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October 06, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-06

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AT. W1i i j.

VOL. II.-No. 6.
A Partial List of the Entering Class.
Abberton, U. S., Marlette, Mich,
Aggeler, W. T., Ribonerville, Cal.
Axford, L. L., Holly, Mich.
Atwell, W. A., Detroit, Mich.
Ashley, A., La Grange, Ill.
Armitage, E. C., Odell, Ill.
Albers, Gerritt H., Overisel, Mich.
Bodwell, Edward J., Lyndonville,Vt.
Bordeau, James A., Butte, Montana.
Bress, William, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Blaire, Isadore D., Baltimore, Md.
Barker, S. W., Morley, Mich.
Buchanan, Frank R., Dexter, Mich.
Bresler, Eugene A., Detroit.
Bulow, William J., Moscow, Mich.
Barhart, Marvin E., LogansportInd.
Beggs, W. M., Los Gatos, Cal.
Brothers, Elmer H., Decatur, Ind.
Bagley, Edgar E., Zanesville, Ohio.
Billings, Harley H., Williamsport,
Binford, E. F., Marshalltown, Iowa.
Beale, Fred W., Terre Haute, Ind.
Benson, Mary E., Milwaukee, Wis.
Butzel, H. M., Detroit.
Burd, W. J,, Saginaw.
Burd, J. A., Saginaw.
Bente, Henry K., Otterville, Mo.
Burns, Fittshugh, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Bumphner, Eugene W., Three
Rivers, Mich.
Brown, Darius P.. Topeka, Kan.
Bruce, Otto J., Winamac, Ind.
Banland, Wm. P., Kansas City, Mo.
Bennett, Ernest, P., Fort Scott,Kan.
Bean, Edward J., Irodale, Mo.
Brittain, Joseph C.,New Galilee, Pa.
Bickley, Ulysses F., Hamilton, Ohio.
Brough, Bern. T. Toledo, O.
Baird, J. E., Ferrysburg, O.
Baker, L. L.. Gruly, Ia.
Bowen, F. L., Grand Rapids, Michi.
Burnett, J. L., Canandagua, N. Y.
Burchard, G. H., Vermillion, S. Da-
Butler, T. W., Fort Gratiot, Mich.
Bither, E. IL., Oakdale, Ia..
Barras, A. C., Escanaba, Mich.
Brown, A. S., Cnicago, Ill.
Campbell, R., Jackson, Mich.
Clough, B. T., Corey, Pa.
Clough, T. M., Corey, Pa.
Crawford, B. B., Olympia, Wash.
Cox, L. A., Malta Bend, Mo.
Cutler, W. S. Jackson, Mich.
Campbell, F. G., Grand Rapids.
Champagne, P. B., Merrill, Wis.
Coleman, E. G., La Crosse, Ind.
Conroy, Wm. R., South Omaha, Neb.
Crosby, J. J., Oxford, Pa.
Crawford, F., .Coldbrook, N. H.
Chadmon, C. E., Conneaut, Ohio.
Carlock, S. J., Atlauta, JII.
Cook, C., OQosso, Mich. -
Carson, 0. H., Ann Arbor.
Crall, 1). A., Rineard, Ill.
Clark, J. W., Massillon, Ohio.
Cross, . ringlake, iebi
Coiemn,. , Indiana, Pa.
Cuinipai, t B., Keptland, Id.
Crowe, Z., ort Huron, Jkich.
Cooper, R. St., Kdkosio, Id.
Cleland, R. J., Cooperaville, Mich.


Chappell, F. L., Cooper, Mich.
jChandler, A. E., Belton, Mo.
Caldwell,E. N., Battle Crek, Mich.
Cooper, W. S.. Lawrence, Ohio.
Clay, G., Whitehall, Ky.
Calkins, H. U., Kearney, Mich.
Dutcher, F. E., Newberry, Mich.
Davis, G. N., Terre Haute, Ind.
Davis, M. L.. Waterford, Penn.
Dial, C. N,, Olympia, Wash.
Deming, A. W., Olympia, Wash.
Dwyer, V. R., Detroit.
Danhof, J. J., Grand Haven, Mich.
Dayton, C. L., Berlin, Mich.
Dentler, G. A., Constantine, Mich.
Dougherty, H., Treaty, Ind.
Dougherty, L., Wabash, Ind.
Donnellan, T., Oakland, Cal.
Duvall, D. C., Garnett, Kan.
Dedrick, C. E., Fort Rown, Ont,
Estey, J. G., Fall City, Cal.
Ellingson, O., Webster, Ia.
Eckert, G. E. S., Mendota, Ill.
Ebbans, W. H., Marble Cliff, O.
Elting, V. N., Yonkers, N. Y.
Elwell, H. S., Cheboygan, Wis.
Fowler, T. L., Manistee, Mieh.
Fisk, E. A., Hlymer, Kan.
Fennelly, P. V., Surrey, Eng.
Ford, E. E., Kansas City, Kan.
Spiels, W. H., Graytown, O.
Fitzer, W. C., Climers, Ind.
Friedman, C. K., Toledo, O.
Fitch, D. HL., Battle Creek.
Fletcher, G. A., Ypsilanti.
Faulkner, A. J., Covengton, O.
Gower, E. B., Odell, Ill.
Gordon, W., Oak Harbor, O.
Glick, F. F., Marshalltown, Ia.
Gaule, G. E., Paris, Ill.
Grundy, L. G., Morrisonville, Ill.
Gibson, A. E., Ann Arbor.
Gard, H. V., Marshall, Ia.
Gardner, H. W., Lansing.
Griffin, T. P., Saginaw.
Griffin, W. E., Pondunkville, Ill.
Goss, E. B., Rockford, Mich.
Graves, C. H., Oak Harbor, O.
Griffin, F. J., Omaha, Neb..'
Giltner, W. H., Eminence, Ken.
George, L., Warren, O.
Gaffey, T. J., Watsonville, Cal.
Howe, H. B., Lydonville, Vt.
Hotchkiss, E. P., Burr Oak, Kan.
Hurd, P., Abilene, Kan.
Hitchcock, A. K., Florence, Arizona.
Hatham, F. H., Livingston, Mont.
Harrington, J., Keokuk, Ia.
Harvey, E. P., Henry, Ill.
Halloway, W. L., Kirkland, Mo.
Hart, C. K., Brookfield, Mo.
Howard, R. A., Ann Arbor.
Herminghauson, F., Madison, Ia.
Hoadley, G., Streator, Ill.
Tllenbeck, W. T., Marshall, 111.
Hull, E. N., White Sulphur Springs,
Hindman, A. C., $erlington, Ind.
Hempstead, H.; St. ,Charles, Mo.
Boy, J. B., Lockford, Ill. }
Eurspool, J. ., Otsego, Mich. j
Hunter, J. $., JIuntspwn, Mo.
H atot, 19. $.,, Middletown, P. z
Hungate, 0. E., Topeka, Kan.
Harns, L. F., t. Clinton, O. 1
Hegner, H. D,, Sewickley, Pa.

Hawes, G. E., Battle Creek.
Houren, WV., Jackson.
Ito, A., Ehime, Japan.
John, T., Provo, Utah.
Johnson, M., Germantown, Ken.
Jones, F. G., Crystal Lake, Ill.
Johnson, E. L., Norfolk, Neb.
Jefferson, L. W., Watsford, Cal.
Janet, H. W., Nebraska City, Neb.
James, J. H., Urbana, O.
Johntz, J. E., Abilene, Kan.
Jones, L. C., Uniontown, Pa.
Jeffries, A. W., Romansfield, Pa.
Kotetawa, T., Oita Ken, Japan.
Kohler, A. H., Moline, Ill.
Kenworthy, S. R., Rock Island, Ill.
Kochnig, J. II., St. Marys, O.
Keeler, W. E., Denver, Col.
Kerr, A. W., Lake Linden, Mich.
Kniper, G., Grand Rapids.
Yale's hoot-Ball Team.
Yale will have to find a good man
for center, as Holcomb and Lewis,
the men she used in that position
last year, will not return. The
giant guard, Heffiefinger, almost the
whole strength of the Yale middle,
has returned and will play again this
year. Stanley Morrison, the other
guard, will be back. With these
old and able players to steady a new
man up it ought not to be very diffi-
cult for McClung to find an accept-
able centre. Both the ends, Crosby
and Hartwell, have returned, as has
also Wallis, a tackle, Barbour,
quarter back, and McClung and
Bliss, half backs. This shows that
a new man will have to be found for
the vacancy created at tackle by the
graduation of Captain Rhoads, and
this will be the hardest hole to fill,
and a man to take position vacated
by the other Morrison at full back.
Mills, who played several games on
the line last year, ought to be able
to fill Rhoads' position, while Slay-
back, the noted Wesleyan full back,
who has entered Yale, is a promis-
ing man for the back field vacancy.
That Yale should win every game
but the one with Harvard (a doubt-
ful fight) goes without saying. With
so many of Rhoads' caaefully trained
men as a nucleus to build from,
Yales team ought to be very strong.
J. A. C. Hildner.
instructor in German, entered the
class of 'go from the Detroit High
School. He was a member of the
editorial staff of the Chronicle in his
senior year, and also a # egnber of
,the first Castalian board. He also
Ield. the 9ffic Of clas historin.
Last year he was principal of the
Hancock (Mich.) High School.

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