THE U. OF M. DAILY. WEARE THE PEOPLE.- - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, - ~ 1W V~l~li~ulO, - - Formerl1y Allmending'er Piano and Or-gan Company. C1~ J to I wil Openothe Bll"i'by placing a f1ne0stocL o1 (ioitl'sa njos.iii etc.1 PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU-, F'ol'C2ind tM:c STQIm-, - 25) South Follrth AvernueC.(I NT FOR ONI j4 Overcoat. (-arbo('ents «orth i S12 .t1 to b.i Take a Camera with YOU tS'I'AIII.15-11i1) 1 11 IALBANY LAW SCHOOL. I A'te' .A.=,E A'=' ]PTO=SJ='S_ ('0 tilE, oo eer. '1111e foil teroris ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. GO TO) -61. - i. For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. YV f; ;IIFu)1 Corp of' (IIACtlI '. i 0 and eourrs Fall1 Torm of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. New ood, iiew'1FllGoodii5lie'w Nicltier(10'odsull Dress 5 1111111100 CAL KINS PHARMACY. Silk Vestlgs, Ovicwro1111i.Igs odonii Sitinigs. 'Irouseriiegs e 01(ialii f - -Largest 111 iiii'osiolte(001 Mo'1ck inl the cite, it the loest pice's. Please (all Address the Deao or Secrotary, riol exainine. AIA YN" .1'. NO. 2 CAsT ZWASHI\GTONST., inear Mole. 1 JOLLY-----66.,, "'LI I -t'i'oO'o CA .-e.. non". '~,'*OC: L'lo uionLay( C (alifornlia Pi C1G E1 5' G JJ IE, 'Mixed \Nob. 5IcodInts ~upiis, oa;ed Pest Lcoe nlrs 'oal ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 Maim street, south. - T71P1EllfI'I N(. THE CAMPUS, s Al knkof l11 110. 1i n i i 0 Z E .IS .J 111 Raisisns-i t'illls 0-0, - Pea101ce, - AIpric'ots. - - 1101"., - - 4 1hs t: 1 1 t - 1 1 " 1 -ma .---- iBILLIARiD PALLOLS 5for 2 W. 100011 Elgn l l'5ll1e1 1111ng110' pa1t10 1)110 2.1'. Nice l11111011 ntr011111 necio11 n111. 12 e11il ' BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, 21'" _ STATE STLREET"1, ANN AiIBOIC. l 1 ; .nTHE AROUS,5- DEAN & COMPANY. ~N O Io~~@ ___________________________AT 1115' P'RICFS. } 4l . 5 jol ,+i( " ,),'small In t}1C i ' r e III I l(i\'Ni I )1klUG S'0I i" ;at ''.ol. Cheniicalt Physical Appat' 111 S I )~l)10 'l 0))1'( 'AC eand5 3'b 1111 0i0'\111 puil 1 101 011 t(11 H SON. oliposeol ent~irely of1 ladies 11)11101 ,10 Falter 'M. Grigs,(if S1 rFl 511 FO) i -i i Ifeshman 'rew 11tI-lra 0 YOUR1TRADE 1111 ?C- l100ileni Noah 111 E A.:,Sl 1 n deaf lrlthis 5thoulgh~t to 110 near. '1: t, ii 1110's t101'till in thillS ll l is t OF1'ANN A1R1OR,1 1,1)11- ao'. 11111 1)1)1 t l ltil l ' i i rn a r' IKA l 11l0 B \ k in' P1-nesl.' 1 ))iltlsYC110)1fbyrlt.avelers1 Sot 0 ICU ail.~\ jf lU1 ()Ir~s~Ii(11. It. RIC111000,CPre-ii1' 1101) V.1Pc( ti altIlbe ' ur n f 11101) .(ou 11(111, 1n of1110 orrer. lof and111l111 have as11 OCCGIDET7I L-: 20Thh (1111 ,"if oa aloonlg for any11of1youCII friends)1, t1111110hi i te O(ccIid~enallHotel 1)110iicefo TnIlli1iI)1C). Youl will Csurely seC t-hem. Fiv'leockinneCrO, Sundays. SpooSid MALLORY Caterer, 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. Mini'.. LEAVE YaOROBDEP.$ P. 0e NETS STAND' Nesppel-8, Ma zeae, 5'eroiela. 1Fai (onf ctions, Cigars and Tobaoms yeti faliledl10 lake 111eIlupper 11sse1 111111 usilly Cell iirerl of 111011. B.Ii1. Sh~eder, '93medricrertulrnedr to 1011001 011 Satulrday alter a seige of Ia grippe ino Sprinlgfield, (O1i1. J. I:. Bunting, 'gi law, and wife, of Des Moines, Iowa, visitedl frieods in thse city for the past two dayo. I'he club of law students, located at the corner of Jefferson and Fifth, has broken up on account of sick- niess in the house. At a recent meeting of Pinceton's lgpthall team, Mr. Philip King, ,s~.ter-back on this year's 'team,' was elected captain of the teamfor next. year. one-tenthi1, howeer, re0wo01e01. 111000 (f 1110 stuts)011of 1L0)1e011 Un liversity , Wisconlsin, 11ave ben expeller1 for greasin~g 1110banisters of tbe m10in1buildling with11limlburger. 1110 '94i medics 1h0v0 adiopltda class 00110. 1t is a ('cry neat wexeli woodl stick mlounltedl in1solidl silver, 0111 will be furnished bly' Grodspeedl. (CalvinElwOoodl. '94 1medi1c, las gone to Clarkson to attend thied l- ding of Mr. (Goodspeed (If An Arbor to a yonng lady of that place. D. 1B. Cheever, '91 lit, formierly of the l).s.' staff, whso is Mechrami cal Engineer for thse1). Z. &N.R.R. at Grand Rapids, is in the city visit- ing friends. The Biological Sopiety will neect Tuesday, January i2, at p. i., in Roonm B. Mr. Geo. I). Sones will read a paper on Natural Selection in Birds' Eggs. + < LINEN (COLLAR1S. New Effects in t 5(1K WEAR. CNew Ideas in 'WHITE SiIIITS. WAGNELR & CO* 'TAILORtSAND FURNISHERS, Handpome I OVEJICOATINGS.