THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE.~~ ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. Ivelw IVarei t ca - - - -- . 'raei' . VJSain and Libei hi 1 , cc18 .I will "Open the Bhilt"'bhyiptl iiga ine stoi k a of ntui t in in ~js, tc PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.1 25 ohearth veni uean,)Ciy ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. lt.t i fr I IOvercoait. I iarziiits wsitli 12 .1 ) to i t lli. Tacke a cmerca With YOU i tAi3l' i'lHlii8l1 C'OURSiE.,son ear. Ttiree 6t'ii(I lifi reqtluied. 'teritingin, t-ettenitiec. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. i U) \ t hns Inn1 mr hfor u-lol Oorp5f YQ8# lruQ tot ad YV t Y!( CAL KINS PHARMACY. Degreen of LL. B. Conferredt. Fail T ermnf 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Addre the' De-ciiocc sectary, AlB-ANY, N. Y. For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. INe Godii Fl Gioods 1 ~i til i. liii Wiiiteri (iss u lttDies iitin ,e itt: 'istipgs. Ocenniti ig". LoniidtiiMiitiiigs. Tecuierilugs a spiecialt. Lart l'111d liiiist 'uiletei'toslucEin the 'ite, at ttieletui ricelus. Please call Nit. 2 EAt' AM +iIN(ITO0\ S.. iwar Maii. B NJLLY 1A 130. ATHLETIC + GOOD. Z MINCE M- ANZ SVCS-3_ 2(I 'iiiitiiC Li ciasiiisis Caiforniai'i1rcnestit0-70. r Apicoi ts. - Mlisi ,it s - - lmIisteil Ie'iiiu'ie - 44 MaiStreet, South. c : 4 1tis. (*or ;-c this . 8 c - I122 - 12c liiic ' -. .' t I n i 4 + f DEAN & COMPANY. $ F L 1iix'1' hn1; isu -'dn iv< THE CAMPUS. ''l "li 't ccjisii litte teillInert iclefatuiii theiiic iglili hIc- I' rle t t ((dllia i t at ait ' sophomiiiorecis giccil tcth ic lic Nvors of si m li aiii is (111' an -htfil 5iisptn c l cei ciu tudenuts lastis' S iir ''rislirni .Yalecu cd PrincoiniNiiis I; ~ ) w ~> DR CR STORE i.. l . 'uu.'c -liiitIris iiecien i' I ci ctc-oils Chemica'e--Physical Appat'atus- ialied lhomre 1y a icligrn an n . il iie hinca rillut' iii'theldaitiof his lattiec. jocity oittthe rcci cwho tlaydcinIithe I ~.~.alnt lanceI,. 'Tacitu c ciii'stuiri icauzniiistiip p11111cclash scar. IR1 M( it 11'_1 SN protbably' captaiti the ILomisille tmcaics sc, ais ceondi hteescn tiiiilc.I nxt seisioni,.is tcainiig thec iaudi- catcer:cowsnle ,thircit tase:t' si- -° aii- hix_''t iii Silsidatns Ionthe(Cocintelitbase-biallI tease. lg elehed uttikr il ~ 5 Tihetectili ofii)a oitll 1calitainllsi ,tc Y'ciiiict locc ct FoKiiz5 Fo ci'i i t- in t'iVale ciwill lie ielditnli a.1fewic slu . li te t 'p tsoE lite 11I 0 1 Vi r \\at icsiill icribaitiy secure tie posi- c's hiss this cear. TMc'liung swill E & n ii, a ltisits l hIlis swouillike ittd irobtatily'plauy'ftest base, CIase sec-r has nisanysIrienisewhlii desireIsis-iiind, ('aptain 1Murphty. rhster sif electioinu''.tike"' .:Murphty, of the It. . . C. OC~JI~~i~T7I I~OTH S i illia, :\bAiraii (,arlieldl, 'i,;l short stall, Jacksoi aisilI-Uilrie, sctio tiasbsent electeud foiot-hall mainagertplayest in seiera gamses last yealr,i 511 tiE i's'ititAtiQiARiERS. ii ci u ii iui Si cii ii~infcii tym'esear. Ills irothertics linen arescanidiates fur catter.en.du stii<> n intes.mYouilletdic Bsie electedt foot-halt c'a1)talis for isext Iteallfor secoindlbase. lines. Fineso'clocnkdinncer, counicys. hnnnieiiti 'ear. They are the soiis of the ltte At lPriiicetoii, IDana, Iarel l aiisl iPresitent James A. Garfield. I Knickerbuocker hsase gradluated, and M A L LO R('aptain .Kidd, of Wesleycn, iro'-IBrokawe is dead, Y'oung, the hitcher, p oses to lintt his Ineen into cage linac' is captain. Blrowni is a candidate for Coterer,. tice this week. TFlhe cage tias been catcher, King for secoisd hate,, 71 or S.,Wet,- etoi, iei.equipped with electric lights. In Wright for centre, and Ranmsdell at __________________________ tbout a week the trainer, Nlorgan right. The rest of the fieltdwill; M ryLEAVE YOUR ORDERS Mupy will be on the grouni to have to be filled with newc material. ATgive tise players pointers on their At Havr}alo 'ls ear'snn P. 0. NTEWS TA ID wQo.k A weeks trip is being an- base returned hot Dean and Alward. -FR- r nge for the club,, which illt take Cage practice "commenced on Moin- 'icuipsapers, Magaznies. teriodicalslintet d Cenfects, Ci gars and Tobsai t as fat south as Philadelphia. day BILLIALD PAILORO, Nm Iicelnc ontis e rsi iniii cinetinu. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, 'TATE STREI F''. ANN A 11BOR. ----THE ARGUS.-- A 'I ts' i)iii'h'e. FIRST NATIONAL BANK orr .r 7's .stttilr li. '.It. li.tlcI Nli}. l'u 'e .s i- . B CH . 'us' 5. Wi.iiumue.isli . New Styles in LINEN COl LA-IS. INew Effects8in N NE(IRWEiAIi. ' New Ideas in W-IITESHIRTS. WAGNE'R &CO. TAILORIS AND FURiNi5ISR. SHandsomie + K OVEHCOATINGS. $tyj i~h S-UITING(1S.