THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE ,PEOPLE.: - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. NVew Worcrooiis, - - - - - - - - - Corner off- Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball'" by placing a fire stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILLI ASTONISH YOU. Find N7JUiismY's Mvy~c Som 25 South Forurth Avenue. City. Take a eamera wlith You Whens yu so losr o r Chrlli'iis as. iISY ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ElSTABLISHsED)1lieu ICOURSE, oiie yeat. Thtee full terms requliredl. Terms begin, September, Janary aiid Marcel. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. hlCrp of Intrutors ad Lourom Degree of LL. B. Conferred. NOB3LE IS MAKING AN ELEGANT DSISPLAY OFI SMOKING JACKETS -AN i- NOVELTIES -:-IN -:-NECKWEAR FOR THE HohdayS, ---- -FrHIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New Goods, new lull Goods, lieuwWiniter Goodls, Frill Dress Suitins, Silk Vestins, Overcootiiigs, Londons Suitirigs. Troiuserinigs a specialty. Largest aid roost complete stock is the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and exainre. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Mais. CA LKLNS' PHARMACY. Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the Doss or Secretary, I ALBANY, -N. Y. R L ,JLLY c00.,' "ELAND AIL I' { tttGIzEf±S' &JIZ lIESm Lee Orders foresll ATHLETIC + GOODS. I4Yl TYPE ITING. SAll tinis orfIWork boahr' ol t'o~iuecsixAV(Ir. T ( ,1\N GET Chemical Physical Apparatus til5 c oo.' °r A. I). SEYLEIENVIABL O~IDBI'YJL0 1ttTDE 'llau,"Ossa'elolo Cap.lom aiouse.r 06G I, TiiI L "a'iiI?'TuOtlol oic fror en i lnutes.You wll surelyisee rioo. ive o rlot dinnr rSundays. 'Special FIIOTOGRAPIIRRL NO. 12 W. HURON ST. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS E. 0. NEW3S STND Nervepapers, Magazines, Periodicals, rfine" ,onrections, Cigars and Tobaoco. I:TO ILLIARD PARLORS HIGHFIRETESTOIL.Elegantly refitted daring the pest summer, 111191 FIE TES 011Nice lunch counter ins connection. Oli RtED STAR" Oil is 15 Fire Toot, while the present State test is BTS&HZEOD ondy l~ppOUT HZEOD "REt) STARl"burns without clharrirng wick, eu-nits no oiler or smoke, STATE STREET, ANN ARIBOt. glees a clear white light, arnd is absolutely safe. Retailed at the sarme price as low teat oils iii this niarket. I --T EA G S-- N. 1.-This Oil cars be obtained only at our Store No. 44, Main St.. Sorith. .TEAGS- ___________________________________________J01__3A ircs snless. TECMU. and thic bolidaoy rececss will bleginl FIRST NATIONAL BANK _I'sursday ceeingsiof next sweek. 0ofANN ~uf Pirof. Scoitt is coniflinedl t llo Iihish ue ' ilr. Wa'lkec, Ilit '90, whio 11as a1 calital, 0115,lolll, Surplus anl Profits, $30,000.1irnat trnrlbnig uies o. by i lliis. ilosition with a Iln is alo demchrlaiige'aso, leticirs of ciedit pracured test this evenIing. iii.' I flis0111 1frieindus w:r l d111 to 1. . wIM N. PAiu' . 110111eN. 5ie lTe l)lli'lt 1,01111 swill g l il sc 101 lnetanir'ent x N( dv" iht Mliss M r dre uChll , of Lanlsillg, smOedicl',s tuietsl5experiml'eted uith I Is visitiing friends in tile I'niivl'rsityi. tl rgll5lr-1tllgl~~i~l.~ IP U hfD l \ JU l. w10' rafford las heein cc-electellld fet wr sedig~ilir IUI1UI ~t ~U1 . I il rsfoot-hall ('altinilfor nxlest ing 111 instuci'tive.' yeasr. #houow o11n1'oofreceptioniloilPupls 'lis eeeioo f olt al i. Altii wlslercy 1loll, tile u arius tiiltlers "",- for inext vear will blie lriviSolu~day 1., . - I 1o'rllck. for sloeiplripose 110 0g11a110g Pirof. Kelse ricleire elIislco lax',tetmeaceqetol over cclive hundllredIl'lgrai\iligs dilrerttleIiueoselicii. froisiIoic. ThI' eisemocrotic Societ1' 11s Ibeen Rl'i n20is5to lie fiNell up afleri'cimplel led1 to lpostploileits slleetillg1 till. style iiof Roo1m1 I:,luir 11t1h1-urlihih 05st) love ocrcurredl to-niugli, holiday 0(10011. 1unti lnest 'W\edniesday , ibecause (of 'loc M. I..Susday School Ioard tsloe roooo heingsp ~oken for lice. cc-elected oll their 0111 officrs 11)1 I Ll}). the coining year. IThe hrohibition luboslwill hsold a 1r Vc \aughsasnis ropidly 90101119 a noectong1;Mondoy evenin g in tsle law reputation omonomgsloenmesdicol st lecture ronom. l3olard, Croziec sod dents as a capital story teller. Evans will discuss the principles, A bullctin board has been lout up snake-up amod outlook of thse Prolli- in thse ball of Newberry Hall. Alsobioopat.Alnved a stand, chess men asd board in the All members of the Elite Terpol- reading roonm. chore are requested to meet at The friends of A. H. Covert will Granger Hall on Saturday morning, be pae to hear that he is some- Dec. 12th, at p o'clock, as there is what better, though his illness stillimotnbunesobeaedd confines him to his room. to. Please meet promptly at g o'clock and we shall detain you but Regular lectures will he delivered a few minutes. By order of the fin the law department to-morrow, manager. i7 I.IN'NCOILIARIS. + New Effects in K ECKiWEARI New Ideas in j" W11ITE STIRTS. WAGNf R &CO* TAILORS AND FU'RNISHERS, }hand gme + OVERCOATINGS. SUITINGS.