THE U. OF 11. DAILY. WEDNESDAY MORNING, -- AT THE TWO All On" Fine Ovrcoatiits, All Onir Vle Suits, Ail Our Gloves, All Our Hats anid Caps, (Ecp on truact lats.) GREA T CL EA RING SA LE S AM S Of OvercoatS and U];ters. We liars'madle a treinensdolus cut ins prices all along the l ie of tien's an(] Boys' Orerenas and 17sters, whirls will enable uts to 1 -4 close them ntsout5155. WhsetsEs(LA IPPE vis Sol ltrSIint, to itasll souldlgo ntsusnsless Q F he" ~ lehas sit Oreres st sits.' ; Last yeart'we ('loses1 out' Overcoti s owntoS te sassl Ilt itt Iii' (f '1'Tmii''s'F't s, anid expec'st trs tlt so this year. AT TrDI-hE TWO S ASf Z_-Z= 2 The J. T. Jacobs Company, 1I155AI 5 FluE-s,27-29 MiiN'Sr..ANN ARBiOR. alss1. 2,9 All lArlbor Stoo iLallh1rY, II k . GEORGE L. MOORE, l(',s1 o;a A L r~ol i sIS() WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A 1 5 1Fri cut 5111uF.1.15 515'crcT; C1ALLo S 's'Igac o lteBosan ?mlinPt nth iy lslsie erlviĀ«l. Cometlong SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 1odfins o w yetr tcka y '%zeo 0.6 S-1MAIN S'T. Office. - 23 South Fouirth Ave. 1'o. 11 W WES 4VAIIINl x11 " 1,iTt 5Q z~c WAHRS DOOSTORE, DWNTON i,"ery Studssent still saet e51'y Sty buyings i ersiis 're ts-IIIIIII and all s5155515 )t t He5'adqutrs. AWe spseriaslsdiscouttio nsLAW BOOKS, BMElDICAL 110 IS ) EN 1AL.HOOKS, iii shiort. uvery 1il used ii11 ItrIlls it}'. 1(1)0 1 isik Books t t ~et55 prilt . LEI I SIN( 1)BO OSOREIN ITHIE(CTY. E-'JSIITLS3 PTLEGIOLY. IVE1R15, 55.118 .N51 iIIsi. E INE,1l llos 5 Orer,5 forI ~t' inst atI ( i es . Nc('It ,etc. I)i h Sli' 1111 111 l' l 11111Ito. paedto " rnou it ("hs1 s ot 11on1short1no- Striles t't'Istm1liIaInd workI'IlglIiItt'Id. No- fjshrnond Straight Qcat. 1 1, 1J 1 W((LSTLH Nri. M I( 5L11Tr f('AN ( LL["GE. ;RTN Not. 1i555 .11i1IN CIGARETTES.II11111.111iisI5111s1 Cloth Caskets, metallic Cigarettit Stokesos 11_~A~D~A'~iD.TSEOO ~sI5~t5N5(itN mo1110titan thie ut ilJ. A.l lllst 1111 t.POLHEMUS, ch I atargd rters 11151' Foisuttit s ('01itttls (tOU] t.'rtheSdegreetand'.tt'T ttthe broadess'ilit eulturoilnt Il i TJ ' tS= Ils55155.1 A Ft tlitNo. Cigaret' etrem ttesia il find t h e sttmostus i'us .pl rtlit'5N5 litAJTttl.'''N ti i'iiii s resuits.neI ) RNS Y & E BO T se,:Plhetet ias siBRNDastiuiertcstior et t ettir it ly tt1 Aiisd ';Atr IESpi ' Rt tiIis iiadig.'IRT ttt r.Spi'l tt ii 'all l I A S '175iA(K ANtAG AE'IE and O ga tadlCSRichmond a t aiht orits tle 1 ut l I N'l itE, AtiraIiEtPAi'M.Y T8,ritil toIleilllellt hGrUcrieedrovisonsF our-an Feed and was broughtiiutlby as iatbeyear 171.A _V '1 . ,Irsie t Bteware at imaitationsand iiattseethatl tie A(E ER X Pe(n. 1antI85E. WasinugtiiiSt. trm name aa below is an e, er package. Tile AuLEN & HINTER Breanh Of tise Amnerican Tobacco Ca. Firsat Number of the Law Journal ( stiuduuts theslvells. 'Th'lsunliors} THE CAMPUS. ytanisiaciarers. - - lRichimind. Viriniia.I lnre suisusriltiag its larg71er nii ssbrs. t4 1h a l 1 > 'Sirfirstisnumsbur of thlt NIis higrasa Ilatessssjs Iofsor lof els. IIaslt'anstiIau h 1)111 of ('sir- --_- -t- -J L sstiornal, whichli sill applearI'('sisuly anniountisiuhthe nue journial isS SilC'itodl'l I l II5'lru~ C'apial.$570,000s t. Nii'tist stiS itta 51 5550 I_ tvei~et' Dost agenerilBasking ttusiiiess. ai n ' I lragSu ~s suk i ~l r r, liu rlasSus oss Irirlary, statedth t it1i c1 tererustsnSaviii eotsitis. Hiis sit i sill contalsinisarticles I 111111t. 1uler ls truscl lt'.sa~ ll~iS''''.2551 liepoiii t axsfr Rtentlii 1On111 sill y i SillJ'ill 2.ilil til ii. 5(EttI'b', rea. F'. H. I31 ;Ii t ,it siser IS Llrsstsss ( stis'u sfl tliu Stslsrctssu wenuis f ts l aw fut' acuslty, andti d steguslle~tr ie 'il~rst C'ousrt ofl the IUnitedI Statss Iltss. St'e stdentstIoltake ass isnterest sillillIi''litu (s Ann Arbor Savings Bank, l NIrusIRtiSSC'Ia leadliiglwtyer sft Sleir sdepsartmsenpisl~licat~io'tsic .it s 1s'sjec willIle, ' "FrossiSt'e An ro ih aia tc,$5,0, p1.Srlus,5$100.000(. Detris ; Masalll It. Essell, I.I... lawstudlssents h v ei" ]ar-room tollll I ltt01 e11 Is 1 s' llisllsl , Organizedi tnder lte Generail uBanksing ILata' tte ' .coi "rd teset ofthi s tsatane. tReceien Deposit, busti nd D ,o hcgowo[5o eier n ifrne toeeyU iest Fells exchlaige onile se saI55('siprin'c'iipI'al tgs scsiities iliu islitruie s u ev siorif theli lss Il IIisY Ssessins Clnited Sissies. UDatscashed'i 1p111nsprsuperIsisi a ourseuossl ustsrus t ti ' s epie tsss i suponesl -tteie slss 1i11 (}"11 sa s 5 t ' lass-isistis id ifc t..n ~ niusa it en. OficrIts rislirw ciinosluils'u -:iiiOi(r i p s tS e 1aclh Isins tuanans isi ('aRISTIAMAin, Pert., seaf ' 1srulnc " tlltuegratlttatu tiru]Yly iy hleulaas luparltment', ani t CiHAS. il. HISCsOtK,5Cashiser. 1 51aws 1 a isnisor' sesi's; suandl(proft. woaild nst sufluct susy 1is~ s to thesirt cisniates 111t5f1ront5 setssae exu- '. Knowl'tonu Ieluau of thu I list crueditif thue nutejoturnal should( ai li vepr11111rsy sst seiors. U. F M l)r I sat II )erlssi sedIas s rs titer. U.O M IS epar sOe. 'T'heruestill also lie' on accruttof lacktsi of lisupportyfrts Slit'S dlepatmet feditorialt'ouiiieiit, the immsiensse laswschool. 'T'heup51cec ilauos ntenpe etr "ethemctuat book resvsews, lectture soles, andul aIof thae j ournal has sen past tsitltits roosoft utmeirl u tilthiag, His A NOL Soupletu directtory ftn lb lcratif~ attiril y afterssnonlbefsre ansuitadi- its MNii tuce cssso te sith Yie hot if.theescl aw od ' ril i of salutet. curs, w ictoe bot tfeeryn 'enls sifuss'er 40 Ilihstits. Nearly eat ry hill ilus.tverysuittheclet willlIl510 IL' .~ asse, atah"o tof lae lterryo- tlhestuidents, anidthere~ L sic ties. . sill be a numuber ot coitribittion NI5Y FIE I-OOGAPS T'he editors of the Joutrnal report twhich still be addce-ssed especially' Nttitt I O1 etc as Letc~oM. MILLNERYAND RT ~obs- that thse support that is ieing: re- to theim. . tenshiilesi)eetcors MILNR N R S!cetired froni the students of thse lutew.4 and 6GainPolitial ot only for She -___________________ school is not as strong as it should l)r. Ewell stwill lecture to 10I '9o seinuhler wtill please report at(neefxte iioThs to~ ixDr &T f" .T A h ntai at h o dsnirad uirlw t700 snes;ed n irdr o vo >7UU 1i'UL&LIJJCTv^E A biadtha; nfcteai adsno .jnolasat730teineomatonthesiersedignoetohavois- CZRS.lawyera generally are evincing imore evening on "landtvriting.and.t 'y A.-u adjus t ltiof~l e stork. Biaiding,20Soth tnltte Street. nerest in the publication than tile' Identification of It." IIErVes (. ADist.