THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,J~ Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. orew /a cVrroooss - - Corner of Afootz and Liberty/s S/i ccs. I will 'Open the Ball" by placing a flee stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- Find -TMn. SEY c MTTS STOR=, 25 South Fourth Avenue. City. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. NOB3LE IS MAKING AN ELEGANT DISPlAY (I SMOKING JACKETS -AND- NOVELTIES -:-.IN -:-NECKWEAR I ESrAt3LtstEl 18:51. 1 1. GCOURSE, one year. Three faill ternms FOR THE 10i1Qy. Tak e a Cam era ! reqttired. Tertms begiti, Septeniber, ___________________________________ Jatnary stidt March. GOT With You ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. GOT- Whlr -'()U o7 Iiw'm Ct-istas.. toyFllCons of int~ructorsand o urrs T7C _______-For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. P ~~Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Newr Goadls, new' Fall Goods, new Winiter Gorlds, Ftull Press Suitiogs, C ALKINS PHARMACY. Silk Vestitngs, Overcoatins, Lontdott Suitinigs. Trouseritigo a specialty. - -Lsrgest and tiost comuplete stock inl thle city, at the lowest prices. P'lease call Addreera the Dean or Secretary, atnd examine. ALBANV, N. Y. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., tiear Maiti. R, EO IV I8T-zJ-I BILLIARD PARLORS Elegantly refitted during the post sommer. HIGEFLE ES 1I .Nice lunch eouoter duingconneetioo. I JLLSEL .Oar "tIED STAl" Oil is 1550 Fire Test, while the present State test is ol BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, AND ALL 20.'ItE STAR"' burns without "charritng Wick, emits no0 odor or smoke, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOtR. gices a clear whilte light, arid is absolutely sarfe. Retailed at the same price as k CiG E115 t 1jaaIE losw test oils its this nmarket.TH RU, ___ 'TC G OD ' N. B-This Oil can be obtained only ttour Store No. 44, Main St., South. -TEAGS' Leave Orders foroall17 N cSZC 1/ AN _ I J1 VR N& ATHLETIC GOODS.T LOW PRJIES.~ @ tf'U'E :WITING. THE CAMPUS. It is now positivcly known that' AoodcocnwslorfiWoruch god workFIRST NATIONAL BANK donleretreasonrable Ir~. Wocokwh idscNNodwr l; . B. MIOLCcrFesr, Rcttosi ltklsel cIn thc 'box' for 'Brown, lhas signed Catpital, 511,00a01. Surplas sod Profits, $3otor. 'Iasocr cllra rllr bugtsioess,rfor- - - = 33 Sote~rsLesi. ,.resumeddJrosary I8th. 'withl tire littslrrrrg teamilfrrc rxteal dc,, sctsagnrl ai6cange sold, letters or reedit trocurerd YO INGE-1' trr r 74srrersa ae season. C. H. ittdHstOND. Pres. P. BACHt, V. IPres. _~ir -I"" -, a .~,6 1! anrd 467 at IDartuthl. Tile tatet Iis ersity of Iowra 5. W. CLARoKSONxCashier. rt, at IacrdI 557eas}r1'11('lsclainlis tirerchanmpionrship of Nlis- O IR N D RUGSTORE. gTaelone e r lasudets. wresnurl, Nebraska, Iowa, arndlKansas, RA C RS T Icoe1a oe tdlt er by its dlefeat of t.8 to r12tof thle anr- Chetnical ' Physical Apparatus examineicn l Agency yesterday. Ca nivcrpity.I-l __Thecrc hr are 1461 strudents at the Tc skiir disease clinic ysedyK 0 lilI I~ D V Colege of tire City of New York. C. P. and X11 was thre largest anti Irost interesting dare Ceite , aicrosracopicalSupis Yale is ronsidering the advisabili- of the year. Eight cases wecre pre- Non open for receptionl if Pupils. EBERBACHi & SON. ty of establishilng a womnl's annex. setited. Dr. Martin, at Ihis afternoon A new Gield of about twelve acres cliic rerforsard a very difficult E IA V iER~NEDA O~CJDIItI7US' YO~th1LYt STIJOEN1S' lrEtADQUARTERS. 1leery," i you are looking tsr any oetyo0r frends, take a chair irn tihe Oecidental Hotel rficelforten miruts.Ysourwllsorely oe them Fireso'clok dinner Sondays. Special 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit, Mioi.. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- P. 0, NETS STAND' Newspapers, Magaznes, Periodicals, Fine Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. is to Ire adderd to thle groundrrs at Amrherst. At the decathr rf Senrator Stanrfordl, Stanford Tniversity in to receive $2o1000,000. Th'lere is a young ladies' mrilitary comrpaniy at the Iorva Wesleyan tli- versity.-Ex. Ti. G. Atwvood, editor of the IFife, was etditor of thre Harvard Lamp~oon fifteen years ago. E. B. Spalding, '92 dent, sings in Toledo to-night, at a concert given by tire Eurydice Club. Threre arc only two fonts of San- skrit type in the United States; one of these is owned at Yale. About 200 studentt, at the Leland Stanford University are studying engineering in its various branches. Ex-President White of Cornell is to be resident lecturer of the Stan- ford University during three months of the winter. laparotomy. The general imapression sems tro be thlat tile cap and gosvn is intended to be worn only at Commnencemient titne. Thris is erroneouns, as thre, intecntionr is to wvear thleml on every occasion possible. D~oes the average student decide Iis life vocation before the third year in college? This q~uestion seas asked by Prof. Kelsey of his class in Pliny. It was answered in the affirmatise by a vote of 451to 51. The memrbers of the Pacific Clab Court who intend spending the vaca- tion in Ann Arbor will hold a meet- rug Saturday, Dec. 29g, to arrange a programme which will he rendered during the holidays.. Ansother benefit for the boys before they leave. One-forth reduction on all Suits and Overcoats, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Only purchased on those three days. At the Two Sams. New -Styles in LINEN COLLARS. New Effect3 in NECKWEAR. + New Idea3inn l WHITE SHIRTS. W AGN1 R & CO. TAILORS AND FURtNISHERrS H andsomne + OVERCOATINGS. SUITINGS.