THE- U OF M. DAILY. c f -y. T Nit charge in that state. There are cer- ~ ~ tain expenses that may e borne y the local associations, ht the move- Publishted Daily sanderys eepted) during ment can be rendered more effective the Salinas ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION if the University authorities ae s(oe fods on ad to defray ex- penses whichi should not be borne by Seheeiptien pice 2.0 per yer, invariahiy loal centres. We hope that the in adsnera'Singerncopies ents. on alet Ihenan's na Pst offic nwsn stand at 12 'ribune's sggestions may be carried nelork, ntoin. sbsriptins my e let at into effect. the stten nt the Dairy. tpera onar lek, at -.- Sheehan's, at Sttlet's, or twith anyat the Al Concerned! Holiday Rates. editors. ttnoru nications shuld reeti the olee hr For stiets U. of M. 'ad Ypsilanti 7 stintS r. m. i they are tonapeatr the net Normal Sol, T.. A. A. & N. Al. Ily day. Address nl matter intended oepulichia- sill give a fae of otis atd one-third to ions to the Managing Editor. Allbuinotes all points ii Central Traffi Associa- commnications shold e sent to the titsi- iot. Tickets ot sale Dec. 17, 18, 1, neon SManager. 1811, lim'ited fr returning Janary 5, THE U. f . DAILY, 182, inclsive. Ann Arbr, ih. I adtitionl to this, for the pulic we will give same rates asi above. 'Tickets eelros.oti sale De. 2, 25, landir Ja). 1, im- EDITORS. ited tor retrnrtitg Jan. 4t, inclusive. RAPH SONE, 'T2, Managinrg Editnr'iR. S. GEElNWtOD, s. s. CGrats, 'ii', Assist. Maagigdior. Local Ticket Agent. . L. CTAIrA, '2, Assist.ManagigEditor. 1V. II. IloxNE'r', G. Pa A. J. C. Taai,'11, Buinties tManager. F. 1E. JsAr,'TEs, 1, A srrt.Itsirrero Maaer. BUSINESS LOCALS. C. W5. titoonvos,'14, Assit. Busiess Mang. INo iesinserted in this cormna at tete H. D. JtewetLt. 1. 0. w.I.DEL~ENaesC,'iu afto ceritsperrlie. speial rates tre longer F. 11tiOsnN, 'l. 5. . tOGL~, 'o2 u tne. ad erir lias trshelity aplyige at w.. PARKER, '93. .. 5. Anset.t, '151. t' 1ILYto otte.1 . I. tirgert, '0. I . F. 5teuL,rLni, 'li. N 'tc e fiew l x. F. Mi 550, 13.1CAS G ras. Iltan 1. ''.A 5 tN ~tce liswl ,aE aaa P~~sa~. Iris da, Deeiiiii. ront 27iiit it 8:4 p. i., to ... _ a oriniliat tudtiie'its aswith loliray Til',capan gon raz semsto tickets, iiod hio liiviitiay tril tet Tiso ca an goco raz acoistolay. I. S. G(ai.x:sro, Aget. atack the colleges iii this coluntry For IIisldry fGoods, Beatiful Hattid perioically. About fice rars g, Pirltteil Atiles, cleaptlt 1 h~oods itt the city, andmn sy useful 01111ornra- a fewe of the armallr colleges if the mental tiitgs, go ti Mrs. M. romd's E~ast adoplteid tis studeent insignia, Sate street store. (G1an1111eiOilir Wednesday 111111Thutrsdaly. andino0w IHarvard, Yale ard rin irce- Modiay only, Dec. 14, tTe liwn tori have fallnic n i l ie, ard in all Samts, alt Neckwrsear at }. regtlar tirice probability M\icigain wisliolowsu it. Aiurid> o. Seeswiridoiw. Oilr Tesiay radWedntesaiy, IDe. H-arard ad Yale seiors use the 15 and ii, anty ht inithis hose for cap andctgowctao012couiunracenieit$Ls.0, c'ostitg $21, $.01, $.51)ard clay whle rineto stdens wll 4.00 for $ 1.8 tworidalyoly, at the IlY, whiet Twtil tilti5wl so Sant. See widiow. Biy yor wear therni all throuighi the year. Ovecoats and Suits, Smoking Jacket LOST-A silver mounttdtfotntaina TooE electioin of George B. D~ygert pen. Initials S. C. G. elgraed upoa as Michigan's foot- ball captain for it. Fider please retri to DAIY otesoto S. C. Gliden. next year is a very wise otae. ygert Dan't forgt we keep sweters, best is principally knowen for his hustling qnality,$3.l0to $4.25. Mak& Shmid. qualtie, ad hi ablit to nfue Ldies'Makitoses ilbeutifut c~otites an lan lsiitytoinfsevarieties, just received at Mak & the football spirit into the players Seitmid's. unuder his control and tirection. He For the Hoidays, te r., A. A. & N. M. Sy will give 011etrilloti-third fare is the kindt of a captain Alictigan for out trip. Tikets oti sale De. treetds just at this titme. It was 24t0, 25th arr 31st, 1811, and Jan. tt, 1895., tbetwssn l 1lttios on tiei, chiefly through his training that the ne d ter poitsrdsigated ott and 93 lits trays won the class clarapi- lills. Tickets goor goitg 011aove daltesadrri eturnig sn any reglar otship txwice irastccession. If traini ritiil Jr11. 14, inrlsive. energy anid enthusiasm coult for If. S. GlsExorslo, Lsetl Agent. anyhig, apai llg xtiii have Hot ald cold bats 10 cetts, at Post anyting Cattai I~yert Offie Barber Sop. 012 excellent account to render at the ull lilae new5 style collars, 4 ply, 1 t close of next year's foot-hall season. or 2 for 23. Mnk & Semid. $.3-800l silk umbrellas worth $3.0 "" - to $4 51, arked $.03 at Mack & 'HaE Detroit Tribune, xviicla always Schilils. takes air active interest in everything Ladies of the U. of M. xiii find it greatly to their advantage to call on s concerninrg tie University, advocates when in need rof Cloaks, Dress Goods in its Suinday editorial columns that or Faly Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid. thestae egilaureasistinextend- Atessline of Neckwear just received the tatelegslatre ssis in ard no bettr styesa wilt be found in lug the benefits of the Univrsity to town. You xwisay they are one-half toewiro are unable to attend, by the price you pay for them elsewhere. those Mak & Schmid. making an approrpiation at its next U. of M. Buttn, 0 ents eah, ard session for University Extension with lass year, 73cents eeh. We are this only makers of this three-eighth purposes. It cites tie instance of iela button, with eorret oora and the New York legislature which re- polished eramel. They don't fade or cent pased n apropiaton t besoil, ard last forever. Sent postpaid cety pasdaaprpito tob upon reeipt of prie. Students are used by the educators having the invited to visit us when irs town. Roehm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circus University Extension movement in Park, 271 Wraodward ave., Detroit. ~HAN &Q., stade 8f., liacs received for tise opernig of college 20,000 Books, new and second hiand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, Frencha, German, Law aiid Medical Books, which they will sell at Greatly Ueducedl Prices. Mathematicarl Instarments arid Laboratory supplies. See orr-Note Books for 1891-2. In theLt' SDr nGscHOo ati~lt~rFaa, 3 4 ~ 4 r iW For deprtnrents-GConreir-in],Inc tearth at " -_ or mnscript oorh-ntgin 1 Shoirrtndn -rPesreansiriElegant bildin.irt at = - tend~~~~~aneefcetisrcos okto-gh hling eapenses extsrellow, Ins toh $250Opertreek;students nsr tel to poitions. Fnrentalogue, address P. R. CLEARlY, Presiderit. ~ MIMH IGoAN CGLTRAL "The Niagfara Falls Roufe." JAS. l. SAFFOR) 1I TBSIETABLE (RtEVISED) NOi'EMtEtt, 1,1391. J. AL STAFFORD CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. F 1 ~ Tie Loader !-- EASTWAiII) In asllonS ll 1STATINSoar Marl Ony 5te MY;NitAhi. Kal li ihttS IExp lan 1xrrxl xl Ac IA 'ltumlnt Toil- 1'tir An M ItO 9. rIca1 art' M 25P till. 15M lJ / ~ Jackson.....i.i5 42 , o 0847, 413,5161.2(,1,5 o ra1lig. Fine110 Chelrea....n 1 . . .. ItO7 11 i 26 Dexter........ 41; ...j . 5' 3 7 2) 1 - line hof Pinto Dlhti Mis...430111. . .n231 ii:' SANN ARBOR..4 42 &025 020y 4, 5 4.i 7 4 1'S' Goods ho Select ( WanJne 5 2 .. i c7' 3 ,i1r3 frota. ('all fcir Detroit, Arn 65h i 4 i. .' 21 ",114a5; a5l 211214 0a1111e fittinig "o" WESTWARID. StitGl NI rent C OteGi. ntLa. hePtEt 19 S. MAIN ST..j Net.T1T) OSap ner Cap ~i vehx Lint aiAco AN ARBnR, Mnon. 1 S. Alaint Street. latnimmaa..... 2O a 3 4t 5<4012 5( masto AM.AM P.M P. MAr AtP, . Ps. DtetroitLv... 852' 144' 1 28001 5 l9105 44-t SnWayneJane 9it. .8 3 . . 9a55 5n "" "" prilanti . nun gnu811.5 2 tt5'9 ....10 15 540 ANN 1ARBOR-.9tar 8 412 19 9sin I0ta 100325i5. Dlrhi Silts.. 9S4.i..... . 53-i Chelsea . 955 ... 945 -.10 i2ta601 C helsea.....1010. than58.Iitr1076 10 1slP~t~l5(l~e~h~e~5~ Jacksn.n_.... 11 00 91955n 4 10da011 15 In11-55 ___________________________Chicago, Ar.. 1553 51 050 650 4 50 7Itt It 15 o. W.RUGGOLES, N, W. BAYES. 0. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ac't Ann arhar 4t Toledo, Ann Arbor and North A, & ( Michigan Railway. 71 Fort St.. West. - Detroit, Mich. 'Timm.Gird in effet ct eer0, 1891 ~Aa l oft rainsatAnteAObor annly. GAEGRA L A IlOT1I-SE i GIGNRH Monday Eve, Dec. 14, 1891. MkiRIE DECCA! "The American Jenny Lind, SONG ERECITAL Under the Management at FRANCIS - LEON- CHRISMAN Hotel Aberdeen, Twenty-first Street and nroadway, New Terk. Prices, - 35,50 and 75 Cts. Seats onaSale aP. O. News Stand. No. I. Mail and Express ...... 7 27 a. m No. 3. Passgr, Ann Arhor Accom...12 tiltoo No.35. Mail Passengere....... 4 25 . No. 2.Staill Passenger .......111ISa.mi No. 4. Mail Exress.........S40 p.nm. No. 6. Passenger, Toledo Accoti. 7110 a. to Teains a and 0 cut betwennniaArbor and Toledo only. Geatral Standard Time. All Trains Daily escept Saunay. W. Hi. BENNETT. N. 5. GRtENWOOD, Gen. Past. Agent. Local Agent.