AM 004 C1 eE c l VOL. .-No. 6 .5. UNIVERSITY OF M CHIGA N, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1892. PatI E, TH RE C NS. "Wil iamn Lloyd Garrison'S Letter. ! rages.'' Here is wrhat the New York late years it has not been a real col- OF YOUR ". T_-'ribun e says: lege fraternity. It was and still is a SflflITLT B1'nr.' Stliislly arsn a u r Grio' pps otesophomore local society known as 0UJf Uu~ 1 J 11 llatnLlydGarisn hs ub -M. arrso'sappalto h Inh Dickey club. Trie clsib stilt ~n,,B lisphed an opsen letter to the Piesi- govserning board of Harvard l. ii exists, but its nmembers do not weaes (ilnt ad factiltyOf Htarvardl College, s ersity is not the msost efficacious our badge. 'Pliy are not nmenmbers mailed to You is wht( ic tic sass: miethod to reach the abase in this of the Delta Kappa Epsilon frater-N1 I he sccret society kisown as the particular case. 'The G~reek letterHAi lt I. I. has long bean a source (if society into which the young men Committee to Arrange the Educa- scandal'sod of pricate indiginiition. ---- - who suffered these indignities sore tional Exhibit Appointed by State Sprnedn ic.uo -Asiudc Issin the wsitless penalties at- underg~oing initiation, has sn inter-___ rss F-LCTON seniig thc initiation sif menmbers, a collegiatc organization, withi chats- Suiperinstendeint of Public I sstruc- - cruaeliy has been superadiles akiss tel r si sonmber of ssii i Isitics in lion, Hon, Ferris S. Fitch, isas aits) uo the barbarismosf tir Fiji Islands haiu rsod (thc lr) painiteid the follointig pers5ons 1s181( orte rccs of lerssdesd In ialisi fr h t bd (th l. I. E iem tecrs if the cismms itree assthor- aitcr of is Plain Trbs s a culmsinations siof' tiec- iicsleth arsl clipdc bys stheii last mseetinop of schorol ,.OETROT, MICH. sonises issd ais ssi indssicatins ot 1pluc eithcr ti forego such pssactictes or ssuperintendlentIs st ILansin o tisi sonl ensiltranic the svictim's arm is sirrendci its clhaiitcr. Al1 the saise iange fur iii exiist if 'sicshigaii hirest for branidsi"g In thec case \l r si iss lte sssn c ol or aii t tis C otumins c{rh shirt s lsusst com nd isissc sc sit essful pusrposse ini casllig psulic at- istissis Prf W. sit F1eris, pro Sea ion s ileepan sisv ge biis is ecntison to a reic of lirbiris m in ri eo ofte i Rapids Indsisstrial 'oils st'e sliosilides iii the elirow, sterenesi of ossi great sivsiseities. IT'st Sictosol W. I H. issrci s prisit Uf i l e d s i t hs a l i g hs t e di c s g a r i f af c s is l l t c o l l e g e h in s g m u1 s t g " ~ l a s s i is t y s i ch o ots ; \ I . I , , C o o l et long scsars 'sisl Iisrsruscit sic iad i he Ilit ~iladietpia Prs speak S eI m i professtor sot mechan'sic'sl enginsee'insi en igh iu thse shsisck tos ttine s s r ito i is follows: 'st tths Mtihiga 'si vsscrssts \tiss terns. slresadl iedciescs in ii t'slst biy Elist bjecit oft this cosllsge, Says Psnna 'it PCIansdlers prinsips1 it th tss r siisiu wailise Lasieit Nili i'suiiiiisii Stles pre iu phsica it ss'sstiosu iss ssts ie Prinsiset tlo, s i to i teach t h sit s ios ita t N isilsistle Irf J. i 5 ii li ' ii iss iitsii iiAn ilu andl ilsispt's . I yoiungs micn self-g'overnmiit. i It is Ms siI!t ii "]n comarsiisonu withs i i''.ii sot is tiisisiss it aippeaus, other to t o m lSh ols'pilni i isis'bo s sir supress lisrbIsis . e -i i l'itssli 11)1 1 t 1 ' ' ' In tadin i si li wo l i niii nitifis i s h s' lg sbee thse avowds poiss it tisent IFit isis elected li tse I L J J L bhut it seelis iesis ars'i tos :aslitoii thes . iy sit hiaras s silleg''e. M C r i lt np ists iets i'sn of th I fItI', hI II. clansisiilof th i urnt thac of tillso sit nths illsctmsit ta sts nt S Con ict Committe wit ath rict ppi thCiis tuss oli yi nmsufit exist at~ bc osit . sthefv ohr h ill st ililder his "}c~~~eirc spot oissuin i Cusis iiste pin iict tsliyiyil 1155 f s'Iis Chap Spe l lr c lgc rs ti''t he iess si iit sssc As t i ary bli tn s seas sill 5tu~ 55t: ii li I is I ii lls si i Iis I iish subtject sieldecd theicns nt tic, thce ar sicictises whsexiscsst tsis classiflicti ass it ti Iist lbv Neckwear, lose sirhss t its cesc is recognsizedI andist rticsi ttedi by th statie sissuissi ssus Is lt st Is nsi i i d e s e ru its t a i n i ct s i t tab lte v s i i k ' i e s lia rs . D s s s s i u u i l r i r e s s S h iL r t s , G l o vre s , ihs . I n oss n si wiit i th oher~s s o he las tc uirity whc kraeep > s'tsr oy lsc h sisi S ssi ssOissv th's tlscs sou tchi comtte arSupsttP. I~"s'''s' tiss its sic fiilush sein l)s our siuhts s u isti thsr scietiecss eit ut iege s imedstos hsiief ll si phagsesl lUnderwearhut , asbae poi dingu its ticasit ig li os whse is ethe ts ov srnig i fec ois Is is us e dci uec atinals tork tepse latr, sis n tcti sui is stst scnissre manaie , ctay to law outs e sitnh si s o astis nis e i s si trst uv ersia, No sea iS ol si si- t..e thahstS if yu sr ssvrcs s it th oities intircle rl sikptuisi s Cork. esM Cif.TT tur een ihiecags_ cOrdytstlii yeiscart;rcasca ssh sitih . if thei Ili FO TIBM t ODE str itt tn esected itizuensiadsevideceo g parua essor n ' tdet 'chois Pnd nieioy moi SlicossilI lotsr ibhce vtisisi is Ifseen Isaeirso ti 'thin tchages o trGrol acce sae ovperi8n tdeisel kirs year.31ainoli suirsascn it ioing cuthain e j thfs andsertc by' tansrd. Itra e cia ateto Ns Irito thi tot- sAhei n lotthis offesisse.po- sctay ofe neseCsago, Ic th.s his I lon asoiton wt h onyGrnsnGos snfumnes sit thear cnivirti. Ifyusaeuhnp r ogrn etea lshm trda be- o V R DC r' I si or ith n lincie bae these Asocaetepeson: of ianar dii reverlalsRd sweweaelnn suse prcespongsiblt arestiyng yui "Wpe hnasencpefro tdisrac-trd tatdrstan th. .lyns;ateinpranpe- youtrsolde Is areav If Wetonc had, ith , at rounatina cif seeds wo A. Nnuse say, ALLA EI AND &.O Pr sacvte notrwit homde thi o nventtion helssdat newhc York in--I.Tom-obdbte" esle couintalty liset ju" practically exeldoyh aeta heei oisebtvn h this lettremais copreadsntseTat charges oh forwarisby ar. raeublican0andudent thcrat p ars.ts~sgs sitsensatieon invollg te fraterni-ty u Gasn.resyTrcns imposibe affirmie H. .r prWiesens, Sh m 1fonoot.lhiao ircles ofthe goret dfyo aileo the snchetr fuewretpo the m Chcgosh .h on; neogatie on S.iSt.Johnind, counstry rescssingit reting uotnd ine he fono hate anuHaad the on A. 1:rok. 50ns 5.latStAnAbor Thisleter as reaed omehatchaptesrourrenderd chatr. In ulcnaddrncaipris