THE 0. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAMS. AGENTS FOR - NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, -1 "YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. (4*- The TNEW JaobC. J. T. Jacobs Co. The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. Call and seius %ai u ae U. L. 113LITZ. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. AiI Arbor SIHa1 Lailry, COA L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Moe &sber)44 + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Full Lineof all College Text Books, including Law and M'clial Iiotss, by the st'zsb CALL oN Cheapest place for Note Books and Fountain Peps in the city. Freshmen crowd in. Come along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. - - --r-s-t -E-E3L~E=~E old friends. tnow have my entire stock at my storeon NO.6 6S. MXlIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WAs11INGTON STREET. 0. L. MOOI-w. '11'AHRS BOOKUTLES3 PIR~eTOLY. WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. MISS JUDITH GRAVES, Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all supplie, at tHeadquarters. We allow MAHieest Gites T Aly at Wilsey's special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in short, every Book used in the Music Store. University. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. THE - ExcELSIOR - IAUNI)RY A lias atl the impsroved machinery, ad ispre. pared toturnouttfrstclasswr onshort no- tice. Commercial work turned out same day. LEADING BOOK STORE IN THE CITY. Pes reasonable ani work guaranteed. No ___I 20 East Huron st. A. iF. CO~VERlTProprrietor. Richmond Straight Qcil. No. 1 CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smokers who - are wtilling en nay a little amore than the prite charged for the ordinary trade Cigarettes, will fnt TessnRAND superior to allathers. I The ltchmond Straight Cut N.SCigarettes are madeeros the bright- eat, msns delicately Slavored ad highest east Geld Leaf grown inoVirgiela. This i% the Old and Origi alBrand of Staight Cut Cigarettes, and was bought et by as is the year 1875. Beware of ismitations, adabse's that the Sees easeras heowI a every package. The ALLEN & GINTE Biranch. Of the American Toacen Ca' Manufacturers. .-.- Rienaend. 'Virgisa. Capital. $50,00. Surplus and Profis, $1:,00. Does a geeral Bankisg busines. Pays in- terest on Saving Deposits. Has safety Deposit soxes for Rent. R. KEMPFPres. ;F H. BELn, .Cashier. Bank on Saturday eventeng. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stock, $50,000, Surplus, $100.000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this state. Receives Deposits, bays and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Officers: CHRIsTIAN MAcK, Pres., W. D.HARRIMAN.VicePres., CHAs. E. HscocK, Cashier. You Probably have some Broken Arti- cle of JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, . WM. ARNOLD, 36MAIN STREET, Isthe Place to go. ~ANDALg FINE PHOTOGSAPIHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! 0st a ron Street COURSE. IT WILL PAY YOU. Shortkand Seool, New. Buil ,S sstha fte tt*. Prof. Thompson to Law Students. HeMmanTV. Ames. DEER IN, Cloth Caskets, Metallic Last evening, instead of the regu- Heiman V. Ames, instructor in AND COMMON COFFINS. lar S. C. A. law prayer meeting, History, is a graduate of Amherst, J. A. POLHEMUS, Prof. Thompson addressed a large class of '88. The following year he " .1 .E" ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE; number of the law students in rooms studied at the School of Political North Main Street. 2 and 3, of Newberry hall. Laying Science, Columbia College. From RINSEY & SEABOLT, aside the no less important views of '89 to '91 he held a fellowship in Bakers and dealers in Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, the theologian, the professor gave Constitutional History and Law at e and 8 E. washington St. from a worldly and business stand- Harvard, where he obtained the J. H A L L E R , point, some reasons why a student degree of Ph. D. last June. 2=- rm x rn, upon coming here should not lay - r Repairing aspecialty. 46 SOUTHMAIN ST. aside his former faith and the faith BulletinIBoard.s r , of his mother. Two-thirds of a NOTICE.-Students holding keys 1.' ISTIeSree t G s. layrsprcie">adte> rfs at the Mechanical ILaboratory, please State Street Grocers. lawyerspractice,' said the profes- return same before Saturday of this I Students patronage especially solicited. sor, 'cores from the people's con-week 24 S. STATE STREET. Ildncein imas ma."He aidAferk and money will be refunded. fidence in him as a man.'' He said After Saturday new keys will have to M. W. BLAKE, that the lawyer, as a result of his be made and the old keys will not PICTURES, FRAMES, AND study, is the most conservative of be taken. C. G. TAYLOR. ART GOODS. 10west HuronSt. men; that his tendency is not toward NOTICE.-Membership tickets for materialism but quite the contrary, the Athletic Association can be se- The remarks were thoroughly ap- cured of any of the directors or at ST -= S ticket office in Main Hall any morn- preciated by the large number pres- ing from 9 to so.-AND ent, although owing to the size of NOTICE.-French, Course D, Sci- the room some were obliged to re- entific Prose, will meet in Room M, main standing. The singing of the Monday and Wednesday, 3-4.- OO E G ASSES quartette helped to make the meet- NOTICE-I shall meet my classes ing a success. and lectures at the hours announced. Course 3 will be given by me, while _-A - course 9 will be assumed by Mr. The Silver-Tongued Orator. Lloyd until Dr. Mead arrives. Ion. Daniel Dougherty, the silver- Course as will not be commencedjD. I tongued orator and renowned lawyer of until Dr. Mead comes, but should! l a New York, will deliver a lecture in the be elected now. Students desiring Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, on advanced credit should call at room: Thursday evessig this week. His sub- 21 and not at my house. I will ject is 'Oratory.'t This is one of themetsuns f cslaioabt finest and most attractive lectures meet students for consultation about whith Mr. Dtsn -erty delivers. Every work every evening this week after ole should hear his matthl ' rendi-. 8 o'clock, At s Forest ave. .tion ofpassnsesfrom Sakespeare and JosvsN DEwEy. from thiehr tiehs of Burke, Webster,_____Tcesr and otsers. Tile Mr sale at Sheehan's ok Story. Rdeserved seats. e reshman dental class has - at Duffy's posite the postoffice. Istudent frofi yout'h Africa. 71 Fort St.. West.: - Detroit. Mich.