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December 12, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-12

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elf. of ITa .
Published Daily (undays excepted) during
the Coiee 3ear, by
Ar half past seven Thursday
morning, one huindred and three
persoiis stood its line at the post-
office waiting to get seats reserved
for tile Talnage lecture. Some of
theni had :been there sine twov
o'clock. A DAsIY representative
being curios, iquiredl the opinion
of actionle u)onlte present sys-
tem of reserviiig seats Te con-
sensus of opinions was agaiist it by
a large iiajority, the vote standing
75 to 25. We may take this as
shsowing the feeling of alt the meicis-
hers of the Lecture Assiciaion. No
trouble woli result, if the plai
followveid by the Coral Uiion were
adopted. The disorder which at-
tenoded the Stanley lecture last year,
mightl have been averted if the doors
had beeii opeed earlier. 'The will
of the majority soli be coislted,
antI in the preset case, a chaige
woil~d be nuch aplreciated by those
who are conipeledto( staid iii the
cold for four or five hours.
T'iiE folowitg was clippledlrim
one of the leadiig papers in ('hi-
7tooiil'tS TMES AT ANN Ainol. .
Tae Freshuman Eectint Boeni up by the
Upper Clusses.
ANN AuRBOR,.Mc., Dec. 5.-The
freshmlan election t-day fr'class offi-
cers was the scne of grat disrdr.
Seniors, juniors atd sopoumores were
present, and y constant jeerig finally
broke up tie meeting,wich adjorned
fr two hours to eliminate outside in-
terference. By this time tietupper
elasomen had received at inicrease in
numbers, and Preident Angel was
dinally sret for to preserve order. his
appearance, however, availed notinig,
as pasndemoniumn reigted as before,
andli11 was tie uibjet of as5 imuchl
"guyinlg"1ay resolttioi that was
offered. Adjourtnent was the ony
thing tiat cuild be filally tgeei upol.
The University is injured more by
false reports going the rounds of the
press, than fronm any tter cause.
We are particularly unfortunate in
having unmng us a reporter who, in
the strict sense of the word, is not a
stickler for truth. This correspond-
ent for two well-known papers in
Chicago and Detroit, in his eagerness
to get itenms, exaggerates the com-
inonest occurrences, so that they are
misleading and entirely out of pro-
portion. He is not a student and
this fact may in part account for
some of his rash and uncalled for
statements about university matters.
The above is a fair' sample of news

sent out fur the edification of the
general pulic. It is needless to say
that many people are prejudiced
against the Unisversity on account of
just such itenis as these. A chroni-
cle of events as they actually occur
is. perfectly legitimate, but willful
exaggeration atlvays leads to harmful
results. We, as wcell as the entire
comniinity, woulid te pteased to
see a change in the attituide of local
corresponidents towcaruds the Uiver-
sity. ___

91HV ot rtss.
11v e iceived for tihe opening of eollege 20,000 Books, new and seeoiid
hanmd of all kinids, Greek, Latitn, French, German, Law anid Medical Books,
wshich they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Matheinatical Inistruments and Laboratory suipplies. See ouir N ote Boos
too tilt 2
Is the LEAINGteSCHOOL oI o l rno SQ

tNotices isertedi is this columnu it the rate - ' : F oser drpartmns-Cootnetcsi a l Out-1'51555
of i0oeentosereluse. Special rates toe lonrer 't, 4 or misnscreipttoorh-&szgish. Sisort-ihaodtan
titme, ansd retlines furisboed lip appingseat .' Pe ornmaship. Elegant buililargesotat-
the DAIsY OCcii -1 ___ t dasee, eiit instruoctors, workTis or-
For ~usid~y (Sisis. teastifl Hnoiough, living expenses tremelyino, 02.2051to
For oliay ood. Bautiul and 0 pr wek; tudntsassste topositions.
Painted Articles, cheapest Plusho Goods iu0proehsdnsaeoe t For eatalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President..
in the city, and iiatiy useful anii ortia-
mntalttiings, gis to Mms. M. Ponsd's ..r--.--------t '--1 __
State street store. (GlaiidiOpening Oii__ff~' i n IGH tuAN I.ENTLL
Westiesi~tyand his-suly. The fNiagara FalsRout.
'Tse BosoniHterualsd gives the fulow- JAS. At STS FFORl)
big sboust 1Marie Deccesi, whoi appears 4
here' Moisday evenling: Mtile D~ecli TIMETABLE (REVISEDI NO-VEMiiEIi, 05. iSN
siiiply (selighted tier auisoeince siiiihcar- 1J. Al. ST-AFFOiRD) CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.
riedl all prsent i'iicapivesbiy tier magnigosi-
icent vosasi gifts. She is a in iger w'hoi .FINtE Thlo Loader EASTrWARD. _
stans as ismilileit ini the list of ii
worlsis artists 5aslily hieardi hoeein tile'ill Fiso~s in toaiOEtMii Dayshe"NYi's xAlt.
last sies-ashi' Giftedi soithi a voice of Cp ,15--o --bAs
reinaoks-iile rantge sanlsinguilairly exveni TvQ1df 5f .seielatuTail- clsA, ~. 3M 'A.122P. 0 PM.iPM P.5 i .lS9 550
ini its idcvehliment, faultlessly true and "7S~ .Y1 . '' Jaelsons.....0025I i 1 11 0
purie iin aitits tistes, sue maklhes it per- o ii1in g.F 1 in 0 Chele..... 3 °9... ..... 5 S 7 I (i0
foris allttshesiem inds if the most ilt- lie4 f ie extr...... 145........ 5 to'2 1
cult esosshsusitiuouus-,ithi a grace aiidh/lianne of0 5ISl"et c 41
esse that i5ishusitivelSre'fresiig. The 1Ypsrilanti... . '3! 0 so ..5 90,i6uss0130'.tii
"Queens ofthue Night"' ssoig hissseldom ''f ~\ Goods t eetwayse June 5-...... 6 3'i.3
sue gulve it, andi as for the "Pearl of CalI A VtolArui itid5A7.5 us2'M-ii 5 52
ttraxiliaria. io singer hils tipproched , 500slio . u.is' 40 W iu7.135 0s 55
the D~ecca ini singinog it. a flne fitting-
Slices foomh at the D)AItLY Office. ' Suit. WESTWARD. -
Nesw'Tirne-Cuards fosr the Motor Liiie, SAIN.Dete Chi. ii. 1hr PaNt Mas
shsowiing cianiges which take effect to- 19 S. MAIN ST., No. 19 Exp iosi. aSp Lxp (Lim ho, Ace.
slay, Dee. 12, call be hiad at A. L. ! __'' - ~--I--- _
,(bl's sore.ARaBORf, 'Mcai.S. iHiati Str'eet. Buffalo ii Os 20(63009451 3d's 1255(suGO
Monusiyonl, De - 4, st Te Tvo Detoit iLe..,802 ' 7d1 20 58 009 5 15 900415
'Sanms, all Neckwear at J regular price WayseJuac 9 00 ......... 8 35 9 -55 5 S1I
Momiday oinly. See wiiulw. -*.-ste s-"" jYpsilanti-....tO22SiS150205 905H' ....'10 15 5 40
ANNTARBOR.. 9 558Sd"2 19 9510ita1S1002 SE
On i.Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. Delhi Sills.. 0 4.)......S937..Si -. ..
1-5 amid 1i, amnylist ini the hlouse for naer..... enie ..s. ..... 9 - 45 _._.. io265(7
$1.85, costing $2.50, $3.01),X3.510 amid ~g Cheisea.....1010-..I..95...-.110l7t61i
w'ewse-s~-so~'Jaekson..... 1100003503,4 1041111 5sot 50
$4.00 for $1.05 two days only, at the P__________________ .. . . soA.M. .. A.A t
Two Samms. See window. Buy your CLIclago, Ar. 7OS 3 55 9 siO 050 4500 t 55 11ii5
Overcoats atid Suits, Smsoking Jackets U. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES,
amid Lobes at the Two Sams. GLRAIND OFPERA EOTJSE 0 .&T .Gia gtAnih
LOST-A silver nioumitsd fountain G._P________________________________o
pemo. hnitials S. C. G. engraved upon
it. Fimiuer please returnl to DAILY Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
office or to S. C. Glidden .
The fimest display ever made here iniip( Michigan Railway.
this city imi ruogs, call be seen ill the Monday Eve., Dec. 14, 1891. rims' Card in effect Deeemhere6,l189
Shiow wsiiidows of Musrtisn Haller. Arvlo risa n ro ny
Handsome desigmis in Moqmuette, Wit- Aeei0 ute saAio so
tots, Byzsintinie, Smnyrniauamd Fur. For---
Chriotmsas lie maknes special low prices. cots0 00000.
Is the other shiow windiow is just as No. 0. Sail ansd Expres.. .......27stt. m
hiaulsme uhsphy ii hrlhseies ~No. 3. TPosoce, Ann Arbor Aeom..52 00 miusss
wedsmea keey n pwaers, cue- E .) C sNo. 5. MailiPassnager ......4 25p.m.
minle sindusilk curtains. best Q No 00100ilOPaseeng
Dot tforget wNokep.swullrsPaesteoger . 1108..a. ou
quality, $3.50 to $4.2-5. Malck & Schimisd. No. 4. Mlail Exspress .......8 401p. m
Lashes? Mackimntoshes ill beautiful No. 6. Pasosege, Toledo Amcom.7 t~.
varieties, joist received at Shack "Tihe American Jenniy Lnd," Teains 3 ansd 10rusn betweess AnunAsrboe aiid
Selinid's. -Totedaoeiny.
Hot anid cold batlis 10 cetits, at Poot -aN- All Trains Daily except Sunsday.
Office Barber Shoup. W. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD,
Fuhl inie tiew' style collars, 4 ply, 15e SONG 'PEC~ITAL Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent.
or 2 for 2,5. Stack &, Schimid.
$1.95-800 silk umbrellas worth $3.50
to $4.50, marked $1.95 at Mack & Udeth agmnto
Ladies of the U. of M. will dund it FRANCIS - LEON - CHRISMAN
greatly to their advatage to call oH us -Q,-l
when-imslineed of Cloaks, Dresa Goods1
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Scbmid. Hotel Aberdeen, Twenty-first Street and
A new line of Neckwear just received Broadway, New York.
and no better styles will be found into
town. You will aay they are ona-half __
the price you pay fur them elsewhere.
Mack & Schimid. Prices, - 35, 50 and 75 Cts. , j c K
T ALM1AGE, TO-MNIGT. Seams on Sle at P. O. News Stand.____________




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