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October 06, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-06

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-AGENTS FOR- -_____________
' YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. c- The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J.ri.1. Jacobs Co.,
Call ad see us. 27 AND 29 MAtN ST., ANN ARBOR.
L. 3LlLZ. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of ight Weight Overcoats
to e closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices
A1iII Arhor Stu ili aluftiryI CO0.A..L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Sccsorl)r}+ +
WORK CIALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Futt Line of nit Cotege Tet Booksk, including Lw aa3it Iidieo td,/, by the tc/t
CAL oN Cheapest place Cr Note Boo/ts e Funti Pi in the city. Freshmen crod in. Come aon/
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. jSn 7 M, nd friends. Itnohve myentiestokhatmy stoesnNo. 65. MAIN ST.
Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11 WES WA~oSTsNGNSTRET. CsE. L. 2-ORE.
Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all supplies at Headquarters. We allow -PiANIST-
special discouint on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in short, every Book tsed in tie' Highest Grades MTiughtr.ApyatWle'
University. 5,00 Blank Books at lowest prices. THlE - EXCELI.SIOt - I.AUIRY
10 !' /yHut nit the snprtieditmachinery, sd is tre.
.i~ w ii.S.irnVALO pred to turn out firtso work on short no-
ie.Commereilutwor/ turneit outtsaeliay.
LEADING BOOK STORE IN THE CITY. Fries resonble utnI work gurnted. No-
_______________________________________________________ 2/tEast Huron st. A. F. COV'RT, Propri o.
Richmond traight Qct. ( Webster Society. Buletin oard. . MSMARIN.
No.1I Cloth Caskets, Metallic
CIGARETTES. The first roram of the Wehster NOTICE-Students holding keys ANCOMNOFIS
Caette Smokers who Society will e rendered to-morrow atteMchnclLaoaoyJlae .. A. POLHEMUS
tonasltteevnio nreturn sm eoeSaturday ofto
Y more than the pricer uuulytn rga week and money will e refunded. =y~V
cisrged for the ordna hashSO'een All NDareGAAfterE
r afCigarette, wiltad hsbe arranged l r invited.Afe Saturday new keys will have to AS'BSSNrchKMAnDBAGAe ELtNE
a tes.e tsanalrt. PianoSet, "Minuet.._Paderiawisi be made and the old keys will not RINSEY &SEABOLT
a The RhdS. rih Mitt Minnie Davis. be taken. C. G. TAYLOR.Baesndelrsi
Cu No.1 Cgr th aefrcmondeStright 2. President' addreaa---- . A. F. ShedonBaesndelrsi
et, mot deleately Slavored and higheat 3eitationa .....Shakespearian Seetion NOTICE-Membership tickets for Groceries, Provision sFour and Feed,
Gld Leaf grows in Virginia. Thin l the Old 4 Hm . D. Jewel. PBn .Wsigo t
and 0wiasaot rada.Straight Cu Cigarettes, . Iprompt. the Athletic Association can be se- Cad5.Wsigo t
and was orngtut hy us i the year 1875 n6 St, LtHe e"..rlOllei
Beware nf imitations, and a/tere that theft Paper.........Advetres ndve anur mmigfant cured of any of the directors or at J. H A LL E R,
firm name as blew Is an every pakage. 7 Dc/ate. Reslved, That the jury system ticket offce in Main Fll any morn-
The ALLEN & GINTER Branch shuld e a/tls/ed. aft., M. A. emp- YTW =R
Of the Amersan Tn/a sCsGo sey ad J. H. Adams. Ng., . A. S/tr- lg from 9 to t.'tRpairig a selaty. 4 OTH MASS ST.
Manufacturers - Rchmand'i'rginla. ly adJ.. Ebs H._________________
6.prmpt. NOTICE-Students in Philosophyc
A. Pans Set, "rirnltete"........ Strstrg ilT 71 p~T'lKf'iT A Nllii
Mi@ if~~il)l~g'~l is Minnie Davis. qa History of British Ethics, wllU. L. S. .s.Tscim Is N c1u. ca~lsi.i
_______________II~ IIII meet the instructor in Room 2 , 3- SteSretGors
Cai150~, l. 5Surpuind Profitst,$17,000. Mr. George Rebec. 4 P. i., to-morrow (Tuesday). Studentpatrontge especially solicited.
Does a general Banking business. Pays in NOTIcE-Gothic, Hitorical Ger- . 24 5. STAT; STREET.
teetnSvn eosit.Has safety Probably the best known of themnGamrSudnswsigM. W. BLAKE
Depost Boxes for Rent.maGrmr.Suetwihn
R. RMPBankPreS F. H.ve e sEI, asir. new instructors is George Rebec, in- to take the course in Gothic Gram- rICTUR ES. FRAMES, A ND
Ann rborSavngs ankstructor in English. He was born mar or in German course x, His- ART GooDs. is West Huron St.
Ann Ar/tr Mich. Ca IiialSok, o o, in Saginaw in x868. After his grad- toia-Gra-Gamrwl-pes
Surpus, $1WW)ntonfom e '. meet me Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 3 p.
Organized under the Eeneal Basing Laws .otonfo te-aginaw Highm in Room B to arrange hours, + = e.
o1 this sa te. Receives Deposits, boys Sholiahnn.d
sells exchange on theprnia cities of te Sholi 85re auht in that city etc. GEORGE A. HENC.-
Unite States. Drafts eshed upon proper two years ricpl io oeo
identification. Officer:yasot OIE-FecCus ,Si
You Probably have some Broken Arti Michigan last year. Throughout his NOTICE-I shall meet my classes C"oVER GLASSES
cle of college course Mr. Rebec has been and lectures at the hours announced. u
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT known as a thorough, conscientious Course 3 will be given by m, while
OF student course 9i will be assumed by AMr. I --
REPAIRnt Lloyd, until Dr. Mead arrives.
WM. ARNOLD. 36 MAIN STREET, - f- - Course 2a will not be commenced1
Is the Place to go. The Slver-Tongued Orator, until Dr. Msead comes, but should ,
Hton. Danie1 Dougherty, the silver- be elected now. Students desiri ngl(akngP a~tq
Tt tongued orator and renowned lawyer of advanced credit should call at room,
A N D A NL.~c~jj ew York, will deliver a lecture in the2rannoatmhus.Iwl
_________________ Gra nd Opera House, Ann Arbor, on I n o tm os.Iwl
FN PHTGAH. Thursday evening this week. His sub- meet students for consultation about________________
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! I nest and mot attractive lectures 8 o'clock, at 15 Forest ave.
15 Cat Scne Steet, which Mr. Dougherty delivers. EveryJONDWY
_________________________one should hear his matchless rend-
StffYD 11! *T11TAKE A tion of p aatsaes from Shakespeare and°- " -
SHORTHAND TAKE A from the ortons of Burke, Webster, At two o'clock yesterday thereA
COURSE. and others. Tickets are on sale at
IT WILL PAT YOU. sorthand School, New Sheehan's Book Stork. Reserved seats were 65 registered in the litersr ultg2Subtt.teua uf' poietepsofc. Idprmn.7 otLw9:-Dtot ih
lluidlag,1 Snit&Ssa~e asel atDttfy' oposie te potoice. I dparmen.' 1 FotstW~t.:- Dtrot. ~ch

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