THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE AE TE PEPLE ~ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMVPANY,. Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. .Yw IVierooioa, - - - - - - - - Corner ofj' Min and Librr/Streets . Ixwilli"Open the Ball" by pllaciing 5 ttte stock of Guitars, Blantjos, etc. Find Tzyi msy's 25 South Four L ASTONIS YO_'"TN FOR (TAONI2. rth Avenue, City. iii1.0t)ifojr I Overcoat. (Garmtit-s worth $12.001 to $ 1h.(3ti ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. TIake a (jCmera (OZIISE, one xcar. 'Thrxeflt tettts tJreqtuired. Tertx beginx. Setptetmbter, w ith YOU .httttary txil Marchi. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. -5I, ix xxxx ;.'.( iicli fo cx $I icivxos. I Soc ul.Cr:o nsr mosa dL cu es (I T -For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. L 'N HA M C Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. New G(ooiis. ix Fall Goodcs, nxeiw Wixitec (Gxoxds, Fulli Dress Sxxuitig', CALK. N AH R A Y Silk Testixigs, Overcixitixigo, LoxtdionxiSxitixigs. Trixiserixigs a" stpecialty- Largest axixl miist cuxmptlete lockxxin lie city.atI the lowxest pirices. Pleatse caxil Address the Deanx or Secretary, axid examxinex. ALBANY, N. Y. NO. 2 EAST WASHNGTON ST., nieaxr laiii. A s I I l.-C'roxwn tCI nts' Csppi15, MiceilNuts. AT HLETI C + GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. PILLiARP PARLORS ec Ratisinis, 'rnes, 6i0-70,. Pexachies, Apiricots,. liii5 ;c : I.hils. forc2;)(. 12c GLis lx 12C ii - Iii -,l DEAN & COMPANY. i N 71'EIiJRI TN(Ic. THE CAMPUS. ' ol ivri-Oxcl~ eic e,.c ' Ienltlh4 th ciIcc theirtlxii lrv . i i J. B.)LL IDDL.aIOIU c iixx scrlrxlriiii Chomical Phys~~"ilcat[liApprtus-xiilpxixxiivvcvi~x xl liv. -cwcllccill hxolxixcnxxitcopiy ini the xippcex lectcuxvvroomiiofithlxvxxi- cal Ibxiling, atxi;p. mi. to-dal-x 1lis 1 . . Iov xx iii leadi tle' xiveciiiinxchaelxto-orrow iixxxc iii Sexct: "l-;vxcrii vs iii Alxiva lieihes . vi iiiiimedics ixresented oxni if tlxxvixxcxixvrs, (U. Suckv, cwixha S Nice ixixceonter siin onee~i. ( BUTTS & HAZLEW OOTD,' 2 THt1E A R GU S,- A A Mi' P t'ttti. FIRST NATIONAL BANK iCO ANN ARBitOR. txxitax i. Sixiceaxii. Suxpixixindxii~i tsixe, laces 't'ransctsxa generalcxi iniiixi in-xess, for 11 cI' i iix. ites P.xI M c Ixix.i Pres. tt xxiv txiRxSx t Caer.i t viiixxxxcvxiv z~tYZt't'1xxn ~1sixxxx YST'zx. ctzrlin IIrmU WithUw~licJh to curl l1i1 (e7 C. IKI I A(C " and .j & 5 - cc' G.Ccx: . ixiic lxi lit '9-5, lhasv xeen S . cx calle xhoixxi c th tkeiatlxs x flvc is '.t A S N I lher. HAVEi xl xx viaAN l c foovt-ixhalc ccxlxteats ilivia EA. Z. $y , Sn wxithx la grippxe. .\rchlxxvFraxnxtzvn, Ray- Cruxmmexr andi FranktHllwecnxt to Detroit ilist nighxt iii witnxess tieicomiii iicprax. Wkax ' Thc xmxetinglxx NewberrycvHal iiioro mxcorxe cvrning will be addrevsseid liy- Miss R...icBcwer, onxpe~xiricesvvs in :Africa. Rev. Lesier, of AMilwvxukeec, ciii \oc oxxipexiflotrxreceptioti xl'liupils. New Styles in t LINEN COLLARS. T O(TID '1 l7L :;"Y2OThL 5'tttxtiarcitt.ADiQUAtITEEIS. Bos"if yxxxiare iioxkixg fee any oxxC coin fienxxi, txaii ix chtxac iri te,OeciicxtxxliHotl xoicx fccxxixnoxixxutec. Yoxxwiiiloxrerise tiiex.xi.xvexo'clxck dinner,Suxndaoys. Stxecixxl MALLORY Caterer, 7I Fort St., West, - Detroit, MIch. LEAVE YOUR ORDEIRS --AT- P5 . 0NIEWS3STAND- Nexvxtapero Magazinis,-S'ertodtta,it i'xe Confecttios Cigars and Tobaxccx. return.c xto cleugtis 9yeariiiinlxiii diliver the annxiual addrecss befixre txe cclxviito cllee lxis -va, ~ S. C. . toi-xmcrrocw evenxing, ixx Necw- ixcntioilixess. lberry Hail. The Cixorai I iiox ilii N-lc. I. W. I Cioiixoixgi, lit '9, furnxishitlhesixngin~g. left for is hirnexxxtc ierday, ott ai- 1The ChoralIxnicuix will sixng at the vdxtic ol sikixcos xoantual mteetintg of tlxe S. C. A. to- Miss glary E.. Bttler, formerliy oritli~~~~~~~ m 'stdftxv lxIt orowireceixing it UttiversitiyHall. wit 'rviste fiens n hecity All niexmbers ace requested to mxcet during thce holidays. in thechxapel at 2:130 p. ox. Miss Lyter, of tOregon, Ill., iill ntot returix for some tinme, ott accoutt is.°Itead's section in the History of bc sste's hltoss.of Ancient and Mediaeval Ibiloso- SCoulrse to, in cjoalitative chemis-pbIasvtd ovesprttnbe tcy, is being iade so difficult tbat a to aid in establisinig a library of nuinober are dropping it. reference books for the use of thxe Tixe seating capacity of thte library presenot and succeeding sectionts. is 200. Wednesday afternoon nearly - evcry scat csas occupied. Schubert Quartette to-night. New Effects in N E('KWEAiZ New Ideas in {: WHITE SHIRTS. W AQN1IR & CO. TAILORtS AND FURNSSHERIS. Handsome 41 OVERCOATINGS. $tylish S UITINGS.