THE U. OF M. DAILY. AtT he T w o Sarn3 TCLEARING..8ALE Of Overcoats and Ulsters. i- ~ or'r' I We have miade a tieenouiis cut in. prices all along the lia of 1 T T ,tens and Boys, Overcoats and Filsters, which will enable us to ON At4A Ox~i~RC AT$ an Wh~1~$co enLA70 ORIccE is so prevalenlt,ino nmaii should go out 1on icc' > Tlis includes all w3O. ItQ, ,2 S.M he has anl Overcoat onl. aic ~2. te 4 1 ~ ~ 'T'eachiers in the Madras Mediica)liilidiitiunccfuiiise- Iillal' 'oii tlicsi Co1 (illege lectiire ini gowns.'iiciaa 2;moelrbes~s asi-bal I iccin arc rcquii ied,by r' P15 i'c1,iici $0.'c sdl. S ii i d Pritsi, $17,iWi0. . \his soi 'ir I 1111 tild, ao i9i4 moe silcii hn li liiihas i' cihl'i' i i1'(2,l Ioesa genieiralIBanking busiiiess. lays in-''(nl"i' oesudnsta h iieestiiiSaving 1Deposits. HcIssafecy is visiting ier sister, Miss lleilricila ' Dleposilt Boes o rsi [teni.treh nrdadsxyu ieste eo e m m es o h tiei It. KEMIPF,P'ess F. H. IIESEt. ('ashiler. Carr, '2 enicl. lircI illelai ici c n is Iclec ii'l is lt ii' 'ii P a'I lie stuiicls' hiblec ilass if Itie C lte J ml e eid o r iceng Ann Arbor Savings Bank I tllariaii ciurili wi iscus iTe vacanies inithe .-coloicna iiiiclioi i ii lilo ro An SrbrMchpii Ciap i 'lp g lialli itaytok \(~txl siiihce lai IItickets haY he seicireti OsgadepaitmiidsofiCirneuse, causedniy,1001 sells excehageontheaericipal citieasof tiT omss .4bnsl a tr t)f iU'ited State's. IDrafiscacsihed upon peoper :seentiy-onc stcuients .a1t 'orniel Ili e fiii]eidly the applolint tilli o f .91 loii'r, R isii 1 p ilii, lli identificatica. Ofiters!p ymc o 3.0 'CH IS TIMCiK, Press.,iwere siispi'lendedIromc the ' cicersily '. S. 'larrcif H arcard.. 111 l > lci9'i 0 CHiAS. E. Hiscicia Cashiler.ifor tailuire ini ile work cif last terrii 1. rich A. I,( 'den, 'Esqo.,isil hofi Rioiisto'nii it toii hieicai''na h' ilircaai,1111011ple- llcliiltwtcily-eight of thccse hocve, lois depositeld cwithc 11ce Frank~l in Ic n- iiioiI ii liiiiIliiles OF h owevcii, liieii restoireil stitute, 11ce siiit (f $1,i 0,co, beli U OFM. P1NS I1 , , iii tiess, li I ilih iichlbakscaniats arce iliciiiiiat- 36 MainStreeti AANDALg FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!, 30EasHuronStreet, 1 SHORTHAND CTAKE.:A T' WILL PAY YOU. Shorthuand Sebool, New Bailding, IS South Stpte Stxeet. I I'le Le~tioiais th nani of al~i- awared asa preiiunlto ay ci dn fNrhAeiawosa liiiduste cal fillouht iniihreturnc ho weekly paper lpiblishcedlbythie cli- eiteeittot N orili America sehio shalllI dents 1)1 Lelaind Stanfordl I' nhsersit>. Ileiermcinewseteher all rags of lig7ht I(ihrui illgi rclill 'h space1 s iii. to bi heildiitli thie came It contiaiins forty pagses of readlinig ani tcihier phlysical rays, are or are o li ucihtIi iyalrs ncatter, aiid pronidses to raiik cvcry'nr11tranlslated ith tiihie sanime eoc- ipslli chapayderii high among college journals. Iii)' 'I tore withl what 'lubs, and the posi- NV'. C'. Lanigdon, r,'92, and Prof. No'ril's-PL~orIcsICA.l'coONLdi.- Lion forswliiihi trying.'t'hiere is a N. S. Sprague are contemplating the Students who intend to elect courses pledge puHnItl uponi the blank which production of an opera to be put 00 4 and 6 in Political Economy for the must. be igI'nell by the caiididate. the stage next spring biy Brown sta. second semester will please report at - .:--1 .ulirS'rio ,: aiiager. tsai hgonce to the undersigned: if'Thisin dents. ' .angdon is t rt h formation is needed in order to avoid - + libretto, and Prof. Sprague the mu- confusion in adjustment of the work. press ViClbat . of' N. Halt sic.-Brunonian. tHENSY C. ADAS. to- night.