THE U. OF M. DAILY. W'J. o ~ ~ Yale, its closest competitors,, and ,"1'~4 its tgrowtht is therefore the more re- markable and significant. Wetdo tulshedt Daily Itiandays excepted) daring(leietesae d- not desire to dcietesaeei thae Callegre y ear', by THE . O M.INDPENENTASSOCIATION lairs. We wislt merely to so c them THE I. OFM. IDEPEDENTthe t-niversity, to prove to thtetm that it is ii granid institu~tiosn, and naiwanptionaprine tt.3(t iter yeae, i nariably ta ti lnrigttterctm at ad'nne Single eopies 3icets . On sale atthttislerin:vanntttttgytmttttsi/ie to stotgly tite great itttateC tf a ltarge at- tises to itt' itldto-tmtrtowts(ett iesslas tile edlitors Oftthtim state twill1it_,ill tattndansc. Te eeces C\vt ii itt ttf itertst toss tetestar~e'tinsrl a as thte flee ('Iutbsof tiin artvstll tmakte its first applearanice. thtere in tonsiaderatble curiosity bteisngtitasti- tested as to swhethier thin yearnvlsb ticastires ip to te ighi stasndardl nf last year's club. It insaid that store caretnl traintitng tan bees ntlner- gone this year thtan ever before, asad thtat ite clutb sall be a surlprine tol lttvers of calege sons. lint ifthtle studlents of the I'sliver- ity take a patriotic interest inthleir ainma :daterthtitnis one of thte bst chasaces of mianifestisng it. If the tate editors are fanvorahsly implrennesd bsy the mainittise of the greatent of Mlichaigans anay statte iintituitisnsn, smisre is ainedalitntatfintsttoughtt in aplaret.t Thlese editors tire namongttth smot itflutential maetn isn I Notices'tis te d s5 isa tsia s stto aasumn as at tleaates'. E t Ici T tsass 'a ' tsit Sit- tsft10t'c'nta sssr line. Spec'ial res forit longer _______________ _______ kt~to'aa ,a't1 citntln tts i, M o'tt t(t tm.adex tratlisnea ss'urnished btystapplyinsg a teatasena -nti-teiss cat nttai rgeicss )l~~eyIwx 32 t' DALYas offsice.]$.0prse;suetsasseiopstos Issenttayen etissg 'Ists. L. i r. IItt ~For castagise, adsslTa '.IR. CLA't Yi i, treaidetst. it a sits'.m sf 1tissiiyae sdeetiness saiss thrnttl ,h sttenitit' ststs'n . ts stwo k JSIll V' Ii S tFOj saio t st s'ls wiu''.nsisth i tiikI saintsA>F0t s'isva(sst siIstsvssls' t iirgsyJ i.S a t-al Cincinnati Hamilton & Daytonl sti'leu 'ssins's' titse t 'att.i15151 (5 iii i lisa~~~ ~~ F 1'nity. ta iti tie l n ltaitat t , of511111.t nmo'sItiifa t tsss-Iaaaale st' i t ii its' sti' ssbsesis i sitions in ly 'a a. ssl'ttsr~iat i t' is wich' d(sli-~r siy. l tC . it t 'iung. o sssss's'Itseisisiiytthooglstil-riitto. est e istt, .. l ,- ~5 ,) l. SC"lto is adsta s at ( ti ngctis'f Isis... l.t: .ts ,l5 eveni'tsttenli to ,atnussil ItoIgaill ties fineosti ( il e l iii tn.. z., 3I :! end.s Ofa' orsei lieil isilly lit luted, !t " tia i 51 ...1 A5s -.51I +(: 1 s'estssl i n'isaiealtld . S. 'sat'i. i15Citinnti'...-s3l5.sstIl Is or fors 25. Mactik c& Ss'lhsid. 19 S. MAtN ST., o:5 lt conctons'ali tilit sll Sothe isar sen s's'(. tt,1 Ltadies Of the U. nf SI. isill list it sssos' tickets r't itti .tIt . I). , i. la'S n 'ttt greatly to their tavantage taoatill oSit,, ann aRBOR, 'MACHa. S. Maln ts lrcet. Issis, ininsinasi ans ianpls shelinnsesead aifClotas, IDress (Goods D. 8. TRACY. N. P. A.. or Nanicy Dry iloods. :flat-k & Selasniti. s5n JEFFERSON Ase., DETROIT- Sisnethlignew:-tIsa te linie oastI'. .-'*-w E.' of M. statistery'. It 'xcels till itsntie- decasaisos idesigni.(Gets. L..Moore, booksetter. Mains t. ___- I'te clesp seciilal at tionto chiantge ___________________________ of ant. J. T1. Jacobs Compnp~ty. .Attendtiatte gretat Overcoat sale. at J. ID. STIMSONT & DOlTS, I[OGRAPl HO O a"The Two Satans. Alto, Stilt Sale. Onse- SaeSret(rcr, O 2wfHJO fth ofltisf. All gloies onte-fousrtht.ltt ileLroes O.1 .HUO T (till Wednsdtay msorsntng. Studletnts patronage especially noictted.________________________ Hot nd cld bths 0 cets, t Po" _4s. STATE STREET. Ofitte arberntI Stop. i a'ts.iitstToledo, Ann Arbor and 'North OlieBne l.J. H A L L E R, Mihia Railway Lais' isllcktltosltes ittslbeautifutlMihan . vtarieties, just rece'ived tat Mask V'I' me -siardin effect .Decmerasit, ISOt] Ss'lisaiulS. Raepairing a sptecialty. 46SOU aota In S T -. Asa-talean t.sasAstah. .\ sieseivitteofNerkinsrattts receivedonly. 51111 li Ncyetrjs eeie n better tyles will tie foutn~d ill T -pT'ts ' tl STT T GOtING sNsOsTa. ton~. Yosusiill say' they are onie-hialf &,GI~LJ U.0 D .Nso. I. Sail anad Expessn.-.... it. Il- the price y alt sy fssr therelsa seswhere. Na. I. 'anane. Ann Arbsor Accssa -in .1IS ntol Mack & Schidli. iNE NIGiHT ONtLY. Na. 5. 'taillPtaseng-er...--.. . 5 pt. m"- $1.915-sil mras'wert $8.-30 1Tuesday Evening, January 121 N.isGn ttOIGSOUTH. a Na. "~. taillPasengr..- - -a... ut18a. ill thin state. M1emblaes of thse state I Sc'Itsid's. legislatnire, to wahichu the Lilversity Don'tk forge'tiwe Iseep asweater's, beat mast look, its great.Ipart, fsar its ntsllity, $3.5to $425-. Masvk & Schamid.- finiancial support, wil =aay mnore lDecemaber 5ths, Rlt. .1 oelasa, setninr nmember of. the firm of Ronetan & Sis, attentions to sahiat their local neuas- cotmpleted isai forty-secotnd year iiitahea papllers say Tthants thetiargums~ents, jewelry busitnssstartitag an-'"lhop boy" ita 1849,.Roeham SSota's Clarist- 110 statter latnw powaerfull, of aix Hilis selectininitclude many elusaive "' y f _rbbits n~~t,' noaelties'ansd the latest productti-s-iss1am f1zbbit..lhe.1"ie iy silaer of- The Wjitiatg..and ttormisa 15 its rapid developmetnt and ad- $tai'fg Cos., and other leadig naakera s ance, under-the able directiotsofthtieir pace-heing reasonable 'at ali times.: A partof, the policy of this Ptresident Angell, to thac position ot house is to select articl'es for their' first place amnong ;American es-uca- "merit and beatity uiid t@suittinetaste - of .teir pattonS Vitikstrigt regard. to tional institutio1As,inaturally is con: iqiality. "M ih grade" diamonds: and 'illall in need o ~unds Itis rnoi te rcli sti~i~agspre y 'inby of Mesars. Roehm & Son, Iseavily enidowed an are Harvard and marks (lain firm anthse (Genm dealers. 'raE COMEDJIAN Isansian Laughing Succs NIP AND TUCK Tt.eAo; 'sual sninsaal Delectiave ComesdvyI'sie AWin .tiudnptddjs' - - A4-Stfi1) yDefined -SSarru Lis of Firmfaaov4/l Prices, - 25,35 and 50 (Its. Seats onale at P. O. Nen's Sitad. Na. 6. :Passeager, Taledo Accam.-. (500 .us- Traiansu ad 6 run between Ann sArborcand Tnledoonaly. C ientral Stastudned Titan. All Trains Daily except Sunsday. i.W H. BENNETT. It. S. OBEENW0OIS. Brn. Pant. Agent. Loaa Agent,