THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE.: 9 ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY e Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. New WarooGOO, - - - - - - - - - (orer of Man and Libertq Streets. I will "Openi the Ball" by p1'acing a lioe stock of Guitars, Bansjos, etc. O L PRICES THAT WOLL ASTONISH YOU.1_MKN A LGN lI LYO 25 South ourth Avenue, City. i SMOKING JACKETS LAT COL -AN D ALBAN L1A COOL.NOVELTIES -:- IN-:- NECKWEAR ESPIAIiLISIIE:D 1851.1 1. TaeaCamert COUiRSE, oe year. 'Three full terms FOR THE ' OJ .QYSuaearqie. _erseSpebr January andl March. with You T- --- ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. .i)T Vhen teai got temefo le iiatt t uy rt ll Corps of Intutors and Leotu- r one t Dereeof L. B Conerrd. '-==For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. C 'LISIHR AY Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Ness Geetls, item fall Goos newn winter Gootds, Full Dress Suitings, CALINGPHRMAY.Silk Vestings, Overcttatiitgs,, Londont Sciuitings. Trouserings a specialty. Largeot andt most complete slock in te city, at the lowesc lprices. Please call Address the Dean or Secretary, and examine. A1,1ANY,.N. Y. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON STl', near Mlain. R, E, JOLLY z z, GO.. = L ILLIALL F ELR r "Elegantly refitted auring the east su~mmer, Oar 'IRED STAR' Oil is 15 Fire Tlest, heT~l rsttSaets s BTS&HZEOD on________________ lly 120l0.BUT& ALVOD "EDl STAR" burnis withouet clharring wick, emiets tie odor or smoke, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. vN~r~. gies a clear white light, and is absolutely safe. tRetailed at the saute price as x Ci Ei1 ' S~ij IBS' lowtest oils in tis mlarket. --T EA G S.- N. 1.-Tis Oil can be obtained only at our Store No. 44, Main St., Sou~th. -TEAGS3 Leave Oraders foe all JL RN1& ATHLETIC + GOOD$ Q O. T -fIxI O ~fI~~ All kintdss ott'Yrkneaoli aonettreattsntblcptrees. YOU CIAN GET Whatti"youttrot .i,l itePrice twill lit BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus V C. P. and Fetre CFemecals, Micteospial Stippl et, LEEi ACLI & SON. It55nnE AiieLtuAN ENVttIAB Ai D. SiYLEIl&ON , yam Optr. eCurtease-. SUDEtNTtS'HtE'A)QUARTEaS. "Boys," ifttti sr lsektne leerany itt iqier fri tis, ta ke ai cair in the iOccidental Hoel tfie lfioii tnmnues. You illtsurely see temie oitcc ek inner, Sundas:nSpecial PUOTOGR AIU NO. 12 W. HURON ST. LEAVE YOUR ORDER$~ P. 0. NEWTS 8TA1 Newspapers, MagazinesPenrtndiealn, lfuse Confections, Cigars and Tntsnns. THE CAMPUS. bccei appoiied by tier Popc e oilo ipiaecamelis lie CGlee Cleib hadi a group pic- A $20,000 house for lte younlg turve takcit at Gibsonts vesterda y womni attcendiitg the Pieabsoidy N or- afetrnooni. ioal tollege is cools to be crevce1 at Vale less asccptcd S ipnco ae icr Nashevillc, icuis., bsy the trusctees (of shiarc of thic receipsc at the Y ale- thicLUiivrsity at Nashville. triiecton gaimec. Tic Philalethsianss, or lovers osf Mr. Clcumcits cvwilevote neat scarchs, will hold its first mcctieg wece to a study of imythiology int. Monilay night at 7:30o oclock ie strati of regular wcork. Room 24. All chearter memibcrs arc At a class mceting yestcrday, the urgcd to bc preset as a constitution Yalc senior class adopted tier cap eil1 be presented for adoption. aind gown by a two-thirds msajority. A special serrmou will hr givein at Miss Maude Pilerce, lit 'g0, left the M. E. church to-mnorrowv norn- last evening for her home iu Rode- leg by ther pastor, Rev. Cainde M. rile, Ill., oie account of the illiiess Coberie. Subjectt "The Walk, the of ticr fathter. Race, and the Eagle Flight." The Ali effort is to be riadle by the imtsic wil1 also be especially attract- Coruell alumiti to organize au ice. Alumnie Association ieniDetroit, rit There; is a dispute over ther foot- iDecember 2I. ball chiamipionshsip of tier Penisaviva- itrof. R. L.. Perkiiis, of Bostoii., isnis state league. The league is the ownoer of a copy of Horace that composed of Bucknell, Swartlemore, was printedl in 1756. It has an Slate College, Franklin and Marsh- inadex to every weord. all, Dickinson and Haverford. Blothi A neerting will be hld to-morrow Bucknell and State College claim afternoon in Newberry Hall at 3 the championship, each heavieg won oclok. t wll e cndutedicyand lost the same number of games. thee ministers of the city. It will be awarded to Btucknell, Thel~rijsof roessr Wnchllhowever, as it has scored a anger weiglhpd 54 ounces. Prof fessor 01- nube -o-pinshhn at Ci-ge h1y4weighed 611 ounces, it will be NOTICE-There will be a meet- re pebered. D441 Webster's brain ing of '92 medical class, Saturday, 'suig e4 56 otigces. at eo:3o 4, Plie lower lecturrqoomi. NOTICE.-The lesson in Course I, J. C.4gyooq4,a Hacardgrad- Poitileal Economry, co sists of Chap- ate of the degree of A. M., A. B. ters HI and IV under Consumption. and I.L. B., of the class of X85 has PRcOF. H. C. HICKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OiF ANN ARtBOR. Capitaol, $100,0000l. Surplus intlPfritslt,000o. Iransactsiaugenerailtbankiing bttsiniess, for- eign extrhiuiieeseld, retters of credit procuredi fottraesselers uatroad. C. IH. iICHNI'OND. Fret. P. BArCH, V. es. S. on. CLAMiSON. Cashiler. S HOOL FOR DAMNCING Now open for receptioni of Puiiis. i New Styles in S LINEN COLLARS. SNew Effects in NECKWEARI. New Ideas jet WHITE SIRTS. WAGNER &CO. TAILORS AND FURSNISHERS. SHcindq e + &ERCOATJNGS. tyih SUITI NGS.