THE U. OF M. DAILY. At The Two Sam _!c REAT CLEARING 8ALE f- ~of overcoats and UJter$. We h lideavc tssi stis'olott's clt int pices .ll log te 111ne of ON AbIA X bRCOA $ dud $tIT cn' adittii tieto 15(1ad 11atosti, wich will eabille its to NV hetiL IoTt'FE is so relenViltt, no man11sholdlgo out Uiles This iniclides all ',3,.00,. $28.00 he t~s al(Ovsrcsoat ol. "~'~ "1 t'~i'~''l .Tni otyrFi v , and Iepiet' to doho 'thios xear. ~ ~ ~The J. T. Jacobs Company, Z_ BIZ'i- -,a n. 2 12 1EAtiQ)ARt h s, .2- 9 MAIN S., ANN ARORm MillArbor 8teamLaEl1 p1ty CO0AL. ( GEORGE L. MOR,(MoeT a,) + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fllii iill italli Siii/0ss 'est (loks, icliig Li in Meisi/r/ isiin .._, I A( Asui l. 5p15jit(tciiiiiiliiLA B O SMC ilAl 15f ~s I NT Il ( f 1(.iie UUarl l os t t~ s i e t is hi e ot rai ri r s ntscs/I .n , t- di dicou tt s1. ukIOOKS, Ait iDi) ci SI)Niil, 'Ii I ,tn /( r55Boo !/5, IlSi 11551551,u~a 71el -e XCI5L.SSOD 1 mW , i ,-1 '001niet --_ 1 ' H~i rl'.fiic i I.] td i'(ui i :t'] ,/'15 i/s q'.ihmond Sraight Quf. TIrI1 WITFPNrMIQ i I r N / O.( y _ZTI- 1 1u. )N iXI iii 111) S l t Li I mtRNh CIGARETTES. I iitireins Iui.) iiiii~ii sssCloth Caskets, Metallic 5'. Cicttiitciittcictiii ('u sRlAND IEAPTDS.]VIOSlI.ANiii)iiisiuN (ii NS. ai w1lito 1r3i. 51155 NOU 'EII) Is U its' I'ilC1'0 AI iit,}C Rsii . f t'i ii"'IiiIti11 s I .'1115U/l' ,ci -,J A. POLHEMNUS. 'alclo ttu toit'S I~cTV to ats. .Ihe . pI", alitint.or xili ' t't 5iIi an Ya~i'ri.)M NINit"11''1ii' ticsi SS iMat I t i S tet,55A )t s " The tck iottttnd triht Pt III 55. .lN( , f.1 l ' 1 i th~tlit ' ru i'' I 1"/iiiii'iss ilh iii I Sf~e 'it iNi.) t(i'o s e ma e s tt 'iiti ktthe ig'kl' erIto.- I 'itttttF ii':i:ID 4 t . .1 Ni 7'i 11 i'ttb'.ilii~'.t itittl ii 'iN . tledi g scsicc c ittiis.iit tssiR-NSEY & EAB T U, tmostdeiicatuiy tIunoressiant highescost eiocr'tti ict''lett't'i'/tittRi~ciO. 'kiicoc'I~ott 'ittr sINS Y SsaiOt'ri fld feat' grottn in Virginia. 'Ihis iis uit i'i'oldit'cti'the extrtmtlyinwd tinn iltst:, t'iiitclos i ktttitsttr(iiiu siteiacotiun t nleIl h ag elr n d ed an a bogt u yusi il erl~u s in ti'will'S' ndiiiioitii'iitt ,oSWSt. etlt'I'ig'furiiise. ( roerie, ProvisionsFioran Fed Bewaroe of inifatonisitndoeve tat te A5'V_ SR$X. SPreidenttit1](8 . Wahigttt St. Stir nameaselowititttis al e'ery packttg. Tie ALLEN & sIiNTESR 'tttceu (ftie Ameician TottcosoCo.. A Newsspaper Fake. jones'atiot i uth sceral ofiilei BaeBail Notice. Mt ifact urers. .-.- Stittoond.Xiritia ____ !Sficers adit iiensi ot Anncii x ir, iii~' 'U tii i/i5UiS to'i farlfl a~ 4a ioioli'ir ItihitlIii Ittic t c i os statedthtat ti/t membirtif aUs'.l5511/ixl. lcc itt liii ]soc . .I /Utix. iCompanytAi has go e iii Satte Sitc i'sitt..iiS attt 11fAiiiS iah. rcspsitietc for tc statemetotthatllotis/sofI Ilhe'ihis/u' iletsIos, Isi Dosit nactt'ttiattkittg tittmstts. Pays ihe roubltheiof over at earUU cOU S i e me br f le =yhei tretotn Savig Deousits 11cc afit' [fUSSnisiiii's inriheerr tasoben S c~l Sat- eo loetfrRetthou/gth te sateiients are psoti:I i.K P t IM'5,Prcs.c . L E f~, 5 ccie. est at Sie ttte, Itasl T h te sarticle 'is Siithi'lt'ih c ii \s iheyit i ll bI tcter 11/tlt'uitili olit'iti' /itsta ti aly 's follo s:c ae5 //'hsf i i Ann .Arbor Savings Bank iU' f ti/I'mei/ I/Memb'rshiiiticketree tress ity tOer) AtitiAbors, Surch. tapitali stck. (i5,t/iii, mbe iiiflompa yii rt. P e /huyeso ic timate/r defect-l iii/ksi i Y /e5' tr~ Ocetuitci siter t'the cnteoi t Banking n 'L 'ia/wS/is i''.Sect byhi)tSl, 1tIlo i//ner/U' r oit this istit. Receuiess De'posit.his s itld irrestest at te i mieii siU 1/rt)'ferthi Il}m esSiR bnsnsa tan ip ws'i ckaitac othtie prtincipaltieI/s iof'this''t . ' tis oh ters. ' isi.5 t. ti//i II il s/ tuniteditaSites. liafts Otshedtto n it opclr'tro/itlte, let ifosrSeattle, f'ashaiuugtsuuu .li/i t oit il oSodniiain olies t" i' W.ots ' aPeo..Ii' [reli'/ii//t it"tit/i/st.tiOWebster Society Program. iti/u / Isi /ils/s/Ikei// sHAS. 1F. HIioeicc,fltCashier- 1on 'ev rat l /icasils alndh tat kel tt/'I/il/ aIgSr of /aitati/I, /pion/Ptrll XX ile maing a iii call uIln shil i I Th'le ifollowhing prhgrams ill1 is Ss'tt/ihih it \cSuu I iiln liI embehrsipl U, OF Me PINS ! Woehil e iI shwedI si walt i'tch ihte rT'nderedl lyte stiiey this ee 'ti ii ikets VhII'I'l ltrh/ks Icaid~sats'sar Ula.ii'tblon' gedp h 1 1to enisonl. lfe fosit r te S.. iuik' Mccci'ss tie istFarrtrequeted S to iitill hiut: a di th urnhto t ER N Q fL TA' tsn, indih at hen isuit im el l futiout,'itrittt'e'' .5. . Wilsn saes sre tobeii lIlel witthSeltnamoe '.~~iui to.. ..... .. fel t1 (il. dot ._- ...MNec . Slice ad i ls.Iihlilarr ~s ll itrss a65 Main street. his lanithcaught i eniso's swat e atetot, 'LetuuiethaftS Chlicgo nlusul e ° h a~ia h iy ades itl'~g cpkala1 pulling the watsh from his made titeNatitnal ahlial" thutpositios hha sISptlayeth hereto .Surtit e ...............-- 1 .V.A. t fS o~lt re w~irtuh t iclus, andtu hfle i' fetoneteeing the watch was a Nrciu'c.................. I'. A Sr tdiii t'uil t riup 'lce s ----- fi e one le appropriated it. It was ti'-fo w ic t FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. claimedl that Dr. \'aughao and Chas. Prof. II. C. Adams eganb his pldepiteupontl tPht e blnk which MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!'K. Whitmntrailroad commissioner1 oreo etrsIsteD'ri omust beIignedcu lby the candidate. h~/s~eutet ave been working p the case1 bullcit oRalerit xtnlo'lHtNutSOtE, Manager. SHORTHAND TAKE A in an interviewv wih these gentlemen evening. His subject was, "TI NAtrs,'d t u IT WLL AY Yu. hortUndSeb ew it was learned that they have had Industrial Revolution of tef 'l eevdgfst h uon Bualding, ta Soth State Street. nothing to do with the cae. In a Eighenth (Centur." of$3,941 lastyer