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December 09, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-12-09

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NEW . -- -1~JATRS
AT THE TWO SA M S. Cargo of Ncckwcariust lcived. b
SGood Value it $1.00, tiut Will bie Sold for 50ce and 75e.
1~~A nComes tor
NThe J. T. Jacobs Company. &
OPER OVECOAT AN DRES SUTS.Headquarters for Gnts' Furnishings.
Aa Arlior tamiiLUnif~y, COAL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (More&Taier)+ +
WORK CALLED FOR and TDELIVER"D. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL A Fol Line of all College Text Boos, including Law 11101Mdial Bootoly the stcs.
CALL oN Cheapet plce foe Note Boosoanod Fontai Pens in the eity. Fehmenrowd i. Come along
SPCILRAE -T TUETS Jvf S2tAEBl R old feend. I now hae my entie slek at my sine on N. 6S..MAINST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. Nt. 1i WEST WAo~tINOTON STREE. I. fO E
EeyStuident will save nioney by buyinig University Text-Books and all suplis alIHeadqua~rters. 0WedecaleeocotsIpEticsKAND dddGGGsLet.,
special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. D)ENTAL BOOKS, ini shrt, every Book tieil in the otp Ilysattndd t.
Uniiversity. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. ep o Bz NMans.op reofi.
LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. ItHighet Gades Taught. Apply a1 Wiley,
giQIhmand C Stracight Qclt I Wbster Socey ofices of the idirector and his assist-(TruE - XC~lslsOM - JAV1NSRV
No.1- ant and a large roomi with an elevated Haaalhe imtcasemanchiey, aot is trece
ETES Alre'nuniber of students of thec arti otneo fi las k o sn ort nloy-
CIRETTE r. ctark for training. On tie other Plices Cmrciatlcutod sout octed.No
Cigaette smokect who vari~ous iepartmients of the tUniveroFatHnErar+ u ltP, ia.
,ae wiling to toy alittle flssmleoon ors are rooms for boxing, fencing, '5Es scot..,1' )OTT lpilc
sore than the pricenct sebe in tie a lecture 0. M.MtiART~IN,
thrteCigrethes,1wilSd, lst1igh,0t.her rofomsoland a fine bae bait cage extending 'S ~tI
tae o getoete, or dto heroocye
J Tts Btone superior to Notinae entire length of tie building. Clth1 Caskets, Metallic
.11others. LathanAbbott's address on °Stu- h une scnncelwihte ANtI llMMON CFFIN.
The Richmond Straight TofaneLaw cnille wDicke
Cut No.l Cigarettes are madefrm the bright- dents o a nDcens' Novels a lo-o-iegynsu'y t . OHMS
et, most delately favored and highestcest mi loro h gmaimbyaJ's OHMS
Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. This the Old whicih was delivered unier the 00ahusets-a--"F.TX i".'.
and original Brand of Straight Ct Cigarettes covered passage. Th raes t 1' E R
and was brougttot yus inthe year 1875. Dices of tilt Webster Society. Pro- l~ a engve otedtisASO 'BUS FHACK AND BtAGGAGE LINE.
Beware of imitations, and observetht the tEtirekhs Mainive tottreeLil
firm. same as elow innsn every pankge fessor Abbott prefaced hils address andhMinSret
The ALLEN & tGINTER Branch ae of the construction, adit s believed RIY&SAOT
Oafactheerse-aRcTondeVirginia. n ptoeo Iikeserythat the gymnastic facilities here are Bkers and deaer is
Maseseares. . ichond Vigina.career, showing how the great novel -
4'. i. ~ it bcam affliaed o te lgalnow practically as good as anywhere Groceries, ProvisionsFlour nd Feed,
~pofsso andhhhonvhhsaht with itsin the coutry, although thereor
Capital. 00. spacped Profts, $SI70. .poesonadcnesatwt-t other gymnasiums on wich morelK J. HA L LER ,
Does a general Banking husiness. Pays In- ways. The address was interspersed mnyhsbespt.I w=h
terest on Saving Deposits. Han safety with selections from Dickens' divers moe-a enset
Deposit Boats for eaLt. I tlspairig a speilitty. 4 iStiOU T AIN ST.
. KEMPE., Pres. F. H. BELsE, Cashier. works and at its conclusion Prof. The Champions of the Northwest. _______- -
Bak se Strdy rela. Abbott receivetd a burst of well. remngeetfrante Ier J. D. CTMOI & l
An ro aigsB k merited applause. The Ann Arbor I- State stre Goes
Ass Actor Mic. Capital Stek, sasnes. .- should nake every effoft to meet Sae Gers
Srplas. 81V.50. banjo and guitar club followed with 'pssbe pSuetptrolage esp eeally solicited.
Organized under the General Bnkig Laws o Ann Arbor, at least, and ifpsile0tdet 4 S. STrATE STREET.
o1 thin state. Receives Depostn, hays ad a selection and received a hearty Cornell.ThgaebtenCr
sells exchange on the principal eities uof theThgaebtenCr
nted States. Drafts ashed upos proper encore. 'The programme was closed nl n h l-nvriysasi
idetiieation. Offcer:nianlheAlUiesiytasi
CnISoTmo Macn. re., with a spiritetd controversy on tileCicaoTnkgvgdyws,
W. D. HxARIMA..Vice Pres..CicgThnsvngdywaa
CHAS. . HRssvuu, Cashier, subject: 'Resolved, that the lasyer brutal affair, anti a disgrace to the
rx oWz=GIxN.I= should be a politician," in which sport-utterly unlike the big colleg
IlJ(Of M~1J lessrs. A. Gravelle and A I Loeb games played in New York that day
upheld tie affirmative and negative For downright meanness and slug- 171 Fort St.. West, - Detrot Mich.
mI~oOTI .A2' sides respectively. An informal ging abilities the Chicago team dis-__
36MaSreode ,'isusonfllwd counts our oldI foes, the Minuso- Ann Arbor and Y'sianti Street
Cornell's Gymnasum. ta. Chicago ought to be the scneRalway.
A N D A Lot a first rate game between two t 'ime tale akisg effect Octoer 4, 191.
~VL. ~The annex to the Cornell gymna- undergraduate teams Thbanksglvitg J, ve.4jza 4ettrfrom CorS Hossec at Slt5
al sum will be ready for use by the day, and we beieve tat if aneffort is 9* a- n.. d 1.0, 220,9.a0, .q
FILINEYPHO TRAPHS (gbeginning of the next term, and is made soon enoutgthe Univerahly s5 4s , eeei a 5". 1. SilS.a. a.
MILLI EYaND ARTr GOODS!enow practically completed. The Minnesota c an be one ot -the clege ad 12.05. tI sO,0 .1. 5.' a, .50 .55 . OhS. .nwSt 3'A' ; rsat. an. lsestbper,, r ie SNA itirs
V ttnia csStet basement contains about r1000 ock- tC55555to get into a game ts ,I ChAY5.carn'S
SH R H ND OZ ,-ir, o~ah ~ tb next Thanksiig- peb a wt 1 a isx0,~ssp
ITW>Y t YOI. hotanse~e"shower bathls and a large punge busr' te *-iivrilt s .-= F s~rdits at 20 .00, o. s. s.os.
Bualia, 20osthState Street. ' bath. Tef lraove has tie IUniv. of iVn. Afe. se.Foslehvesdastoropn.tcet,1

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