THE U. OF M. DAILY NEW. THE COAT DRESS SHIRT 4. 4. 4 FROM O "s. %ATQVT TlTK-j SATURD'-AY NIGHT, DECEMBER 12 Ai CH IY OF-:"---- AT THE TWO SAMS. OPERA OVERCOATS AND DRESS SUITS. ALL TI TELEPHONE No. 199. AT THE TWO SAMS. The J. T. J ENIWI ST SHADES. 1ACOBS COMPANY. A Ardorii Qpm haurfvu l C O A LT GEORGE L. MOD VtSuccessor to Aili nivi JLUUII JU~utlJ '.~> ~y ~L~a. 'L~l2 (,oor, &Tberj + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, AFltieoalClegTxtBoinuding Law andI Molieasl /Ioohsby the Starts. CALL o Cheapest place for Note Boots and Fountain Peai in the city. Freshmen crowd ir. Come along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. I \2 SteT=R ll criends. I noe have mey entire slack at msorle on No. 6 S...M AIN,_ST~ Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11i WEST WASHIINGTON STREET. C n1O.RL. vOO07-, WTTAHR'S BOOKSTORE, DO "N iTOWN. G-ILI-1s SoQW'S Emecry Student wiii save money by bulying Ulniversity Text-Books and all supplies at Ileadqeuarters. We allosu! 'OE~devo Iee teIACKs, poTicsGGEsl LINE d. spiecildiiscounlt on LAW BOOKS, MEI)ICAL BOOKS.,I)ENTAL. BOOKS, ini short, every Blook used in thle I 1promptl attensded to. tiliv ersity. 5,M0l) Blan~k Books at lowest prices. 1Teletehooc s.8.21]1N. Nain St,oep. Peal (office. 4C~ C:>E:C-!,! X~r L33LXiLi MISS JUDITH GRAVES, LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. H Iighest Gradles Tasght. Alpply at Stilesy'a IQhlfl1flId Straight QcP. A War ot Words. Full Dress Suits. THKE - XCEL SIOR - IAUIrVlIti Neo. I Hasll the imprteeeadl machiney, steelis Ipre. CIGA ETT S. l-uirrow sigt thre s 10be ade sit lle stleess weerosted, cstlanti paced teeos etu est *elawo ko u ea h orstno tl'so-morrloilwil night therel tye, lce isseoees toel 1ct1 se uae eca- CIGA ETT S. tinlnedill he ostapprvedsty e ice ecssssteestsl workscthurne tSaedy.N iactc tole e 'tis ery amuoisiog aned instrucotie criter- Psrirtesf reyasona11(leieraitlyw$or10 See TO aad -i aeesNo-I ae isng the p ya ite i l tino thle uso11 of ss lirolloln l l- r. Itsesgsteii, at C(iee os e 150, Fri- . .CIIJT si - mhoregedn eroesltTceilit lewilbowofl . M. MARTIN, cagdfrthe ord 5inar tetlcooe lt tcce e d a , ,th .ein st . l e wl e a e -fullI im ~ t,..o ncna~txacw~ltfin . lcrcontst b twe n th l t5'55 an li e f ssslecanrss iessseehoet s see4DE fR.I Tub ssAsDtssperior to salothers. tO The ltichmondl Straight Cat No.1I Cigarettes see matdeteems the hight- cot, moat delicately flavoede and highestteast Gold Leaf grows in Virginia. This it the Oldl and Original Brand af Stesight Cat Cigarettes, and was hrought oat hy at is the year 1075. Biewsreo1 imitatios, and ohserve tisat the trm name at helowe in an ever package. The ALLEN & GINTER Brsnch 01 the American Tohaceo Co., Msanufacturers, - - Richmond. Virginia. Caepital$500. Sat-pilusuetd Profits, $17,100. Does a general Banking husiness. Pays in. teeest on Saving Dieposits. Hasotafety Deposit tBoxes toe Rent. Ri. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. ISELOEE, Cashier. Bank seen Satsrdav evening. Ann Arbor Savings $ank Ass Arhor Mick. Capital Stock, $50,000, Surplus, S$100.. Organised under the General Bankhing Laws at this state. Receives Deposits, busy and selt exchange on the peincipal cities o1 the Cnited Statet. Draftsaceshed utpots proper dentification. Officers: CnHsoSAN MACK, Pres., W. D. HARRIAsNt. vice es., CHAt. N. HISCOeCK, Cashier. T8LE ORIG=N'.3Zd. SPOONS B.AT. Win. Arnold's, 36 Main Street. 4ANDALT1 FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 30 t Huroneetl SHORTHAND AO~s= IT WILL FAT TOP .Shurthand Schanl, New Building, 205 Snuth. Stste Street. I lawo departmuents. leerItie ps few submsit tie esntire hune of tile GoldiensCloth Ca skets, 1Vetallic paI Eagl e, Detroit. Those conteimplatinsg ANS) CeeMMON COFF INS. tlas iost oclc hae lceo trilib oriderinlg anytiing in the elothsing liii, tli liilprpriosfrtewill els well to see tihis line J. A. POLHEMUS, comling contest which pronmises 10 Announcement. Alo'UHCK NDIA AOlNE be a spriritcd one, The winnelr is Noreth Main Street. to b awrdeda Wltscrs tcrca- I am imakiing great preparations for tobeawrdd Wbsers ntrn-(histmas, and~ will show tse finest line RINSEY & SEABOLT, tional D~ictionary. of goods ever displasyed in tisis city. Bakern and dealers in - ~~ My su~ccess illtile past year, ansi es- Groceries, Provisions,F lour and Feed, pecially this fall, has encouraged me 6__ asel 8E. Washington St. The University of Pcnnsylvania to enlasrge my stock. Look ont for hsjs eu h osrcino etwe' detsmn _HALLER two new buildings, to cost $140o,000. MARpeTfIiy, .~t They arc designed especially for the ----f.Relearing aspeciclty. 46 SUTHMN STss. use of the classcs in mechanical and Students!1 Just the Thing. -~ D TMO eiectrical engineering, and wili also A thsousandI tmile book over the T'., ' S. D UISOeN rceSONS accommodlate a cecntrai plant for A. A. & N. M. RKy ans ifltteesnether ralroadls, for twenty diollars ($20.00), Stitdentspat-enageespecially solicited. furnishing steam-heat and electric gooti e whole year. You tcll travel 2i40.. STATE STREE'T. light to oll of the nineteen euniveroi- for ta-u cetsts a nsile. Jusht thse thinlg t y'T'esene buldigsfor vacatione, reachiig Chsicssgo, Buftfalo ty bulig.bhs e bidn Clovelansd, Ciinalti, Iniaiinaptolis, arc macit tecessary by the rapid St. Lithisacid nmeroisothser polints For salie at use T1. & A. A. dlepot. growth of lteisgincering classes at Ri. S. GENWO, thec University, the neumber of stu- ;; -_t- " dents oncreasing about thirty pcr FOUND.--Ots(atuis, Lady's Watth cent evr yar.Owner insay have saume by provinig 71 Fort St.. Wae.t - Detroit. Mich. cn.eey yer property andl p ayinig for this adlvertise- -I0"selt. PARLDON, 14 Medic. '93 Lit. Meeting. Teteheatre goers will be pleased to learn Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street NOTIC.-'T'here will be a meeting of the returis of Ida Van Cortlanid andi of '92 Lit. Saturday, at z p. in., in hler superb cotmpansy. They will hlold) Railway. Room A. PRESIDENT. thse boards at Granld Opera H~onse all I Time tahle taking effect Octoher 4, 1051. ________ this week, inclsiding matinlee 0on Satur- - ~day afternooni. This company is much Leave Anns Arteorefrom court Hose at 6.15, U. of M. Buttons, 50 cents each, and stronger sand have added several new 7.A9 210-501aas:.ansd 1.10, 1 20, .50, 500 with class year, 75 cents each. We ade plays since thley were here last season.:65'82,95,2'0p n the only makers of the three-eighth They opened Monday evening with Leave YpsilantiatS6 oS, 7.lh75, IS0,10S3, a. in., inch hutton, with correct colors and Galley Slave. Some excellent plays and I 12.1.0, 3.30, 6 0,8.00, 9.3110 Opso. polishled enamel. They don't fade or later on among which we may men- SUDY IETABLU. soil, and last folrever. Sent postpaid tion the old English comedy, The Leave Ann Arhor team Court Hoame at 1.20, upnrcitof price. Students are HoneymooneorHwow to Rule a Wife,on 35 .,(50' , sSISa tati ..0m.os. upon receipt Leave Ypoihs t10, 1.30, 510,. a.0. 8.10, invited,.to. visit us when - ina town. Fnidisy evening. Damon and Pythias,a, .3o. Prehm1&WSosdJwde Dtro ircus l an Oliver Twist are "likely to lttract 1(t arn run on cilts Time. coupon tickets, 10 Pr,21Wowrav.Deri. Iconsiderable attention. cents. Far sole by eandiuetors.