THE U. OF M. DAILY ONLY MONDAY. -- ONLY DEC.z4 FR~OM T TO"= 7-711=7 , A BENEFIT FOR ALL, +AT THE TWO SAMS.+ ALL NECK(WEAR AT ONE - HALF REGULAR PRICE, SEE WINDOW. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 'ONLY:" DEC. 15 and 16th. ANY StAT IN THE HOUSE FO------- Costing $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 at $1.85 at The Two Samns, see windowi. ov ercoats, Soits, Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes. A fol l ine are there. AT THE TWO SAMS_ 'SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 12 A TN T _A, O R - - - = 5:0 OFIT I 5 O -T- ALL ,THlE NEWEST SUADE S. The J. T. JTACOBS COMPANY. llARlio M o am Lallry, C 0DA L . GEORGE L. MOORE, (Moor Sccss ier) + + WORK CALLED TOE and DELIVERED.! FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Fall Line of all College Text Books, including Law aod Uldicce osbod~leys tacks. C'wtL ON Cheapest place toe NVote Boofst tool Foutais Peso in the eity. Freshmten crowdj in. ('owesalong SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. ~oldfrends. Snow hasve' my entire stock atatyttore on NO.6 S-.MAINI.ST. office. - 23 Sooth Fourth Ave. (Ns. 11 WEST WAshIINGtON S'lTREETl. GAO _-T. QI5RE WARSBOOKSAOTORE, DWNTOWN. G=-ILsrd'ow's EeyStudent will save nioney by butying University Text-Books antI all stuppliesoatt Ieadqunarters. We allow LIERIIACtK ANTD tAlAtlutl tLINtS, W BOKS 5MEDCALBOKSDI+ Orders tor trsins, paites, wedildinsig, etc., special discouint on LWBOMDCLtOKS IENAI BOOK, itnshort, every Boot tisedl iintithel prop tyttendedy toottie ttiesiy ,011111Bttik Books at loswest prices. 1lpon 5. ?I N. 1tMain St., o Pstpit ic MISS JUDITH GRAVES, EEADLIS 100K SORE I TIlECITY giQhnl Straight Qtit. THE WESTERN MICHIGAN COLLEF'GE Ap" to. 1 CIGARETTES. (Chatoered andsolstrtittatett.) Cigareette Smtokerss wosCEO.'A.I'i1D EEA72IDS, IVIC=-. are stilling to esy a little NO EDfrisFEAAOYCUSS reprssuntfoanclegorcc- marse titan te price Titccl tise o '115'rAy II 'tltS.Pepte tdtt ses yetlg rsl charsgedl tot the stdittoej sits sCOtLEGEt 0CO' tSttttr.I tr'ade ('igarettes, will inid bt s IISS '~JISh. Preesareoth le degrees andtt aitmo at ste troadest sultuee ands 'PtslsAsu tperiso lbshe'msttt taettetleeStlts. No1 ,2 all sthcrs. Poe its NOIRMAL AND TIEACHER2S'TRA'IiNING t)EFA'.dt'ENT. Special attention givens all The IRichmond Straigiht to prepassratiosn tforexamtinilonansd tothe. Cot N.ICigarettes are amade frotm the brigiht- Fotr its 1,tdiSC AND)'tNE Aid's'DEPART'dMENT.IS,S'econtd to Noe inthetttUntitedl Sttes est, moat dellentely euavored and highest eosntFtor its COMMt.5ERCI'AL. AND S'HORITHANI)D Di,ARIE'PN'S, te leasdinsosol otftusiness. Gold Leaf grosen in Virginia. Tis is the Old 1'ir te extessely mtodt.eate eapenise to stadens attensdinsg. 'Tshe epense aousnt ctin be fig- and Original lirand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, tired loer wititus than sit sisy sther educatiossal institustion in the coutrty, and at she and was brotughitant by as in the year 1875. same elate live well and cosmcortable. Everythsingcfarninhedt Beware at imitations, and observe that the A. VEREX, President. fean name an belon' in an every package. The ALLEN & GINTEERraneh Ot the American ToaccesCn., Jeffersonian Society. of their patrons with strict regard to Manstaeturern, .-.-SRichmond. Virginia. __qu ioality. "Iliah grsade'"idiamonsanttd other psrecious stotnes bring a personial tkjtjjjr; ja Xg~a*;.1 jke Last Thursday, at a regolar meet- "hobby" of Messrs. Roehsim & Son, Cstittfi,50.SnctastdJ'ofitd1751. ing of the ,jffersonian Society, the malrks this firta as I/e Gem dealers. MsicleStore. THlE - >E XCEa,S1() - l.AU