THE U. OF M. DAILY BEFORE YOU LBAVB....____..__ -- + "BUSINESS IS BUSINESS." + ONE MORE SPECIAL SALE In order to move a large number of ULSTERS AND OVER- +yt T he Two 'Sams COATS during the few, unseasonable days that we are having, we will msake a groat cut on the same FROM Now UNTIL SATURDAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY N D SATURDAY ONLY, NICOT, IDecemnber 1.1).. Remember, till Saturday night, December 19. We want to sell 250 Overcoats and Ulsters by that tine. Every 1 - 4 Reduction1 Overcoat, Mein's, Yojuths' and Boys' included in this Sale. +ON ALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS'+ The J. T. Jacobs Company, PRASD27-29 MA=NIITrnr - ANTST AR:8OR_ AT THE TWO SAMS_ THREE DAYS ONLYj headquarters for Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gloves. Allror StoatniLaluftry, C Oc _A..L.* GEORGE L. MORE1, ( tcoe o WOR OALEDFORandDELVERD. OR ARDAND SOF COL. A Fal Sine of all College 'reat Books, including Law-soil Medical Rook,'ky the stacks. WOK ALEDFR ndDEIVRD.IORHAD ALL O TCOL Cheapest place foe Note Books andi Fonain Pes in the city. Freshminen crowdi in. loiwe along ~~CL NSPECIAL RATES TO STUDIENTS. V-~LEh~. old friends. latewihave my entire stockhtstnore on NO4. 6 S..MAINSTq. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WASIIINGTON STREET. ~OI.TSQO AUR' OOSTOR, D N T N.G-ILL SWCQW'S W AH RS BUAOO KS 0R F Du'k WN T0 fimmms LIVERYV, HACK AND BAGGlAGESLISNE. Ev-ry Student will save mnety by buying Uiniversity Text-Books and all supplif-z it IHtadquaiteris. We allow Orders fir tains, paries, wsstdiiss, rio., special discoiiit oil LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL. BOOKS. D ENTAL. BOOKS, in shiortevery Bisok isedl in the 'hlpoe osii ateesi'iiCd~P s. fie Uniiversity. 5,(Q0i Blank Books at lowest prices. ri-sor0.21.SlsH.slsisiSui. MISS JUDITH GRAVES, 4CN " c:0X=LC:; V V ~6-_9IANIST-- LEDN OKSTORE IN THlE CITY. )IHightestGradco Taught. Aiply at Wilseys LEADING 130K ___ MSusice Score. __ TI F - VXCEI.SIORt - I.AXTNiItV zehmond Straight Qcit.'T EW E T R M K IXAN COOL AGE Han all Ihe impeisuin'siebciruy,ssundiilopre, No.1 paredito tornsot fistclaosswork ons shio tio- No.I I(Iicse.lComnterclortutrtnsioot samesiay. CG ETE.(Chirtetred ass andIrposratedi.) Priceareaoonableisd-orsl uarsateetcd. So- Cigarett oESh.K..zIDIk JIS ZCdL i at5 inss.A i ' E R, I puiiris'lies', d iaet mkr h "A~" - ZSM C _ Zs rn tA .(0are weiling to Day alitla NOT'E1Doits PIEiPARA4TORIY ii(t)ui'RF. . Peae suet5oraycllg Msio-O A RTiIN. monire than the price t cosol itile o susstsy. Srssc oiiluit ssaIN-iirrositn char-gesdfoe the uorin aes For its COiLLEGEliCOURSES. Preparesfor tesgure s ad alos ttthe broadest cultutre and'si oth akesSN ali .- tr'ade Cigarettes, will'fSad the must pstactsicslts. 'ADCINNCFIS Tutis IBuANs) superior to Psor its NORIMAL ANDI) TJACHIERS' TRINEVGDEPAR7ITMENT. Special atrentiosn givcsn _ A.COMP OEIS. ' altihssto pieparatioa for examnsationandssiltoachins.J.A OHEUS The Rtichmond Straight For its s17Ss' AND SINE ART' DEPARTMENTS, Secondsiiti.iniie intheiiUnlitediStates Cut No.1 Cigarettes are made from the bright- Stir its COMMERCIAL AND SHOiRTHAND) DEPARITMENTSi, thte leading schttisif btsnestscs. T TT'" ' " est, mat delicately Slavored and highest cott Fir the extremtely tttaderate expease to stadentis atdttedn. ITe expsense accouint cian lie ig- --v .L-,X .. Cold Leaf grown in Virginia. Thin la the Old tered loswee wit stanti at atty other eiducational intstitustion in te coauntry, ad at the ALSO 'BUS5 HACK AND BIAGGAGE LINE. and Original Brand of Straight Ct Cigarettes, satu tie Slate y well aand comfortable. Ev-ervthintg furnioheid. Norkt Main Street. and wan brought out by ua n lthe year 180. A. E. VEREX. President, Beware or imitations, and observe thsat the RINSEY &SEABOLT, firm name as helow is an every package. -aenan -ieni The ALLEN & GINTER IBranehBaesndelrsi Of te Amricn Toacc Co. TH CAMUS.The membership of Greck letter Groceries, Provisions,F lour and Feed, Mlanufacturers. -- Richmond, Virginia. 6Sands8 FWashingtonSt.L _ A college telegraph company has societies in American collegcs is esti- - -- _ _.._.._ uke tm 4rhIat lnihdc ' k been organised at Princeton. mated at 75,000. I 7HLL R Cipti$y55_npasnirfu,1,15 A pool tournaiuent lhan been corn- In ;Monday's edition of the l)aii.v' Dhoes a general Banking business. Pays in- menced at Hlarvardl willh sixteen en- it wvas said that the rumor was atloat Ilr ts ptosy l sot tt terest on Saving Depasits. Baa safety tries. tihat Mr. Crummer, of Grandl RapiJ. DFl STISO CurSOT9. lvNS Deposit Bones for Bent. Ii.L.LLIiUN iL G 1 It. KEMPF, Pres, F. H. BELt-Nil Cashier. fOue of the cslitomstlpoculiar 1o id~s intenided to furnish thec lashes' Stase Skticet Grocers. Bank osenSaturday evetting. . Oberlin is the opening of each reci- reception room in Newberry Hlall- Studentkspatronlage especially solicited. Ann Arbor Savings Bank ' 24 5. STATE STEET. Ann Arkor Slush. Capital Stock,I$50,000, tation with pralyer or a song. We~ are informesd that thle Iname of ___________________ OgnedSiler-theuee$11 Ba.000. g Lws 1Atinmid Chinese dined at Holyoke the person should Itave been We]- To Aul Students Concerned. Oraie ne h eea akn asadselis exsaean thepsi iair, bofhecolee.tis laconic remark at leav-- linglon XW. Crummter, ite wralthsy 'r, A.A. & N. B.Ity will runitaitpee- United States. Drfscanhenilpoapsepoper ing woas: "'loo much plenty girl.'' luinbernman of Cadillac. ital cosachlthIlrosughsto Pittsburg, Pla., ientiication. Officers: CRSTID. ACPrs.Vcs es. President low's annual report ofpu-'' s Aui+-lavin~g Anns Arbosr at430 p- itt., Titus- W.D ARMN vc rsFl lesSis ay, IDec. 7. 1891. Will casrry iti suie CHAS. E. Hiscoca, Cashier. Colunmhia showsa total of $t2,4o xcpIhs avn iktsfrPts wxt cash grifts receivedl duringT the past Maide of lite tdress worstred, rutt atdi"h bisg only. It. S. GRIEEN5555550. trimmnint t the moisst appro5(ved style, " .year. worth fully $50tS0 for ontly $1500. See D~eemsber 5-t., It. I..Itieltut, senior 'The statefuent thlat a professorship Mr. EsuseuglarkelS. at Cooik house, I'r-!; ineinber ifttl(he irmltsif Roelli & Sonl, sPOOt~m z.'I of athletics was to be established at lay, 11th inst. tHe will have a fusllhcomphleteud Iis forty-seceond year ini the Vrn.Armoda, Yle i deiied b Profssor lite sit samples aiid will he pleaoed to jewelry butsintess; stlartinigits"shtop Wm.Arnld', aleis ened y Pofsso E.L.suibmit the entire lute ot thin Golen oluy' is 18-1). ttsuehini & Sui's Christ- NMain Street. cad. Eagle, Deti-oit. 'Those contemplating matls selectionis ittcludse iiany excltusive __________________________________ Richrds.orderinig antythininh the clothinig line,. nIovelties ndu thte ttest productioitsit A N A One hundred and twenty .fioe schol- will dio well to see this line silver of 'Ihe Whitisng a115 Gorta ~~il&.'X.arships, iligattlo 0, Students!- Just the Thing. therpie uii esnhea l yildngatoaloh$8ir, prices""- Ma'f ' be. ut tireadngbleakersb are annually given to needy students A(huadmlehn vr~ tiunes. A part of lte policy of this FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. at Harvard. A. A.& N. M. KIy and fiteen other ih