.lxstxin\xxoci hli attiemptx it wixs idecided tix estaxi- lot nonexi.oiiiits formeii. 11iiexixr 'axId'ation buxilixngsinxxour rollees. ITlis lix lthe Silixxiiniependienix ofithef graie of xxpxirexxion. ITle Ord-isix. xxisiitxake xs tiii.xxxiei enxii.s l xiiirsity prorxii. In lxordei.r xxto xxxiiia.cexiof 1 8"xx htitlt.Of the xmurlhxaiore xwidlypea.Thln tix is x he roposexdiitox obtaitxxx xx x rt i xl1_ix".xWin. FIPlxiiof tliii xtitxitioxxx xwhichctxlxiprxiitd ti xl OF YOUR - SOCIEIY LALGE Mailed tn Yenu- Threugh Yenr C HIAPTE7' Upo APPLICATION. -ii x ix s x oiFi ne ixxst. PIinx xiiiu.iiixiiid ':iuit'i5 Iiiixigies DETROIT, - - MICH. 11iiiiitei ixulixcribersxhrixitixi ranxkx Ni xriy ibraiiixx ( lii iii the college asxxiai tionxii lxilixi inr xiiilxxsixxex xxiiWien erxintii itx . xxeained aithoxro oe'xx I ii.dxxiiPIrince toxn, Ilaxixi Cllge id.xxiii xxx xxxtti ii xx iMtrpoitan Stxi es 10 xi xi.'ii xaiii inxi ofthei'twxentx- I adxxiiipirexsilexxtof the XxiAmeir iiiica xootox Uxiit Canada: Valei IiiniS ii e t5ct~c arle ii ~Axrox xxxxii ig iixxi itx i xx no Iistoxri ical Xxxoii xx I nl the Nix- Coxrxxiii II xxxitxix jolins Iloxi xxx p iiicesn re io xi lti aliicin threlxx i i xxxtixxxtaliiiiuits xi ixixix Ixlaixilii NixI lxxI x X Ii irlixioxitli "xiatiii j-j Jsity'Jof.Iowa lxxiiie xx wxitrin xtxrext ifter tili' oxrian- tort-," thxat liii credit fixi tili. frai a t lrexexit lxixxin eitedi at I )xiverscity outfitters, xxiii eiexixirxtoi iall for xiilli.e mxixixi leisxxa ilirect repily to MN.x ( haney, raixingx fundsxl liiithei u tiilings.-.,0 St iTI Sri x ST., ANN A ItBUlt. subscxribedl. xiiigoxxsxtoxslhoxxxthat Nathanianehiiu. riel of xiiverxity of Minniesoita._-- Nlt ax meetinig of the society xiii xaxsimerely' the amxanuensix xf the NWhal'x the mxatter wxithi the ele- 1Neckwxvear, lii ex-enixng of J anuaxry x ~th oxr xxomimittee xwhox reatly frxamexi the gant neiw ChlristianiAssxxixatio n Dress QLII' (ill £' xsubscrilbers xwere annxouniced.1 lix Ordlinance. A great ideal xof light xxisxiiliing of the I. f.1'f Nichlxri xiwaslLS ' ovs was byond heirexpectationsxand siedl uploniaixinterestinix eri oil of i nixhedirt xyetrU dr er tiii orgxanizationxoxiaxxScholxiiof Aeicnhistory. 'A 1Trip to Iel GENTS' FURNISHINGSfIex Nic i''was asureid. phxxi,"xy Prof. IV. .. NIMirtry, Tne Pennsylvania Club. iiO -++ . of MI.,'82, ixoswat Ynixkton (Coi-"Tt O(~-IT11T, (L OODS f7 M~ichigan Press Asseciatien Ban-'lgS . sa eyetrann t'herexvwil lxbea mieeting xxf the 1° 'zi i y~' x.x'.~' cluet. hg,8 ) xavrycxi anxgjPennscylvania iClxx iniiileiilaw tic- -accoixit of a IToth cexntuvissit to I English Mackintoshes, Nilii tbxnxutxiin lxx oixx'xf thu the woirldi-famiouis oracle xxf Detlphi. ire room oxi Saturday afternxioonat IAthlet~ic anld ,x ' (Ixxc Mic-higaxn Press Associxationxi, chi "i A Notable Group," hby lIon. lx :,oo'clock, for ltii purpose of iii- .Gymnaium Goods, i-ax hieldin xxLight Infxantry Hall lastIBhy-rxnxS. Citceoc, (xxix, is aviii ;roiling membeirs schxix xishxlxo partic- xi'IiEYOilltITx. eiening, xxs - grand lsuccess anxd ax iiienIpictuiri of three faxmxouixstaites- ipate xxn the enijoymenit iiitihe socials thorouigly enjoyable affair.ItPrii-Wixen, the late iHannibal laxHxx x xxe sxarionlExey -SAMtE TIME ANDT MONEL ileuil Axigell prexidhedlaxshtoastmaixste~r x ixJaes . Blaice, andxi I lxxxIii. staident fromixIPennsylvrania, ini every xxxii wxasx'iry felicitousxxx in hir- Rexad. Dr.1J.It. Doxighty, ,ix s ialixti' ilitu txlipi i I xiixxi ixarks. The fxllhoxwing toasts xwere x the auithoxr of aix eloquinxt sonnxiet, xl at this mxeetixng. riespondxedxi n a pleasinig andxihappy- inspiredi by' tin. miniron- xiAlix- i . BIINxxiwxx Presltidenxixt. SA W 1jxf0 f ieix: x"Oar (uests,"Regenit Cihas. andxer Vinchll. - "Conitrary to x- x" 1:. WVhiltiaaix"Anni Xibor-Niclii- Iectations" is one of the best stoxies HiOW.. I' . Schrely, '86 iawxof o fxxit., wxxliice reriex. ganis Athenxs 'Perry Powerns; ''The of the college year. It cxones frxom Indhiaxia, has beun applointed a- ruem- Nelowstone Ra'id,"J. J.Simpson; the bright and witty pen of ireil NI hber of the wxays anti meaxis comixiit- CALLAG H A N &. Co.. xlihi Learning Hoxw and Knowving Townsend, '9 r, an experienceed story tee. loxx---the difference"XIV..Sprague; writer. 'The plot is exit hewildering- 1 The enjoynment of the Micihigan ielxEs "larly FDays,"LE.B. end; "The ly intricate to be sure, but the style Press Associationi banxquet, last even- 'eripatetic I mltor,"It R. Patten- is irresistingly fanny.Dr. Chas. xng, was still farther enhanced by the 114 Monroe St., Chicago. gilacrl otibtsa ril l excellent catering of Prettynlan and It is indeed a rare occurrence to titled "TDn We Degenerate."\:'ich- the fine music of the Cheq~uanmegons. 50 S. Slate St., Ann Arbor.